I don't think riding the pine for 4 years and getting pounded on a regular basis will make someone the best possible wrestler he can be. There is a lot to be said for competing each week and having an attainable goal as opposed to being second string. Not being the best in your spot and not having a chance to compete as a part of a team wears on people and can be very destructive to a guy reaching his potential. That is something I would want my son to factor into his college decision.
Sometimes Iowa is not the best place for a kid to reach his potential. Sure, if he doesn't mind taking his daily beating and failing on a regular basis and he just wants to test himself against Lee every day, Iowa may be the best place for him. If his goal in life is to make Lee the best wrestler he can make him, then Iowa may be the best place for him. If he wants a shot at his dream, I am sure a lot of places can help him.
Iam not saying that if he came to Iowa, he would not grow as a person and have many life shaping and changing moments. I am sure he would. I am saying he may not reach his potential at Iowa because riding the pine has a lot of negative effects on some people.
I agree with an earlier post that Teske is not a life time 125. I was in Iowa City last week and he was there and I agree that he has not physically matured yet and looked very young. I would go as far to make a friendly wager with you lookleftgoright with the proceeds going to the HWC that Teske is not and will not be a career 125 and I’m not a betting man, but I don’t think this is a bet, it’s taking money and giving it to the HWC.
There is also something to be said with a young man wrestling with Spencer Lee, Matt McDonough, Cory Clark, Dan Gilman, Jesse Delgado, Perez Perez, Max Murin, among others. ISU has nowhere hear the partners. If Teske wants the best chance to realize his potential, it is in exactly the place with the best partners and let’s not forget about two very good light weight coaches in Tom and Terry. In those names above there are all levels of wrestlers, it really is a perfect room. Riding the pine, I don’t think so, and with that thought I’m going to go out on the limb here, and no I’m not betting on this one, but I am going to make a prediction… that if Lee is healthy and nothing goes wrong with his recovery that we see him on the mat this year. He is a competitor and I believe he will want to put the shoes on and wrestle. I know the arguments against, which is why I’m not betting on this as a sure thing, but since Teske riding the pine is a glass half empty and ISU hopeful approach that I’m sure is being used to try to get Teske to take the road less traveled and the “less risky path” to his choice of schools, let’s play out another scenario that is also conjecture, but from another possible, but in my opinion a far more likely scenario.
Let’s make the assumption that Teske does not grow into 133 as fast as I or others expect him to do, much like most 18-20-year-old men do… and he does need more time...
2017-2018 – Lee wrestles as a true freshman, Teske wrestles his senior year in high school
2018-2019 – Lee wrestles his true sophomore year – Teske red shirts and lets Iowa’s strength program get ahold of him. I’ve seen what Rutt can do and he’s good at what he does, but in the spirit of "going along with the Teske doesn't grow' prospective and lookleftandgoright is more right than I think in his opinion that Teske is so small that an additional 2 full years and an increase in testosterone and even Rutt can’t get him large enough …. (I don’t think so…, but let’s keep this going)
2019-2020 – Lee takes his Olympic Red Shirt year and focuses on freestyle and attempts to make the Olympic team. This might be a good step if the weight is 55Kg and he has to focus a little on shedding weight, since 121 will not be an easy cut for Lee either. I saw him lifting at Carver last week as well and Rutt has worked his magic on him and he is much bigger than he was in high school. But, with Lee taking an Olympic shirt, Teske wrestles in 2019-2020 (if Teske can still make the weight at 125)
2020-2021 – Lee takes his red shirt year that he hasn’t used yet to bask in the glory of his Olympic Gold medal and helps the HWC and let’s Rutt put the weight back on that he shredded to make 121, because like most young men Lee is going to get bigger as well and has gotten bigger this year already) Teske wrestles his second year at 125, but now is struggling to make the weight and is spending more time worried about cutting than wrestling, but makes it happen one more year and one last time at the NCAA Championships where he continues the tradition of Iowa dominance at 125 and wins an NCAA title.
2021-2022 – Lee returns and wrestles 125 and Teske four full years later is a solid 133 and they both win a national title at the bottom two weights, because iron sharpens iron and those blades are razor sharp by now, because they both want to wrestle the best partners in the best room and rather than taking the less riskier route they believe that with great risk comes great reward and they both reap the rewards of being in the best room possible.
This is all conjecture, but so is thinking that Lee and Teske are fixed in their growth rate. I don’t have a clue if Lee wrestles or shirts this year, whether or not he takes an Olympic Shirt or not, a redshirt or not, but look at the flexibility built into the Iowa system that no one at Iowa State has, so if they want to work it out, they sure can. Like the earlier examples, there are many wrestlers that come in thinking they are going to be 125 for life and then end up at 141 or 149. No one knows, but if you play the odds, the odds are in favor of Teske growing into a solid 133 sometime over the next 5-years.