Sure, some other clubs are doing well at producing guys with international success. I think the HWC will overtake them before long, as we're just getting started, but that's another issue altogether. That said, there's absolutely ZERO evidence to indicate that Nebraska, tOSU, or any other club, for that matter, would come close to Iowa in terms of training guys up for international competition at the lower weights. Our guys haven't won World or Olympic medals yet, but they've clearly dominated our World and Olympic teams at 57 Kg. So while NE and tOSU have had international success at middle and upper weights, they haven't even sniffed Iowa's success putting lower weights on international teams. So to assert that a lower-weight guy would have more international success at NE or tOSU based largely on the success of Snyder, Dlagnev, Burroughs, and Green, is pretty ridiculous.