Also...what's worse for wrestling, PSU winning titles or PSU (being the elite program) getting busted for cheating? PSU getting busted would have serious ramifications for the college sport. If I'm conflicted on this, then I know damn well coaches are as well.
Lance Armstrong was an American hero to outsiders in bike racing but to insiders, they knew what was going on because of the physical limitations. Armstrong had never won the Tour De France, got cancer and came back two years later and won an insane amount in a row. Insiders accused him of doping but it could never be proven and they were accused of sour grapes. Until it was proven.
In non sports, Harvey Weinstein was one of the biggest filmmakers in Hollywood. Most folks knew what type of guy he was but nobody did anything except to thank him at awards shows. It was an open secret. Yea, a few females accused him of stuff but nothing a good publicist couldn't fix. Until they couldn't.
Look what McGwire, Sosa and Bonds (among many others) did to baseball. Baseball is still feeling it 20 years later.
In all three incidents from biking, Hollywood, and baseball, it is now assumed by the public that bike racers and baseball players are juicers and that Hollywood directors and producers are casting couch scumbags.