France election

2 PM Eastern time we should have some idea of the outcome.

"On election day, polling stations in mainland France close at 7pm in most places and at 8pm in the larger cities including Paris. That one-hour lag, which used to be two hours in past elections, is crucial to pollsters who are expected to crunch the numbers and project a winner in time for the 8pm gong.

Unlike in most other democracies, where those projections are based on exit polls, French pollsters base their estimates on ballots that have actually been counted. Those estimates are updated throughout the evening as the vote count progresses.

‘They use interviews, we use ballots’
“The main difference with an exit poll is that instead of asking people outside the polling station how they voted, we look straight at their ballots,” says Mathieu Doiret of the Ipsos polling institute, FRANCE 24’s partner for the presidential election. “This means we have to wait for the first polling stations to close at 7pm, whereas exit polls can be worked on throughout the day.”"

Not really a fan of Macron but this is an opportunity for a strong western nation to successfully resist this far-right nationalist BS that’s everywhere now.
Based off your comments, it sounds like you support globalism, correct?

AKA world with no nations. AKA New World order. AKA The Great Reset.

Where's all this another "conspiracy theory" to you?
Based off your comments, it sounds like you support globalism, correct?

AKA world with no nations. AKA New World order. AKA The Great Reset.

Where's all this another "conspiracy theory" to you?
Nationalism as pride in one’s country is a great thing.

Globalism as a concept doesn’t terrify me. Not sure why countries shouldn’t band together to solve issues. Execution of such a concept is difficult for sure.

Nationalism taken to its logical extreme gives rise to dictators. Dictators destabilize the world community. I don’t like USA always being the world’s police but if we took on a true anti-global stance, the world would be in absolute chaos. A strong nation like France pulling out of the EU and NATO would greatly disrupt Europe and let fukers like Putin run roughshod.
Going to be a major wake up call we have massive disinformation and propaganda problem if she wins despite her number 1 patron committing child rape and genocide hundreds of miles to the east.
Based off your comments, it sounds like you support globalism, correct?

AKA world with no nations. AKA New World order. AKA The Great Reset.

Where's all this another "conspiracy theory" to you?
Such an ignorant take. One can be proud of your own nation while also recognizing we live in a global economy and cooperation between nations is essential to our modern ways of life.
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Le Pen event is much more lively. Macron gathering at the base of the Eiffel Tower is extremely quiet by comparison.
Thank God. Does France have a parliament the way other European countries do where they have to from a government? Looking at this, I just realized how little I know about how France's government system works.
Thank God. Does France have a parliament the way other European countries do where they have to from a government? Looking at this, I just realized how little I know about how France's government system works.

Listening to French TV, they are talking about another round of legislative elections in June. It sounds like they expect the legislature to mostly favor Macron.
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France seems like the liberal utopia that progressives crave in this country. A far left candidate like Macron just whooped a far-right candidate where abstention was a significant part of the vote today. A vast majority of those abstentions were socialists voters who don't feel a progressive candidate like Macron is far enough out there. It seems France is an ideal place for progressives in this country (especially many of the nutjobs on this board) to head to instead of being hell-bent on ruining America. I can start an NIL deal if some of you fools would like to leave but can't afford to fly across the pond.
France seems like the liberal utopia that progressives crave in this country. A far left candidate like Macron just whooped a far-right candidate where abstention was a significant part of the vote today. A vast majority of those abstentions were socialists voters who don't feel a progressive candidate like Macron is far enough out there. It seems France is an ideal place for progressives in this country (especially many of the nutjobs on this board) to head to instead of being hell-bent on ruining America. I can start an NIL deal if some of you fools would like to leave but can't afford to fly across the pond.

Macron isn't "far left." dumas
France seems like the liberal utopia that progressives crave in this country. A far left candidate like Macron just whooped a far-right candidate where abstention was a significant part of the vote today. A vast majority of those abstentions were socialists voters who don't feel a progressive candidate like Macron is far enough out there. It seems France is an ideal place for progressives in this country (especially many of the nutjobs on this board) to head to instead of being hell-bent on ruining America. I can start an NIL deal if some of you fools would like to leave but can't afford to fly across the pond.
I didn’t read any of your drivel. A guy beat a fascist, that’s all that matters. I’m sure you hate that because you’re a moron.
Leftist candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who was eliminated 2 weeks ago, is now speaking. He is talking about being elected Prime Minister, says the third round of elections starts today.
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France seems like the liberal utopia that progressives crave in this country. A far left candidate like Macron just whooped a far-right candidate where abstention was a significant part of the vote today. A vast majority of those abstentions were socialists voters who don't feel a progressive candidate like Macron is far enough out there. It seems France is an ideal place for progressives in this country (especially many of the nutjobs on this board) to head to instead of being hell-bent on ruining America. I can start an NIL deal if some of you fools would like to leave but can't afford to fly across the pond.

Le Pen won't win. France is a left/center-left country. They aren't going to elect a far-right president.

On top of that, with everything going on in Ukraine, a pro unified Europe candidate isn't going to lose to an isolationist-nationalist.

Every 5 years the media makes a big deal about a member of the Le Pen clan winning the presidency, I assume to stoke ratings.
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One of the panelists just said that the president appoints the prime minister based on the results of the parliamentary election.
Very interesting result. A complete pimp slap to Putin, even with low urban turn out and higher turn out in the rural areas. Le Pen another bad result of Putler's war. One can only hope other politicians in Europe in the US take note and perhaps start doing what is best for their country vs. what is best for looting child rapists.

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