Fire M*

It’s time to move on from Telford and get some new blood. A newer fresher perspective on staff doesn’t hurt. Team needs to pick up a bible and strengthen themselves through trust in the lord.

And finally get rid of the absolute waste that is a women’s program and invest that money into the HWC/RTC
It’s time to move on from Telford and get some new blood. A newer fresher perspective on staff doesn’t hurt. Team needs to pick up a bible and strengthen themselves through trust in the lord.

And finally get rid of the absolute waste that is a women’s program and invest that money into the HWC/RTC
Absolute waste that is a women’s program. You are a f****** Moran.
Women’s wrestling saved wrestling you dumb f***. You obviously never wrestled at a high level or know much about it.
Ahh yes the gender that is inferior in every way, saved the sport. Where would be now if there was no women’s wrestling, I guess we’ll never know. You probably think the wnba is successful on their own as well. Whomever chick you’re trying to impress with this illogical thought is not going to sleep with your beta male ass. More prayers coming your way.
Ahh yes the gender that is inferior in every way, saved the sport. Where would be now if there was no women’s wrestling, I guess we’ll never know. You probably think the wnba is successful on their own as well. Whomever chick you’re trying to impress with this illogical thought is not going to sleep with your beta male ass. More prayers coming your way.
Thanks for the prayers but I’m good, pretty “alpha” myself actually since you’re one of those dip s**** that use these dumb ass terms. You’re obviously just an idiot and a loser but you already proved that and there’s no point in trying to explain it to you. Later
Ahh yes the gender that is inferior in every way, saved the sport. Where would be now if there was no women’s wrestling, I guess we’ll never know. You probably think the wnba is successful on their own as well. Whomever chick you’re trying to impress with this illogical thought is not going to sleep with your beta male ass. More prayers coming your way.
You realize mens wrestling isn’t remotely close to being “successful” on its own as well from a profit perspective, right? Since thats what the genesis of your argument is, lets take it a step further and hack mens wrestling and invest those resources into football and mens basketball.

It’s time to move on from Telford and get some new blood. A newer fresher perspective on staff doesn’t hurt. Team needs to pick up a bible and strengthen themselves through trust in the lord.

And finally get rid of the absolute waste that is a women’s program and invest that money into the HWC/RTC
After someone picks up the Bible instead of reading start by smacking you upside the head with it.
Ahh yes the gender that is inferior in every way, saved the sport. Where would be now if there was no women’s wrestling, I guess we’ll never know. You probably think the wnba is successful on their own as well. Whomever chick you’re trying to impress with this illogical thought is not going to sleep with your beta male ass. More prayers coming your way.
You know the nba used to be in danger of folding right? During the 70’s the nba finals were on tape delay and shown after the tonight show on cbs. Then magic and Larry came along…then mj showed up and 30 years later the nba is at the point where a short sighted man, such as yourself, can’t fathom a time where it almost collapsed.

Everything is cyclical. The things you mock now may matter a hell of lot more in a generation. That’s all I’m saying.
Ahh yes the gender that is inferior in every way, saved the sport. Where would be now if there was no women’s wrestling, I guess we’ll never know. You probably think the wnba is successful on their own as well. Whomever chick you’re trying to impress with this illogical thought is not going to sleep with your beta male ass. More prayers coming your way.
Ahh yes the gender that is inferior in every way, saved the sport. Where would be now if there was no women’s wrestling, I guess we’ll never know. You probably think the wnba is successful on their own as well. Whomever chick you’re trying to impress with this illogical thought is not going to sleep with your beta male ass. More prayers coming your way.
You realize mens wrestling isn’t remotely close to being “successful” on its own as well from a profit perspective, right? Since thats what the genesis of your argument is, lets take it a step further and hack mens wrestling and invest those resources into football and mens basketball.

Reading is fundamental. Thanks for giving us the income statement on big ten wrestling. Nobody cares

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