France election

America is going to join them after today’s SC decision. I believe the SC just made America illegitimate and justified King George’s action in defending the Empire vs, the Continental Congress and their Declaration if Independence.
Is that hole in your head in the pic from brain surgery? Judging by the size of it, they made a valiant effort to find something!!
You are a good race troll. It seems to be what you have settled on.
Apologist^^^Most say 99.9% of anyone never owned a person or has to apologize. I’m assuming you have guilt about it so give up finances and properties you’ll feel better. The rest of us been owned by the system set up to funk us all. But that’s just my opinion
Yep. Sucks to be you. Came on too strong.
wtf are you talking about. I think it’s a shame what’s happened to Europe via Islamic and other refugees immigrating there. It’s a problem that their citizens by in large detest. Yeah. I’m anti spread of Islam into Europe and America.
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wtf are you talking about. I think it’s a shame what’s happened to Europe via Islamic and other refugees immigrating there. It’s a problem that their citizens by in large detest. Yeah. I’m anti spread of Islam into Europe and America.
Hahaha. Is this your best, Butters?
You literally never add any data, enlightened opinions, just glancing, tangential shitposts
You are a troll and I am not a fan of trolls. It doesn't take that long to figure a few things out here. It really is odd that you need to create an alternate personality just to post but you do you.
You are a troll and I am not a fan of trolls. It doesn't take that long to figure a few things out here. It really is odd that you need to create an alternate personality just to post but you do you.
I’m not a troll, I’m just anti Islam, pro America and have one handle.

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