****Fulton County indictment watch thread****UPDATE Trump and 18 individuals indicted, Trump has been arrested. Powell, Chesebro & Ellis plead guilty

That's not true you just jumped in the middle.

Ragnar if your going to play thr "be better" bullshit, atleast answer basic questions.
I have no objection to Fulton County. It is the capital of Georgia and ostensibly where the alleged crimes were committed.

Again, the burden of proof is on you to make a case to the contrary.

Not photoshopped. Just happened.
I have no objection to Fulton County. It is the capital of Georgia and ostensibly where the alleged crimes were committed.

Again, the burden of proof is on you to make a case to the contrary.
I appreciate you not having an objection.

That was not the question. Dipshit shit Joe couldn't figure out my reference to the democratic party. You jumped in somewhere in the middle. So, again, did this have to be fulton County?

Did it have to be Fulton County?

The bluest county in Georgia.

Yes or no?

Then go read the conversation Joe and I were having.

The answer is no, and you know that.
2020 Georgia Code
Title 17 - Criminal Procedure
Chapter 2 - Jurisdiction and Venue
§ 17-2-2. Venue Generally
Universal Citation: GA Code § 17-2-2 (2020)
In general. Criminal actions shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, except as otherwise provided by law.

The state's attorneys don't just get to pick whatever county they want to bring a case. The alleged crimes took place in Fulton County, where the seat of state government sits. The only conspiracy here is the one orchestrated by the soon to be defendants. Trump will almost certainly move for a change of venue, which may or may not be granted.
I appreciate you not having an objection.

That was not the question. Dipshit shit Joe couldn't figure out my reference to the democratic party. You jumped in somewhere in the middle. So, again, did this have to be fulton County?

Asked and answered.

You are deflecting.

Either state your case or drop it. Poop or get off the pot.
2020 Georgia Code
Title 17 - Criminal Procedure
Chapter 2 - Jurisdiction and Venue
§ 17-2-2. Venue Generally
Universal Citation: GA Code § 17-2-2 (2020)
In general. Criminal actions shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, except as otherwise provided by law.

The state's attorneys don't just get to pick whatever county they want to bring a case. The alleged crimes took place in Fulton County, where the seat of state government sits. The only conspiracy here is the one orchestrated by the soon to be defendants. Trump will almost certainly move for a change of venue, which may or may not be granted.
2020 Georgia Code
Title 17 - Criminal Procedure
Chapter 2 - Jurisdiction and Venue
§ 17-2-2. Venue Generally
Universal Citation: GA Code § 17-2-2 (2020)
In general. Criminal actions shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, except as otherwise provided by law.

The state's attorneys don't just get to pick whatever county they want to bring a case. The alleged crimes took place in Fulton County, where the seat of state government sits. The only conspiracy here is the one orchestrated by the soon to be defendants. Trump will almost certainly move for a change of venue, which may or may not be granted.
It was a state wide election. Those "11800" votes were not in Atlanta
2020 Georgia Code
Title 17 - Criminal Procedure
Chapter 2 - Jurisdiction and Venue
§ 17-2-2. Venue Generally
Universal Citation: GA Code § 17-2-2 (2020)
In general. Criminal actions shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, except as otherwise provided by law.

The state's attorneys don't just get to pick whatever county they want to bring a case. The alleged crimes took place in Fulton County, where the seat of state government sits. The only conspiracy here is the one orchestrated by the soon to be defendants. Trump will almost certainly move for a change of venue, which may or may not be granted.


It's like what I'd already told the Little Trump Monkey.
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Hillary is amazing. Just imagine how much better off America would be if we'd elected the technocrat instead of the authoritarian bully, who has been indicted in four different cases. She gave an excellent recitation of what America can be.

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