Fact checking only one candidate is not healthy for America

From Charlottesville to "bloodbath", the moderators failed to act.

ABC Presidential Debate: Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis fact-check Trump 5 times, 0 for Harris

Moderators only tend to fact check when a canidate is lying. drump was lying and deserved to be called out. Harris was not lying, thus not called out.
It is very simple.
What 5 areas did the mods “fact check” Trump? I didn’t watch but I heard they called him on Ohioans having their cats eaten by Haitians…I heard there were two other things they called him in..but as I said, I didn’t watch.
Read the initial OP’s attached article…the 5 are listed in there.
I would talk to Putin . . . I would talk to Zelensky and I would make a deal. Russia never would have attacked if I was president. Moderator, do you want Ukraine to win . . . Trump refuses to answer the question.
Because it was a dumb ass question…that frankly doesn’t deserve a response. Of course, ALL Americans…including Mr. Trump…want Ukraine to push Russia back out of their country.
Read the initial OP’s attached article…the 5 are listed in there.
Hans….the fact remains the “5 fact checks” were on points of blatant proven falsehoods….There is NO state that allows “execution” of a baby…that is murder! There is NO evidence of fact that Haitian refugees are eating cats/dogs in Ohio…..NONE! The fact is right now, crime in the US is DOWN…..look at the stats….the “sarcasm” used by Trump was totally refuted by Trump……he initially said the admission was “sarcasm” but then a few seconds later he said the election was stolen….the Pelosi story…who knows what the OT is trying to say…..and actually #’s 4 and 5 barely qualify as “fact checks”….bur #1,2 and 3 were all obvious well established lies Trump tried to pass as “facts”.
Trump has no policies other than tax cuts for the wealthy. I guess that's the most important thing to you...helping the rich get wealthy.
You forget about…closing the southern border, tough on crime policies, decreasing America’s dependence on foreign oil, reducing gov’t regulations, getting out of foreign wars, etc. 😜
I think where the moderators failed was never mentioning the fact that we currently have a president who is a barely functioning potato and to ask about how she plans on helping us get through the next few months without anyone with a pulse in the White House.
Classic BS from a rotten potato. Rotten potatos smell really bad.
TRUMP CLAIM: Trump said, 'I'd like to give you 10,000 National Guard soldiers. They rejected me. Nancy [Pelosi] rejected me.'


The final report by the bipartisan Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol determined there was "no evidence" to support the claim that Trump gave an order "to have 10,000 troops ready for January 6th."

The report quoted President Trump's Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, who directly refuted this claim under oath, saying, "There was no direct order from the President" to put 10,000 troops to be on the ready for Jan. 6.

Instead, the report noted that when Trump referenced that number of troops, it was not to protect the Capitol but that he had "floated the idea of having 10,000 National Guardsmen deployed to protect him and his supporters from any supposed threats by left-wing counter-protesters."

more here

OMG. The Orange Turd didn't have 10,000 troops ready. This makes the Orange peel a liar. Is this the 1st lie he played on the public?

Nah! Can we simply add this to the stack this bold-face liar has broadcast to the willing, gullible public. This characterless POS redefined the Presidency to an office lacking honor, decency and integrity.
I think the moderators failed by not correcting Trump when he blamed Harris for actions of the president when she was not the president.
Yep. Obviously a lot of folks skipped civics class the day that the Vice Presidential duties were discussed.
Cast the deciding vote in a Senate tie vote.
Take over if the President can’t perform.
And, other duties as assigned.

When drump, and Nikki Haley recently asked why Harris had not already implemented her policies, I horse laughed.
She has no power to do so, numpties.
For the 100th time, Trump has no policies other than a loose one on immigration
But he's magically going to make it 2019 again on january 20, 2025. He's going to wave a magic wand.

You have to laugh at these nuts that think there would have been no inflation if Trump had won in 2020. There was worldwide inflation, Trump got to coast off Obama for a few years but when the inevitable crisis came along he was in way way over his head.

And if these "inflation" voters in this thread (who are really just MAGA looking for their excuse to vote for Trump) and their "leaders" had had their way in the early 20's we probably would have ended up with the austerity stagflation that the Tories in the UK imposed on their population--they got all the inflation and none of the economic growth benefits from the leadership of Joe Biden and the Democrats in this country.
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Scruddy is bad at comprehension. I’m helping them.

When did Trump “close” the southern border, Hans? He never closed it.
If you add up the illegal immigration during trump's 4 years that total is still less than the "best" year (yes, single year) under biden/harris. It wasn't perfect but it was at minimum 4 to 5 times better by the numbers.
Maybe your guy shouldn't lie every time he speaks. Just a thought.
Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF

Perfect response, how is this thread 5 pages long?
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Because it was a dumb ass question…that frankly doesn’t deserve a response. Of course, ALL Americans…including Mr. Trump…want Ukraine to push Russia back out of their country.

Bullshit. The Orange Piece of Shit does not want Russia out of Ukraine, at least on Ukraine's terms. He wants Russian aggression. His unhealthy with fascination with Orban is not incidental.

If you watched the debate, you heard the question asked and the non-answer.
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But he never did “close” the border….that is just trump/MAGAt bullshit……right?
Trump did 5x better on illegal immigration than kamala and you're claiming he sucks bc he said he had the border "closed". You're not a serious person if you really think this way.


If you add up the illegal immigration during trump's 4 years that total is still less than the "best" year (yes, single year) under biden/harris. It wasn't perfect but it was at minimum 4 to 5 times better by the numbers.