Explain your screen name

Tigger. In high school a cute little blond cheerleader noticed on one of my folders I had a Tony the Tiger sticker. She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I think you are more of a tigger than a tiger.". Many, many years after that I found out that the Disney adaptation of Tigger was "born" in 1968 which just happens to be the year of my birth.
Tigger. In high school a cute little blond cheerleader noticed on one of my folders I had a Tony the Tiger sticker. She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I think you are more of a tigger than a tiger.". Many, many years after that I found out that the Disney adaptation of Tigger was "born" in 1968 which just happens to be the year of my birth.

Had a crazy bar night in Des Moines with my high school wrestling buddies/posse. This was over a decade ago. Anyways, there were 4 of us that went out that night. We got wicked...loaded.

Lot of crazy stuff that night. Everyone kind of blacked out around 2 in the morning. Woke up the next morning to two of my friends complaining about their buttcheeks hurting. One of them got a tattoo of Woodstock, the bird from “Peanuts” with the quote, “I Love Cows” written underneath it. This tattoo is on his butt. The other guy got a tattoo of “Tigger” with the phrase “They’re Grrrrrreat!” underneath. On his butt. Which is funny because it obviously confuses Tigger with Tony the Tiger. I was one of the 2 lucky ones who didn’t end up with some weird tattoo on his butt. Thank goodness.

None of us really have any recollection of the tattoo parlor. To this day, I wonder if one of us put the other two up to it because we thought it’d be funny or if they tried to get a tattoo of something else somewhere else on their body, but were too drunk to realize what was going on and the tattoo artist did it on purpose because we (at least they) were acting like drunken buffoons in the tattoo shop.
I think I've had this posting name since the days of

In my youth I was obnoxiously opinionated to the point I was rightly hounded on everything I said. Now, it's only about 90%.

And, being older and wiser, I now use methods that are less exhausting, like having an avatar of an obnoxious Tiger Hawk hybrid I designed.

I do hate that avatar...................

So it's working.

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Sans Souci is a French phrase meaning no worries. It's also an Island on the Cedar River that has a great history in Waterloo.

My great grandfather went to Iowa then became the student body president of Yale law school. He moved back to Waterloo and practiced law, ran for governor twice as an Irish Catholic Democrat. Even with the Irish and the Catholic he was close. He died at 43 after years of being one of the most sought after orators in the country. Just bragging for the dead guy.

Back to the point, he was one of the original founders of the Sans Souci association. Privately owned Island, maybe 160 acres, twenty homes, with a hotel and the first golf course in Waterloo.

We had five generations of us on the Island before the flood of 2008. The only flood that had any effect on the housing. Waterloo and the total POS of a Mayor Hurley, who's grave I'll piss on while family is still there, ended it all.

That's the long story of Sans Souci. Rip

"It's my Island"

Two Words:

Jim Hackett!

Worked with him for years!

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Quite honestly,I really reject alot of what Northwestern stands for. My skin crawls just being near some of the alums or students. Another reason why I root for Iowa and Indiana. NU is way to materialistic and elitist for my taste. I would definitely favor a school like Wisconsin or Michigan if a smart kid wants to stay in Midwest. 90 percent of the graduates from NU lose their true souls before the age of 25 and never get it back. Lost souls. Just sayin!

That's all right, that's okay, we're gonna be your boss some day!

F'ing Northwestern student chant.

Well, since WWDM is apparently on a Kwood-type offseason routine...

During October one year, then known as "WDMHawkeye", our good friend, posted some disparaging comments on the football board. A little fuzzy, but I've always assumed his comments were along the lines of the following:
1) Iowa should never punt inside their opponent's 35 yd line.
2) Do we even know what a dime package is?
3) Draw play on 3rd and 15? Brilliant!
4) Can we go back to the yellow helmets with the cursive "Iowa" on the side?
Well, as it happens, the mods undies were washed in hot water and fitting rather tightly that day and he found himself "banned".

A minor set back for a sharp, young lad from Luther College, so he reinvents himself and wait for it...

As "WDMMHawkeye" (brilliant, right?)

But he wasn't able to control his vitriol, so he started posting again:
1) Vertical passing game? My foot.
2) How many delay of game penalties can we get in a game?
3) The next time we stop a fake punt will be the first.
4) I'd like to see the Tim Dwight "Banana unis" come back.

And so he was banned, again.


But if you think that would stop this kid, you were wrong. Like Borschel rallying against Henrich, he kept coming. This time as "WWDMHawkeye".

By placing the "W" in front of the "WDM", he was able to trick the mods and has been hiding in plain sight ever since.

I didn't do it!

Canada has Emerald Health, re-upping tomorrow. Any U.S. juniors you like

On second thought..... If you are up for a little research...

Find out which companies manufacture industrial hemp harvesting equipment and buy in if possible. At this point, it looks like CBD oil might have the biggest GLOBAL market potential of all things cannabis. The industry is ramping up.

I’d also research or inquire into companies that process cbd oil from hemp.....

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