France election

I hope you’re taking vacation tomorrow
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You’re in my prayers tonight. So much hate in your heart, I just pity you more than anything.
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Should not be too surprising. Three of the weakest leaders in the world are located in France, United States, and Canada. Sad that people such as them are even considered for leadership position, but the drain of quality people from pursing politics has put countries in this position.
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Jeez, Bruno.
Do some reading up on Marin and her pootin ties.
Her campaign trashed all of her photos with pootin a few years back.
Be careful if you or yours are a bit brown skinned.
They will come for you if given a chance.
Unless you can play soccer. They will let them help France win World Cups.
Extra prayers for you. I’m sorry that you’re upset. I’ll be sure to light a candle for you soon.
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Should not be too surprising. Three of the weakest leaders in the world are located in France, United States, and Canada. Sad that people such as them are even considered for leadership position, but the drain of quality people from pursing politics has put countries in this position.
Should France pull out of the EU and NATO? Because that’s what Ms Punchable Face believes.
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I’m truly sorry, wish nothing but the best for you and hope you find peace. Maybe starting a grassroots campaign to oust the Floridians stealing your voice is a good thing for you.
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You are the example of a pitiful, stoopid, ignorant , POS that all avoid being defined as. Congrats.
This person trying to win vs Macron is the equivalent of Trump in France, a full on Putin stooge and a player in the global assault on Democracy. If you haven't paid attention all Democracies are under siege by evil and America is ground zero we are a whisker away from losing ours. WAKE UP
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Ahh so now you are grouping in Independents with the MAGAs. That’s a bold strategy cotton
Read what I said and report back. A clueless, misinformed Independent isn't much better than a MAGAt. Facts. Your posts here support my message.
Read what I said and report back. A clueless, misinformed Independent isn't much better than a MAGAt. Facts. Your posts here support my message.
So if MAGAs are like Nazis and Al qaeda according to you, what are clueless misinformed independents according to Chis?
So if MAGAs are like Nazis and Al qaeda according to you, what are clueless misinformed independents according to Chis?
You brushed off how horrific this lady is running against Macron. Like a lot of your Trump and Republican takes the past several years.
You brushed off how horrific this lady is running against Macron. Like a lot of your Trump and Republican takes the past several years.
Brushed off? Lol, I literally said I know nothing of French politics in this thread. Was simply calling out a stupid post imo. But at any rate, answer my question
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So that's a yes? If your family still talked to you they would ask you for your keys. Goodnight sweetheart. Don't stay up all night retweeting. You haven't contributed a single thought of your own since you started posting.
So that's a yes? If your family still talked to you they would ask you for your keys. Goodnight sweetheart. Don't stay up all night retweeting. You haven't contributed a single thought of your own since you started posting.
Feel free to tag me next time. You have no clue, provide nothing of relevance and project a lot.
Exactly what am I projecting? I know that's a key word in your campaign but do you know what it actually means?
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Bot. Bot. Another is showing symptoms. Bot. Bot. Bot.
Just about as educated response as @Chishawk1425 who won't respond to my question because he can't think for himself. And no, I'm not a bot. Alive and well in DC, paying your fair share of taxes.

P.S. Spend less time here and more time reading and becoming educated.
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