*****Election day 2023 thread*****

If you support this brand of crazy you aren't a reasonable person. Sorry.

Do you actually believe all Rs support the KKK, support violent takeover of the government and think we are all animals?
They keep voting for people who do so what else are we supposed to think? You don't get to say one thing, then vote for the exact opposite, but then try to play it off that you aren't crazy "like those other Republicans". Stop voting for crazy fascists and then you can say that you aren't a crazy fascists. But as long as the crazy fascists keep winning the primaries and are the candidates in the election, that is who the party is.
I think what Santorum meant to say is “direct democracy” vs “pure democracy” - and he would have a point. We’ve created a system to have an intermediary for our voice - it’s what the Founders wanted.

However, this process falls apart in heavily gerrymandered Ohio. No way would reproductive health autonomy or recreational marijuana pass in Ohio via a representative vote. That’s why the people still need means to address their government directly.

But…yeah…lots of copium in this clip.


It took too long but ALL of America is waking up to MAGA and tired of this BS. They are sick of it. I hope for our nation’s sake the GOP wakes up and figure it out quickly and take back their party from the lunatics driving it and trying to drive the country off the cliff. If I was a betting man, I would bet the farm they will not and will once again double down. We will know shortly if the house decides to default on our debt…
It will take a couple more election cycles. MAGA has a firm grip on the party and their leader is demolishing any (weak) resistance.
Yep. And the other huge thing and why time is running out is as a longterm strategy, MAGA was the exact opposite of what the GOP needed to do from a viability strategy. They had seen the demographic shift coming for 20 years now and instead of developing a plan for getting younger and minority and women and LGBTQ and non Christian voters, they went all in on the opposite of that.

Yep. And the other huge thing and why time is running out is as a longterm strategy, MAGA was the exact opposite of what the GOP needed to do from a viability strategy. They had seen the demographic shift coming for 20 years now and instead of developing a plan for getting younger and minority and women and LGBTQ and non Christian voters, they went all in on the opposite of that.
The opposite of that being an orange colored criminal who hates anyone that doesn’t blindly support him.

The republicans are getting exactly what they deserve for that.
Youngkin will have to radically alter his position on abortion / reproduction rights or face likely defeat himself.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Virginia governors can’t run for re-election. They are allowed to run for a second term, just not consecutive ones.
Nah Romeny, Kenzinger, and Cheney seem to be good.

The rest of them either support the violent takeover of the government or refuse to openly stand against it.
No. I think many of us refuse to allow the narrative to become about a few hundred people breaking into the capital. They didn't represent the other 70 million Trump voters like you want them to. Yes I condemn the people involved in jan 6th. I certainly don't condone any attempt to riot or destroy property for any cause. Any of the people involved in it deserve to be punished. Period. Yes Trump was and is part of the problem. My party needs to move away from Trump ASAP.

What about the Nashville shooter? Do you openly condemn the rhetoric contained in the manifesto? Do you condemn the Squad for their brand of crazy on just about every issue? Do you feel, as many on this board do, that Republicans need to be violently gotten rid of? Are you condemning Antifa? Are you agreeing with a certain ring of your party destroying property and breaching the fence at the White House over Israeli destruction of Hamas? Because if you stand for any of these things you are no better than the people on Jan 6th in being a threat to our democracy.
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They keep voting for people who do so what else are we supposed to think? You don't get to say one thing, then vote for the exact opposite, but then try to play it off that you aren't crazy "like those other Republicans". Stop voting for crazy fascists and then you can say that you aren't a crazy fascists. But as long as the crazy fascists keep winning the primaries and are the candidates in the election, that is who the party is.
Well I intend to do my best next year to convince others to move away from Trump. Vivek, Haley, DeSantis are all much better options. We may, as a party, need to wait 4 years to rid ourselves of the cancer he has become.

I'm not sure that many in the party do keep voting for crazy. We keep losing elections since 2020. I don't think it's Democrat policy people vote for. As soon as Trump endorses anyone they lose. Or so it seems.

Like in posted earlier, you party is full of crazy as well. The Squad is undeniably bad for America. They hate America. So as soon as you follow the lead of 22 Democrats and approve censure and or expulsion of Tlaib, Omar and Pressley I'll believe you that what you want is what's best for America.

I don't hate my Democrat friends. I just think they are wrong and will tell them so. So many, on here at least, and other places like Arlington VA, hate Republicans. This isn't good for our union. That level of vitriol is also poison. So do your part to mend fences and we will have the common ground we all need right now. So many players on the world stage see us as a divided country, weak in the knees, tearing itself apart from the inside and world stability is at risk consequently.
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No. I think many of us refuse to allow the narrative to become about a few hundred people breaking into the capital. They didn't represent the other 70 million Trump voters like you want them to. Yes I condemn the people involved in jan 6th. I certainly don't condone any attempt to riot or destroy property for any cause. Any of the people involved in it deserve to be punished. Period. Yes Trump was and is part of the problem. My party needs to move away from Trump ASAP.

What about the Nashville shooter? Do you openly condemn the rhetoric contained in the manifesto? Do you condemn the Squad for their brand of crazy on just about every issue? Do you feel, as many on this board do, that Republicans need to be violently gotten rid of? Are you condemning Antifa? Are you agreeing with a certain ring of your party destroying property and breaching the fence at the White House over Israeli destruction of Hamas? Because if you stand for any of these things you are no better than the people on Jan 6th in being a threat to our democracy.

First of all I'm not a Dem, I'm termporarily aligned with them because the only other major party is busy trying to overturn democracy.

A lot of of the leaders of your party are trying to say Trump didn't do anything wrong and all the indictments against him are political.

After the Nashville shooting the Dems again tried to enact gun control measures to stop crazy and violent people like her from getting guns. No one is defending Antifa other than Antifa. I think the R's get a little nuts about them calling them a terrorist org even though they havn't really killed anyone. Personally I think they are just a group of rabble rousers who want to jump into any left wing protest and take things to a criminal excess. But terrorists? Give me a break. Terrorists kill people.

The group that attacked the WH is also a fringe group. They don't run the show in the Democratic party, they were in fact upset at the guy in the Democratic party who does run the show (Biden)

Trump and his MAGA nutters run the show in the Republican party.
Well I intend to do my best next year to convince others to move away from Trump. Vivek, Haley, DeSantis are all much better options. We may, as a party, need to wait 4 years to rid ourselves of the cancer he has become.

I'm not sure that many in the party do keep voting for crazy. We keep losing elections since 2020. I don't think it's Democrat policy people vote for. As soon as Trump endorses anyone they lose. Or so it seems.

Like in posted earlier, you party is full of crazy as well. The Squad is undeniably bad for America. They hate America. So as soon as you follow the lead of 22 Democrats and approve censure and or expulsion of Tlaib, Omar and Pressley I'll believe you that what you want is what's best for America.

I don't hate my Democrat friends. I just think they are wrong and will tell them so. So many, on here at least, and other places like Arlington VA, hate Republicans. This isn't good for our union. That level of vitriol is also poison. So do your part to mend fences and we will have the common ground we all need right now. So many players on the world stage see us as a divided country, weak in the knees, tearing itself apart from the inside and world stability is at risk consequently.
Democrats are in no way the same as Republicans. Part of your party's problem is they keep falling into the "both sides!" trap. This is what right wing media is pushing so it makes it seem like it's not so bad to vote for the guy who is actively campaigning on using the Insurrection Act to arrest political rivals and Democrats as soon as he is in power.

No where are Democrats even close to this. You have a certain subset of progressives who are pro-Palestine and want the US to punish Israel, but they are not getting any traction with that. The most they have been able to do is get Biden to plea for a cease fire while he sends two aircraft carriers and a nuclear submarine to the region. Biden may lose Michigan because of this issue but he isn't budging from his position of supporting Israel, because that's what America does. The only reason Trump supports Israel is because he like Netanyahu and respects him as the dictator Trump wants to be. It has nothing to do with what American foreign policy has been, is, or should be moving forward.

The so-called "crazies" in the Democratic party do not dictate the overall direction of the party, not like they do in the Republican party. They have a seat at the table, but that's it. But because Fox News keeps screaming "Both sides!", Republicans have no idea of what Democratic policy actually is, let alone who is driving that policy. Anything to make the fascism of the right acceptable enough for them to vote for it.

“Daniel Cameron lost because he couldn’t alleviate the stench of Mitch McConnell. I told him early that’s a big burden to overcome. McConnell and Romney are Kryptonite for Republican Candidates. I moved him up 25 Points, but the McConnell relationship was “too much to bear.” Tate Reeves, on the other hand, surged to a win for Governor in Mississippi after my involvement. Congratulations to Tate!

Donald Trump Truth Social Post 11:16 AM EST 11/08/23”
Dudes got a point on every last gripe he had in this rant. If Rs want to commit coups and strip people of bodily rights, they deserve to be called out for it.
Other than being emotional and swearing, he was completely rational. I have no problems with bad words, so he sure didn’t come across as unhinged to me - just justifiably pissed, which is his right.
Yes I condemn the people involved in jan 6th. I certainly don't condone any attempt to riot or destroy property for any cause. Any of the people involved in it deserve to be punished. Period. Yes Trump was and is part of the problem. My party needs to move away from Trump ASAP.
The problem with the GOP is that yours is a minority opinion in the party. What you said above is reasonable. And would also get you taken out in a primary if you were running for office or re-election. (Rock-solid conservative Liz Cheney is Exhibit A.)
Simply dumping Trump won't solve the GOP woes. Neither will simply hiring Haley. The GOP is internally broken. Voters have profoundly rejected some of their core beliefs, like abortion, and until the Rs can remove these core beliefs, and replace them with stuff voters actually want, the GOP will only continue to lose elections.

Oh, and stop jacking with our democracy. That will help, too.