FDA cancels meeting to update next season's flu vaccines, potentially disrupting flu vaccine manufacturing schedules for the 2025-2026 season


HB Legend
Nov 10, 2006
The Food and Drug Administration unexpectedly canceled an annual meeting of its advisers to update next season's influenza vaccines, an adviser on the panel and multiple officials confirm to CBS News, potentially upending the process to start manufacturing next winter's flu shots.
Even if the meeting is eventually scheduled for later this year, a delay could affect availability of shots at the beginning of flu season.

"This delay will really put manufacturers behind. It takes time to optimize updated vaccine virus strain production. They need as much time as possible before the upcoming fall vaccine season," a former federal health official told CBS News
"The cancellation is just the latest federal vaccine meeting to be disrupted.

A quarterly meeting of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices was unexpectedly postponed earlier this month, citing the need "to accommodate public comment in advance of the meeting."
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The USA has been hi-jacked by fringe lunatics.
The flu vaccine is between 20-60% effective. it doesn't prevent you from getting influenza. it's claim to fame is that it reduces severity of illness.

Just like covid, young healthy people are at a very low likelihood of getting seriously ill, hospitalized, or death from influenza. but influenza vaccines are a huge money maker for pharmaceutical companies. this is a pharmaceutical companies dream to have a med that is recommended to be taken every year but it doesn't really matter if it works or not. it looks to be about a 4 billion dollar industry for flu vaccines.

I hope rfk reviews the guidance that recommends the vaccine for all ages and acuity.

Most people have some level of skepticism about big pharma, and if you don't, then you should.
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The flu vaccine is between 20-60% effective. it doesn't prevent you from getting influenza. it's claim to fame is that it reduces severity of illness.

Just like covid, young healthy people are at a very low likelihood of getting seriously ill, hospitalized, or death from influenza. but influenza vaccines are a huge money maker for pharmaceutical companies. this is a pharmaceutical companies dream to have a med that is recommended to be taken every year but it doesn't really matter if it works or not. it looks to be about a 4 billion dollar industry for flu vaccines.

I hope rfk reviews the guidance that recommends the vaccine for all ages and acuity.

Most people have some level of skepticism about big pharma, and if you don't, then you should.
This isn’t a big Phrama issue, put away the tin foil hat and use common sense for a minute, if you can.

These vaccines are paid for mostly by insurance companies, free to individuals. Why do you think that is?

Because if you get them, they can save insurance companies money by preventing hospital stays that would cost them money.

Americans have zero common sense anymore. Just believe whatever your algorithm tells you to.
The flu vaccine is between 20-60% effective. it doesn't prevent you from getting influenza. it's claim to fame is that it reduces severity of illness.

Just like covid, young healthy people are at a very low likelihood of getting seriously ill, hospitalized, or death from influenza. but influenza vaccines are a huge money maker for pharmaceutical companies. this is a pharmaceutical companies dream to have a med that is recommended to be taken every year but it doesn't really matter if it works or not. it looks to be about a 4 billion dollar industry for flu vaccines.

I hope rfk reviews the guidance that recommends the vaccine for all ages and acuity.

Most people have some level of skepticism about big pharma, and if you don't, then you should.
God this garbage you typed out is stupid. Just look at post #3 as to why it is still worth it even if it isn't 100% effective. And by the way, just because the idiots in charge don't like it doesn't mean they need to block me from getting it. They can go f**k themselves.

On the other hand, killing off an extra 100k old people will lower the number of people on Social Security so I guess that's one way to make cuts.
Might be time to email bomb Susan Collins on this one - she's Chair of the Finance Committee.

Let her know that she cannot "just send a concerning email" this time, she needs to step in and cut off funds for RFKs salary and anything else until the attacks on vaccines for flu and Covid strains are stopped.

People have ALWAYS had the options for flu vaccines - this is eliminating that option, which for older adults and those with co-morbidities is a bad bad formula.
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sometimes when i try to be optimistic i say oh these guys wont pull vaccines, certainly not. and they won't... they will just do stuff like this to make it harder to make and receive.
Or perhaps the meeting gets rescheduled and the world doesn't come to an end?,... just a thought.

Most of the experts involved in these meetings have other jobs and busy schedules.

This not only makes "rescheduling" difficult, it most assuredly adds cost.

AND delays getting the vaccines ready for fall.

What are your "upsides" on this one?
Most of the experts involved in these meetings have other jobs and busy schedules. This not only makes "rescheduling" difficult, it most assuredly adds cost. AND delays getting the vaccines ready for fall. What are your "upsides" on this one?

Oh I see,.. this is another one of those topics where you prefer to simply piss and moan.
Oh I see,.. this is another one of those topics where you prefer to simply piss and moan.

WTF are you blabbering about now?

Rescheduling busy experts, who also have clinical appointments and other university functions (these are NOT all "FDA" or "NIH" employees, Cletus), is NOT a trivial exercise. It is WHY they put it on the calendar, EVERY YEAR, for the same time-frame.
This isn’t a big Phrama issue, put away the tin foil hat and use common sense for a minute, if you can.

These vaccines are paid for mostly by insurance companies, free to individuals. Why do you think that is?

Because if you get them, they can save insurance companies money by preventing hospital stays that would cost them money.

Americans have zero common sense anymore. Just believe whatever your algorithm tells you to.
Of course its a big pharma issue, pharmaceutical companies make a lot of money off of the vaccine. It is especially important that they get them covered by insurance or institutions. This took a lot of marketing to get these vaccines paid for, and the influenza vaccine was the gateway to more unnecessary "vaccines". For a pharma company, what is better than a drug that is recommended to the entire population that you take every year and is never denied payment. This is big pharmas dream med.

Big pharma was a driving force for the opioid epidemic. They got the joint commission and hospitals to add pain as the 5th vital sign where you had to ask every person if they were in pain. This happened at the same time Oxycontin was released and marketed as a safe long term use opioid. This fooled hospitals and the medical community for a long time. No things have reversed course and it can be very challenging to get an opioid rx even when it is needed. I use this as an example because things have now come full circle for opioids.

For the most part, they told me that the success by sales representatives to get physicians
to forget their conventional medical training and believe opioids were safe rested on the
premise they wouldn’t knowingly hide or ignore risks that hurt or kill people. No rational
person would do that—so these doctors took their word at face value that opioids were
safe. It’s normal to assume that a whole industry wouldn’t want to knowingly harm
people. The hundreds of thousands of deaths from opioids prescribed under false
pretenses is prove that there can be malicious groupthink. what I learned from is that my
personal welfare as an individual didn’t matter when enough money was on the line.

In a recent report, 60 Minutes exposed evidence that the FDA bent to the will of Purdue
Pharma when it changed the label for Oxycontin so that it could be used for long-term
pain management—without science to back it up.

From what we’ve seen, Big Pharma has significant influence over the FDA. However, we
don’t even know the extent to which this is the case. There’s a complete lack of
transparency and accountability. We don’t know who sits on these advisory committees
or the Exclusivity Board. We don’t know what their qualifications are, and we don’t
know if they understand patient needs or the greater context for public health
emergencies like the opioid crisis.

So yes, I do believe that the pharmaceutical industry has too much influence on the
science and data being presented as fact on behalf of the federal government. But until
the FDA is held accountable and we are provided insight into the administration’s inner
workings, we will never be sure of the full extent to which the FDA has allowed
misinformation to spread at the level of the public’s health and wellbeing.

The denial and orchestrated lies by the pharma industry have resulted in the deaths of
more than half a million people from overdoses related to or started by OxyContin.
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God this garbage you typed out is stupid. Just look at post #3 as to why it is still worth it even if it isn't 100% effective. And by the way, just because the idiots in charge don't like it doesn't mean they need to block me from getting it. They can go f**k themselves.

On the other hand, killing off an extra 100k old people will lower the number of people on Social Security so I guess that's one way to make cuts.
There is more nuance to this than you are aware of. FTR, I don't want to block anyone from getting the vaccine, I just want more people to know that it is minimally effective.

These are estimates and the numbers don't necessarily have a lot of meaning. The total number of influenza deaths have stayed the same since 1980, although the population has increased more than double. So the rate of death from influenza has declined, we cannot say for sure that this is due to vaccines or if it is due to other factors. "Decreases in hospitalization rates and case-fatality rates could be explained by improved outpatient management or increased rates of vaccination. Last, case-fatality rates were calculated by using deaths during the inpatient stay and not beyond, because coding did not permit 30-day outcomes."

We have significantly better treatment today for pneumonia and influenza than we had even 30 years ago. We have increased access to tests for influenza in the past 15 years. So if you go to the hospital or clinic, it is easy to get a influenza test. This increases the number of positives without actually increasing the number of people who are sick which drives down the overall hospitalization and death rate. We have also moved to electronic medical records and we have increased the resources for billing and coding thus capturing more influenza hospitalizations. Therefore we are able to track these numbers more easily now, but the numbers can also be manipulated by coding guidelines. For example, during 2020, the rate of influenza dropped off to almost nothing. Part of the reason for this is because if a person had covid and influenza, then covid was the principle diagnosis due to the coding guidelines. This inadvertently made covid pneumonia diagnoses look higher while falsely decreasing influenza pneumonia diagnoses.

During covid, it also became significantly more difficult to get a test for influenza. So many of the positive tests that would have shown up, but the person wasn't very sick did not show up during covid due to lack of testing for influenza. I promise that influenza did not just disappear during covid, instead, the respiratory symptoms were treated on an outpatient basis for symptomatic control.

No one wants to kill off more people, but the influenza vaccine doesn't prevent death, hospitalization, or even severe illness.
This took a lot of marketing to get these vaccines paid for

Practically no "marketing" involved.

Insurers will pay for them, because for the cost of 10,000 vaccine doses, you've paid for probably 1 hospitalization. And the vaccines will eliminated hundreds of hospitalizations.

Insurers pay for them, because the ROI is astronomically high. Go visit UIHC's immunology or epidemiology departments, and they can lay that out for you, firsthand.
There is more nuance to this than you are aware of. FTR, I don't want to block anyone from getting the vaccine, I just want more people to know that it is minimally effective.

These are estimates and the numbers don't necessarily have a lot of meaning. The total number of influenza deaths have stayed the same since 1980, although the population has increased more than double. So the rate of death from influenza has declined, we cannot say for sure that this is due to vaccines or if it is due to other factors. "Decreases in hospitalization rates and case-fatality rates could be explained by improved outpatient management or increased rates of vaccination. Last, case-fatality rates were calculated by using deaths during the inpatient stay and not beyond, because coding did not permit 30-day outcomes."

We have significantly better treatment today for pneumonia and influenza than we had even 30 years ago. We have increased access to tests for influenza in the past 15 years. So if you go to the hospital or clinic, it is easy to get a influenza test. This increases the number of positives without actually increasing the number of people who are sick which drives down the overall hospitalization and death rate. We have also moved to electronic medical records and we have increased the resources for billing and coding thus capturing more influenza hospitalizations. Therefore we are able to track these numbers more easily now, but the numbers can also be manipulated by coding guidelines. For example, during 2020, the rate of influenza dropped off to almost nothing. Part of the reason for this is because if a person had covid and influenza, then covid was the principle diagnosis due to the coding guidelines. This inadvertently made covid pneumonia diagnoses look higher while falsely decreasing influenza pneumonia diagnoses.

During covid, it also became significantly more difficult to get a test for influenza. So many of the positive tests that would have shown up, but the person wasn't very sick did not show up during covid due to lack of testing for influenza. I promise that influenza did not just disappear during covid, instead, the respiratory symptoms were treated on an outpatient basis for symptomatic control.

No one wants to kill off more people, but the influenza vaccine doesn't prevent death, hospitalization, or even severe illness.

Show your credentials or STFU. If you are not an epidemiologist then you do NOT know WTF you are talking about here. And based on the bullshit you are spewing here, if you were an epidemiologist you need to get your license revoked. It's one thing to believe these things but it is another to spread misinformation where ever you can. There are appropriate mediums to disagree with established science. A random message board is not one of them.
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Show your credentials or STFU. If you are not an epidemiologist then you do NOT know WTF you are talking about here. And based on the bullshit you are spewing here, if you were an epidemiologist you need to get your license revoked. It's one thing to believe these things but it is another to spread misinformation where ever you can. There are appropriate mediums to disagree with established science. A random message board is not one of them.
are you an epidemiologist? If not, what makes you so confident that you know wtf you are talking about.

The research is out there on influenza vaccine efficacy. The problem is no one actually takes the time to read it. Most people will just get the propagandized version of the study which usually makes exaggerated claims that were not actually listed in the study. The media and even the CDC love the relative risk reduction because it makes things look way better to uninformed people. for example, a healthy 18 year old has <2% chance of being hospitalized from flu, but the vaccine decreases this to <1% chance. This would be a RRR of 100%. Sounds great, except your actual risk reduction was only 1%. This is a common tactic by the pharmaceutical industry to make their drugs sound better than they are.

Very few people would take a medication that will only help 1 out of 100 people.

Healthy adults who receive inactivated parenteral influenza vaccine rather than no vaccine probably experience less influenza, from just over 2% to just under 1% (moderate‐certainty evidence).
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are you an epidemiologist? If not, what makes you so confident that you know wtf you are talking about.

Healthy adults who receive inactivated parenteral influenza vaccine rather than no vaccine probably experience less influenza, from just over 2% to just under 1% (moderate‐certainty evidence).
I'm not the one here trying to spout information that is the opposite of what actual epidemiologists are saying and research is showing. I don't need to be one because I'm not trying to say they are wrong.

Again, get the credentials or STFU. Your opinion is worthless and spreading this kind of misinformation is dangerous. If you want to be relevant, go get your degrees, go do your research, and go publish in a scientific journal. Go do the work.

And by the way, one or two random studies doesn't prove shit. Science is done by looking at hundreds of studies. Have you done that? I don't think so. What you are doing is called cherry picking data and it would get you laughed out of any serious room discussing these topics.
I'm not the one here trying to spout information that is the opposite of what actual epidemiologists are saying and research is showing. I don't need to be one because I'm not trying to say they are wrong.

Again, get the credentials or STFU. Your opinion is worthless and spreading this kind of misinformation is dangerous. If you want to be relevant, go get your degrees, go do your research, and go publish in a scientific journal. Go do the work.

And by the way, one or two random studies doesn't prove shit. Science is done by looking at hundreds of studies. Have you done that? I don't think so. What you are doing is called cherry picking data and it would get you laughed out of any serious room discussing these topics.
So you are saying you don't know what you are talking about. I have read the research, i have read hundreds of studies. I know what it says. I am not an epidemiologist. But that is a pretty stupid argument. Fauci is an immunologist, and he proved he could be wrong about a lot.

I am not claiming to know more than an epidemiologist, I am saying that what you are told in the media is not what the actual studies show. This is partially due to marketing, propaganda, big pharma influence, money, etc.

The FDA drug chief just went back to work for Pfizer after she finished her government work. They have a cozy relationship and this allows them to not ask certain questions.

Try educating yourself. Read the research on vaccine efficacy. read both sides of the science. Im not saying there is no benefit to the vaccine, Im saying most people probably don't need it because the risk is so low that its not worth it.
Oh I see,.. this is another one of those topics where you prefer to simply piss and moan.

Well, we also tried to convince people like you to help keep an incompetent idiot out of the White House, so we wouldn't have this kind of chaos. But you refused to listen and now keep defending everything he does. So piss and moan is all we got. Perhaps the general discourse in the country will eventually be enough to turn things around and make basic decency and competency relevant traits for our candidates.
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I'm not the one here trying to spout information that is the opposite of what actual epidemiologists are saying and research is showing. I don't need to be one because I'm not trying to say they are wrong.

Again, get the credentials or STFU. Your opinion is worthless and spreading this kind of misinformation is dangerous. If you want to be relevant, go get your degrees, go do your research, and go publish in a scientific journal. Go do the work.

And by the way, one or two random studies doesn't prove shit. Science is done by looking at hundreds of studies. Have you done that? I don't think so. What you are doing is called cherry picking data and it would get you laughed out of any serious room discussing these topics.
You attack me like you know I'm wrong with 100% certainty, but it's clear you don't actually know the truth. I encourage you to read what I linked. Find out for yourself what the research says.
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