****Fulton County indictment watch thread****UPDATE Trump and 18 individuals indicted, Trump has been arrested. Powell, Chesebro & Ellis plead guilty


That doesn't mean shit. The trial means something. They are going to indict him left and right, and the trials will be thrown out. (
Foe this one)
I’ll give you this, you’re persistent.

Like an idiot dog chasing a car until it’s inevitably run over.

Run Rover run! 😂😂😂
Then the arraignment then. If what you say is accurate, then then case should be dismissed at the arraignment, right? It shouldn't go beyond that.
No. That's why i specifically asked you about dates. It's going to a trail, most likely, that trial will be tested as a mistrial due to the events of today.
  • Haha
Reactions: SocraticIshmael
Yes. And the decision today will be with what to charge him. Then it will trial. Trump will argue the trial is a mistrial and he will have a leg to stand on.

So, as I said, run it back and start over.
How many trials or grand jury proceedings have you sat through?

Because you’re really showing your ass again.
Whiskey, on a totally serious question that has nothing to do with this. Are you a vet?
Whiskey, on a totally serious question that has nothing to do with this. Are you a vet?
He does this for fun.

You really don't understand the process, do you.
I don't know how I can make it any more clear. They will go to trial and that trial will be attempted to be overturned as a mistrial due to the prejudices exposed today and trumps team will have a leg to stand on.
I don't know how I can make it any more clear. They will go to trial and that trial will be attempted to be overturned as a mistrial due to the prejudices exposed today and trumps team will have a leg to stand on.
Well we do know that Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser has 'stood' on a lot of 'legs'. 😉
I don't know how I can make it any more clear. They will go to trial and that trial will be attempted to be overturned as a mistrial due to the prejudices exposed today and trumps team will have a leg to stand on.
Again, if that is true, these point will be raised at the arraignment. What is very clear to everyone but you, you don't understand how any of this works.
No, I'm laughing at the continued ineptitude of the democratic party.

Do you think there is any disputing this will be a mistrial? As bad as the GA DA wishes they could have scrubbed that site its out there now.

They couldn't even hold their piss 24 hours and now they were so ****ing set on an agenda it backfired.

There is no way you, or anyone, can make a rational argument for charges being released during testimony. They pissed themselves.

There is no precedent for anything close to this and the only reason you chaps are turning a blind eye is he is the orange man.

Run it back, swing again.
You’re trying too hard.

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