Gas prices are tanking!

look, it's obvious you aren't a serious person. so, i'm not writing this in repsonse to you. that's like expecting my dog to understand calculus. i'm writing this in the hope that someone with a little less brain rot than you reads it and might be able to think about things beyond simply posting an article

this is an article, written by oil/gas lobbyists, who's first 8 references are to things theoretically affecting domestic production. among those are something the biden admin were hoping to change and the endangered species act. if anyone thinks regulations not yet enacted - or the endangered species act - is really responsible for gas prices...well, frankly you're an idiot

the reality is that domestic production is at a literal all time high, and still prices remain high. so its clear that how much oil (and gas) the us produces domestically has little to no impact on the price of gas. certainly not more than an extended cut in production from opec (that's being done specifically to keep the prices high).
So absolutely everything in that article is verifiably false?