Not to pick on Brian but it’s an obvious example of the fallacy of this argument. The abuse of thousands of children by Catholic priests (and by Protestant youth pastors) puts the lie to the idea that organized religion puts any special brake on peoples’ behaviors. People - ALL people - build their moral code based on their environment and to a far lesser extent, their DNA. Those raised in a moral environment will exhibit, for the most part, ethical behaviors. If parents want to use the church to serve as a guide, more power to them…quite sincerely. It isn’t necessary by ANY stretch. Parents and families and the community are fully capable of instilling moral values in children with no need for the church.
Christianity can be a force for good. So too can Islam or Buddhism or Shintoism or humanism. All can be subverted, as well. None of them hold any special place over the other. History vividly demonstrates it.