

The Securities and Exchange Commission ordered the creation of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) in 2012 after regulators found they didn’t have enough information to explain the “Flash Crash” that occurred in May 2010. It is a database designed to compile detailed information on orders and trades for the US equity and options markets. One SEC commissioner, Kara Stein, said the CAT could become the “Hubble telescope of securities markets.” [1] The Consolidated Audit Trail is designed to collect and accurately identify every order, cancellation, modification and trade execution for all exchange-listed equities and options across all U.S. markets.

SEC Rule 613 required FINRA and the U.S. securities exchanges to jointly submit a National Market System (NMS) plan detailing how they would develop, implement and maintain a consolidated audit trail that would track orders throughout their life cycle and identify the broker-dealers handling them, thus allowing regulators to more efficiently track activity in Eligible Securities throughout the U.S. markets.
You ain’t lying! +38%
I only have a small position, but wow up a full 100% since Thursday's open! Anticipating a dump after the live stream tomorrow, but I guess we'll see.

With so many viable options to short, I really don't get why the big funds are so intent on forcing a short position in GME. Unless they never closed those positions from years back. DFV's calls alone would blow this thing to pieces if he exercises them. Anyway, this whole thing is exposing blatant market manipulation, so I'm here for it.
Isn't GME offering 75 million new shares today, making the Corp a bunch of $ while screwing the retail investors? Or am I reading that wrong?
Isn't GME offering 75 million new shares today, making the Corp a bunch of $ while screwing the retail investors? Or am I reading that wrong?

I don’t think that is the intention at all. I think the Gamestop executives have a duty to raise capital at elevated valuations. It is artificial, of course, but is not and was not caused by retail investors. These spikes were caused by short sellers plus market makers. Retail just along for the ride.

Retail simply does not have this much capital.

If, let’s say, there really are 1.2B+ shares sold short (theory) of GME and the spikes relating to the timing of derivatives hiding these massive positions are causing these massive volume spikes, then what really is a 75M share offering?

A drop in the bucket.

45 million against 300 million outstanding a few weeks ago did not crush the price. How could 75?
Today’s volume is 84M already. In one day. Before today’s offering there were approximately 345M total outstanding.

~75M shares are DRS’d at Computershare by ~200,000 individual investors and are not being traded. Cohen owns another 40(?)M shares, not traded. Institutions own another 30-35M(?) Not traded.

So where are all these shares to trade coming from??