Fact checking only one candidate is not healthy for America

Initial fact checks showed Trump made 33 completely false statements, as compared to 1 by Harris. It was the moderators fault that Trump is an egregious serial liar? LMAO.


They fact-checked Harris; only there were far fewer 'corrections' to make.
OP is incapable of understanding this key point.
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Please understand that none of these politicians really don't manage anything,.. they make guesses, leap, and cross their fingers.


ACA just "passed itself"
Medicare drug caps "just happened"
Insulin price cap "magically appeared"
Infrastructure Bill, that the CEO of US Steel claimed was a "Renaissance" in American manufacturing "passed itself"
Inflation Reduction Act, creating scores of new renewable energy jobs in America was because "someone crossed their fingers"

Smoke and Mirrors is the GOP platform; perhaps if you stepped away from electing those idiots, you'd see better progress (and we wouldn't be stuck with GOP politicians trying to take credit for bills that Democrats got passed)
1.9% inflation under Trump and his deficit was largely due to covid,... un-check and un-check.


The deficits, and increased debt, are largely related to Bush and Trump tax cuts on the wealthy, dropping revenues well below their typical track. You need that re-posted for you to sink in? How many times do you need to see it before it "sets in" for you?
An attempt to select individuals who would make guesses similar to mine,.. That's all you can really hope for.
Or to select individuals who would have competent people around them that help with the decision making. One of the candidates would (Harris) and the other wouldn't (Trump).
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Please list the many debunked claims that Kamala made. I will give you that the "good people on both sides" was arguably taking Trump's own words out of context.
Nonsense. If you listen to Trump's expanded comments, he eventually tries to make a distinction between the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists on one hand and others - presumably the very fine ones - who were only there to peacefully protest the removal of Robert E Lee's statue. What percentage do you think that was? And of those, how many - if any - weren't racist?

Don't let the right talk you out of your first impression. Your first impression was correct.

We shouldn't condemn a crowd of protesters just because a few of them are bad apples. On the other hand, we shouldn't absolve a crowd of protesters just because a few of them might not be racist or fascist. Which is what Trump tried to do.
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The problem is, like yourself, many Democrats live in an echo chamber. You wouldn’t even know when a Democrat is lying and the media won’t cover it either. Harris brought up many debunked claims and lied many times throughout.
Projection. You know how I know? Trump is the only beacon of truth for his supporters. EVERYONE ELSE is lying. It's a cult.
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Projection. You know how I know? Trump is the only beacon of truth for his supporters. EVERYONE ELSE is lying. It's a cult.
Trump could tell his voters that his shit actually tastes like the finest most delicious chocolate in the world but they have to pay $20 for a cup of it to find out.

There would be a line a mile long and he'd make a lot of money.
The problem is, like yourself, many Democrats live in an echo chamber. You wouldn’t even know when a Democrat is lying and the media won’t cover it either. Harris brought up many debunked claims and lied many times throughout.

I'm bias, but to me the GOP and more specifically MAGA Republicans seem to be the people most locked into a media and viral content feedback loop.
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Just the fact that the moderators actually called the city manager of Springfield Ohio to confirm this, because they knew he would bring it up, is telling.
And X and Facebook are full of people trying to insist that this story is true. No no no, we don't believe the city manager or the reporters on ABC but we'll believe this random sketchy video clip I saw on social media!
Yes, the moderators were clearly all in on Kamala but this was a known thing before the debate started. Trump should have performed better despite this. Her record is so bad and easy to call out that trump shouldn't need the moderators to call out Harris repeated lies, though it would have been nice to see.
Agree totally. He simply failed on this one. He had been told that she was in MAJOR debate prep and took her AND the moderators way to lightly. I already felt he was going to fail on this one. Truly, he should have The only positive is that the memory of this debate will fade quickly and it will be back to the issues...which I was told (I did not watch) neither candidate really address.
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The problem is, like yourself, many Democrats live in an echo chamber. You wouldn’t even know when a Democrat is lying and the media won’t cover it either. Harris brought up many debunked claims and lied many times throughout.
Putin is literally paying people to feed MAGAts lies and those same MAGAts swallow every one and puke them up on social media moments later.

BTW, that pic of a black man carrying a goose that started the whole dog-eating bullshit that your boy vomited up last night…the guy who took that picture has claimed it. It was in Columbus, not Springfield, he only took it because it was odd to see a man carrying a goose down the street, and he has no idea who the guy with the goose is. He went on to say:

"I wish I never took it, for sure. And I hate that the picture that I took is being weaponized to use against immigrants, or really, any other group. They always have to have somebody to use as a weapon. Some group to be the bad guy.”
The reason they fact checked Trump only 5 times is because they were on a time limit.

If they fact checked every thing he said, the debate would've had to been scheduled to go for 10+ hours.
Why do you think that’s an actual problem. Trump has waffled more than Waffle House.
It’s a fvcking problem that Trump does it too! Or are you saying Trump-Raquel behavior is perfectly fine (by anyone other than Yrinp, of course).

Holy shit. Funny how all of the problems the left claims to have with Trump and the right, they completely excuse in their own turds because “Trump did it too”.