Found this on page 5 of the 2025 Project concerning porn

What health benefits does pornography offer US citizens?

It has plenty of negatives to warrant a ban:

You want to do alcohol, tobacco, and firearms now?
I’d be perfectly fine with states banning pron (as they are starting to do). I am also fine with states having laws on the books to control alcohol sales (as some do today).

I personally don’t believe the federal government should be in the business of regulating these individual issues. Call me a libertarian, but the federal government needs to protect our sovereign borders and provide for the common defense. We have states for a reason.
Which states are starting to ban porn?

I’m impressed all of you are arguing about the government doing something that is virtually impossible at this point. Porn is protected under the first amendment—it is free speech. The only thing the government can do is regulate access, which is what they’re doing and all they’ll be able to do.
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