Enjoy Europe while we can

I can't fault your rankings. Were you in Munich for Oktoberfest? I've been a couple times and I've described it to anyone that will listen as the happiest you and 100,000 strangers will ever be.

To fill out your roster, let me recommend Prague, Krakow, Rovinj, Ljubljana, Porto, Antwerp, and Copenhagen. Also, don't sleep on the Baltics. Leave Spain, Italy, and the rest of Scandinavia for last - overrated all.
We did Vienna and Prague one year and I much preferred Prague. My in laws also have mentioned Krakow as a place they really liked and they have been all over the world.
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We did Vienna and Prague one year and I much preferred Prague. My in laws also have mentioned Krakow as a place they really liked and they have been all over the world.
Absolutely. We rented an Opel van in 2017 and took the kids on this loop. They still rate it as their favorite vacation. The Russian occupation had already started so Avis wouldn't let us take the van into Ukraine so we had to park at Przemysl and hired a taxi to take us on to Lviv. It was a pretty good adventure. And collectively fairly cheap for Europe. No offense, Slovakia.

I can't fault your rankings. Were you in Munich for Oktoberfest? I've been a couple times and I've described it to anyone that will listen as the happiest you and 100,000 strangers will ever be.

To fill out your roster, let me recommend Prague, Krakow, Rovinj, Ljubljana, Porto, Antwerp, and Copenhagen. Also, don't sleep on the Baltics. Leave Spain, Italy, and the rest of Scandinavia for last - overrated all.
It was during the Christmas Markets so everyone is happy.

Good call with Prague. That's on our list in the next 5-10 years.
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I just got back from London and Dublin and both cities are more “international” but everyone is too busy to be rude or unkind.
There were neighborhoods we went through in taxis that we noticed were more “sketchy” and not as well kept but they were still more neatly kept than some neighborhoods here in the US.
I never for one second felt unsafe.
Only problem I have had in England and Ireland has been the language barrier.
t the Dublin airport I asked a man where I should get off the bus. It seemed like he said Oklahoma street. I repeated it to him and he said yeah.
I got on the bus and could see that there was no Oklahoma street stop but there was an O’Connell street stop. So I got off at O’Connell street and it was right