Economy destroys expectations and adds 272,000 jobs in May

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and guess what? None of those items that you just mentioned exist today. You can marry, join the army, or adopt. Hell you might be able to adopt easier or get promoted quicker in the army because you’re gay.
Why are we still celebrating gay pride when you can do all the things a straight person can do yet you want to suppress me for being straight?
I don't know . . . maybe when bigots stop verbally berating and/or physically beating the crap out of individuals who are in the LGBTQ community simply because . . . they are in the LGBTQ community.

JFC. It's. Not. That. Difficult.
You need to stop when you are behind. The annals of history are rife with examples of people in the LGBTQ community torturing and killing straight people because, you know, of their "straightness." RME.
Do some research. Even reports of anti straight crimes usually turn out to be anti LGBTQ in reality. Pretty sad you're really trying to both sides this issue.

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There is no justification on this board or in life in general.
Look at all the other hypocrisy on this board.
You have people calling each other names non stop. Just because you’re more sensitive to one doesn’t mean others aren’t sensitive to the names they are being called.
I’d also like to shed some light on the hypocrites bashing Trump for being a criminal which is rightfully deserved but these same people are constantly talking about their illegal drug use and I constantly read about one of the posters having multiple DUI’s.
trump was president and he's trying to be president again. Think about that, if it's possible.
I don't know . . . maybe when bigots stop verbally berating and/or physically beating the crap out of individuals who are in the LGBTQ community simply because . . . they are in the LGBTQ community.

JFC. It's. Not. That. Difficult.
You trying to pretend that a trans terrorist didn't just recently shoot up a school of Christian children bc they were Christian?
and guess what? None of those items that you just mentioned exist today. You can marry, join the army, or adopt. Hell you might be able to adopt easier or get promoted quicker in the army because you’re gay.
Why are we still celebrating gay pride when you can do all the things a straight person can do yet you want to suppress me for being straight?
LOL I've never seen someone puff out their chest so much about being straight. Seriously, just come out already. This would be the perfect month to do so.
My clients are primarily industrial product manufacturing business. I hosted a workshop in March of this year. Nearly every attendee told me that their businesses were extremely busy. Booked with projects well into the end of 2025. Lots of "irons" in the fire for potential projects after that. Struggling with finding enough qualified manufacturing workers - primarily welders (if you are qualified to weld stainless steel, the job market should be your oyster right now).

I asked whether they are working on domestic or foreign projects. The majority of projects were domestic.
Of all these big deals, how many are signed, sealed and delivered? More importantly, how many are paid for in cash, or have locked down, fixed rate financing in place?
Awkward The Simpsons GIF
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LOL I've never seen someone puff out their chest so much about being straight. Seriously, just come out already. This would be the perfect month to do so.
You’re clearly a bigot. Loser.
I just get a kick out of people that get so pissed off that someone shares that they are straight but yet think it’s totally fine for a gay person to do it.
Who gives a flying fvck if someone is straight or gay.
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High interest rates and massive debt will eventually crash the economy, but by all means, marxist minions, keep cheering on the creation of a massive amount of government jobs--aka more debt--and janitorial positions to occupy the masses of ILLEGALS between thefts—aka more inflation!
High interest rates? Where? America thrived when rates ran 7-9% back in the Clinton days. Rates tanked when Republicans allowed deficit spending to run out of control, and when Republicans encouraged Congress to to no longer oversee the banking industry (both during Junior’s administration) and these acts created the collapse of the mortgage insurance industry and threatened the validity of the US dollar as a world currency. That is why interest rates fell to record lows….because Republican Presidential and Congressional policies Allowed this to occur. Rates fell worldwide because $$$ became worthless…the worth of a currency is certainly reflected in its rates. 5-10% money would be in the norm, I believe…lower or higher rates would indicate a currency in some distress.
Of all these big deals, how many are signed, sealed and delivered? More importantly, how many are paid for in cash, or have locked down, fixed rate financing in place?

Signed? All of them.
Sealed? Since there is a signed purchase order, all of them.
Delivered? By definition, if the clients / attendees are in the process of manufacturing the equipment, none of them have been delivered.

All of them mentioned that they have responded to requests for proposals which have not yet been accepted but they've advised that delivery would not be until Q3 or Q4 of 2025.

I don't ask about how customers are paying for the equipment.
What if it’s moron queer or stupid queer?
I see moron and stupid used to describe someone all the time on here
Why add queer at all? It had nothing to do w the topic. Just call him moron or stupid if you feel the need I guess? I honestly don't know if you guys are trolls or just aggrieved small minded people. Whatever.
Why add queer at all? It had nothing to do w the topic. Just call him moron or stupid if you feel the need I guess? I honestly don't know if you guys are trolls or just aggrieved small minded people. Whatever.
I was just going off of the quote below. I thought we were talking with someone that is actually queer which was thought to be the acceptable term today.
I guess regardless of them being queer or not being queer, how is it different than calling someone a maga when they are not a maga. I’ve been called one multiple times and I can’t stand trump which I’ve pointed out multiple times.
I thought “queer” was perfectly acceptable terminology these days..
It's hard to keep up with being a decent human being?
Like you?
“He’s just a dumb kid that made a mistake” seems like a defense of his actions. But you only muddy the waters when MAGA dipshits are involved.

“I don’t get my news from Fox”, says dipshit who constantly shares links to Fox new stories.

More projection from another MAGA mouth breather.

“He may be a rapist, but he’s MY rapist.”

- MAGA dipshits like Northern
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What if it’s moron queer or stupid queer?
I see moron and stupid used to describe someone all the time on here
Thought you said that it didn't matter to you if someone is gay or straight? You're not exactly being hidden here on how you really feel.
and guess what? None of those items that you just mentioned exist today. You can marry, join the army, or adopt. Hell you might be able to adopt easier or get promoted quicker in the army because you’re gay.
Why are we still celebrating gay pride when you can do all the things a straight person can do yet you want to suppress me for being straight?
How about we recognize that the ability to do each and every one of those things were accomplished over the screaming objections of conservatives. I remember Steve Deace on WHO nearly crying because then end of the family was upon us.

Why do we need to recognize pride? Maybe because a significant percentage of Americans want to remove those rights from those folks.
I was just going off of the quote below. I thought we were talking with someone that is actually queer which was thought to be the acceptable term today.
I guess regardless of them being queer or not being queer, how is it different than calling someone a maga when they are not a maga. I’ve been called one multiple times and I can’t stand trump which I’ve pointed out multiple times.
It's cute how the guy with a straight power flag is just "pretending" to ask these questions. Pretty clear how you really think of gay people.
Lots of insecure dudes in this thread. But, don’t worry @Huey, they’re only keyboard warriors. They don’t have the stones to say any derogatory things to anyone’s face.
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It's cute how the guy with a straight power flag is just "pretending" to ask these questions. Pretty clear how you really think of gay people.
What’s wrong with what I asked?
Seems to me you’re butthurt because you feel like you’re the only one that can receive any attention because of your gay pride. You’d hate to have straight people take that attention or think any other group of people are ever discriminated against.
How about we recognize that the ability to do each and every one of those things were accomplished over the screaming objections of conservatives. I remember Steve Deace on WHO nearly crying because then end of the family was upon us.

Why do we need to recognize pride? Maybe because a significant percentage of Americans want to remove those rights from those folks.
Here's the problem with Mr. Insecure's argument in this thread. Our rights are in no way protected. Gay marriage has only been national for a decade whereas straight people have been able to get married for the entire existence of this country. But Insecure Boy wants us to believe that we have nothing to worry about with a 6-3 court post Dobbs. If Roe couldn't stand after 60 years of being enshrined a right I have zero confidence Obergefell can stand after a mere 9 years.
It's cute how the guy with a straight power flag is just "pretending" to ask these questions. Pretty clear how you really think of gay people.
It’s cute how the guy with a gay flag is “pretending” that he gets called derogatory names all the time when he’s the one using them. Pretty clear you have issues with anyone outside your sexual preference and political preference.
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What’s wrong with what I asked?
Seems to me you’re butthurt because you feel like you’re the only one that can receive any attention because of your gay pride. You’d hate to have straight people take that attention or think any other group of people are ever discriminated against.
If you can't see Hitman's post as being intended as an gay slur then there's little point in me continuing this conversation with you.
It’s cute how the guy with a gay flag is “pretending” that he gets called derogatory names all the time when he’s the one using them. Pretty clear you have issues with anyone outside your sexual preference and political preference.
Another post of pure projection. You only confirm my worries that people like you will strip away my rights just as soon as you can get a case in front of the pieces of crap on the Supreme Court.
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What’s wrong with what I asked?
Seems to me you’re butthurt because you feel like you’re the only one that can receive any attention because of your gay pride. You’d hate to have straight people take that attention or think any other group of people are ever discriminated against.
I'm just trying to understand why we need a month long celebration because a portion of society likes to have their willy in a brownie, or likes another Willie in theirs?

What exactly is the celebration about that you need a whole month for it?

Veterans get a day
Mothers get a day
Father's get a day

But for this we need a month?
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