Gender Warz—-boxing edition

This makes it tough, genetically male, but was there or are there undecided testicles? Any extra testosterone

Testosterone is the key. That's where the big advantage would be. Sucks to have to disqualify someone, if they were born this way and didn't CHOOSE to transition. But life isn't always fair...

People are born with all kinds of physical conditions that prevent them from completing....

Using DNA (XY) and testosterone levels needs to be the hard line in the sand for competing in Women's sports. Fail those and go compete against Men.
Actually, I think those who hate people who are trans, gay, etc are the ones who stoke this stuff. Just let them be... you don't have to like it or understand just let them be. Instead, people hate and constantly badger them and crap so these things happen. Just live your life and treat people well and that should come back to you.
At one point in time I would agree with you sir but somewhere along the way it went from.please give me my space to live to you are some "phobe" for not knowing what random pronouns I picked out of the box today. Again I will say the people that killed it for this person, who has a legit medical reason, are the people who wanted to blur the lines with thinking they were the other sex while having full alternate genitalia.
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Lol was excited to open up HORT after I found out about this story. Libs have egg all over their faces lol. Oh wait. But still doesn't it say something about society and absolutely nothing about me that I believed the transvestigators online?
You all are so excited to get fired up about a trans issue that you didn't read the article and see that these aren't trans women. As we've been telling you - there's a LOT of variation in humans. You're so eager to show your culture warrior colors that you are willing to toss certain women under the bus in order to score political points. Well done, as usual.
You all are so excited to get fired up about a trans issue that you didn't read the article and see that these aren't trans women. As we've been telling you - there's a LOT of variation in humans. You're so eager to show your culture warrior colors that you are willing to toss certain women under the bus in order to score political points. Well done, as usual.
You were so fired up to make.this a trans issue you clearly haven't read the thread.
Nature is f@cking weird and complex.

Maybe it's unwise for people to base their worldview on incredibly simple "common sense"?
Testosterone is the key. That's where the big advantage would be. Sucks to have to disqualify someone, if they were born this way and didn't CHOOSE to transition. But life isn't always fair...

People are born with all kinds of physical conditions that prevent them from completing....

Using DNA (XY) and testosterone levels needs to be the hard line in the sand for competing in Women's sports. Fail those and go compete against Men.
All top level athletes are genetic freaks. What is happening here is that where people normally celebrate that for women it's different. You can be a freak, so long as you're not different in ways that make us uncomfortable, because we find it icky!
I provided the boxing thing earlier that said the test showed she had xy and male level test. Fwiw.
But that was not the Olympic policy. All of these different sports have their own international organizations and governing bodies and they don't all follow suit. The world boxing org doesn't work with the world track and field org who doesnt necessarily work with the world swimming org And then the Olympic org doesnt necessarily follow the same rules, eligibiilty requirements, drug testing policies as they other independent world organizations .
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You all are so excited to get fired up about a trans issue that you didn't read the article and see that these aren't trans women. As we've been telling you - there's a LOT of variation in humans. You're so eager to show your culture warrior colors that you are willing to toss certain women under the bus in order to score political points. Well done, as usual.

Weird how the people obsessed with the definition of "woman" still have problems defining it
But that was not the Olympic policy. All of these different sports have their own international organizations and governing bodies and they don't all follow suit. The world boxing org doesn't work with the world track and field org who doesnt necessarily work with the world swimming org And then the Olympic org doesnt necessarily follow the same rules, eligibiilty requirements, drug testing policies as they other independent world organizations .

I don't know if there is enough bandwidth to explain the difference between their imagined ideal and fair world vs reality to some of our friends here.
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And bone structure etc.
Do you think this lady should be allowed to compete? Because there's a whole lot of your past posts saying that the only people that should be allowed to compete in women's sports are people that were born a woman. Or is this scenario different because the woman isn't like all other women?
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After further discussion and listening, this lady( if no transition) should be allowed to beat up on other ladies.

The Gender Warz still enrage!!!
Ilona Maher, the American rugby player, apparently taken all kinds of shit from people attacking her size and looks. Some people just love to tear down women that make them uncomfortable for whatever reason. For the record, Ilona is pretty damn funny.
Do you think this lady should be allowed to compete? Because there's a whole lot of your past posts saying that the only people that should be allowed to compete in women's sports are people that were born a woman. Or is this scenario different because the woman isn't like all other women?
He was previously denied by another governing body (not IOC) and I have not read that anything has changed WRT an operation or hormone therapy.
Was this person born with a uterus and ovaries or a penis? Did they develop breasts at puberty? Do they menstruate?
What does their birth certificate say?
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He was previously denied by another governing body (not IOC) and I have not read that anything has changed WRT an operation or hormone therapy.
Was this person born with a uterus and ovaries or a penis? Did they develop breasts at puberty? Do they menstruate?
What does their birth certificate say?
It's a she. She was born a girl, raised a girl, and is now a woman. She has ovaries and a uterus. She was denied by another governing body because of higher testosterone levels that aren't generally seen in women. She was not denied because she's a man trying to be a woman. If she was a man and transitioned, she would be in jail because it's prohibited in her country.

This is a very stupid post for you.
He was previously denied by another governing body (not IOC) and I have not read that anything has changed WRT an operation or hormone therapy.
Was this person born with a uterus and ovaries or a penis? Did they develop breasts at puberty? Do they menstruate?
What does their birth certificate say?
Here is a nice breakdown of it for you, from a different thread.

It's a she. She was born a girl, raised a girl, and is now a woman. She has ovaries and a uterus. She was denied by another governing body because of higher testosterone levels that aren't generally seen in women. She was not denied because she's a man trying to be a woman. If she was a man and transitioned, she would be in jail because it's prohibited in her country.

This is a very stupid post for you.
You - as per usual - are such an a-hole.
I asked because I hadn’t read anything that answered those questions - but thank you for determining that I’m stupid.
I still do not think that a transitioned person retaining the XY should compete in athletics against XX persons. Their bone structure and mass will always be that of an XY.
That’s my stupid opinion and I’m not alone in that.

I think this is the part where I tell you to GFY?
You - as per usual - are such an a-hole.
I asked because I hadn’t read anything that answered those questions - but thank you for determining that I’m stupid.
I still do not think that a transitioned person retaining the XY should compete in athletics against XX persons. Their bone structure and mass will always be that of an XY.
That’s my stupid opinion and I’m not alone in that.

I think this is the part where I tell you to GFY?
Just post "I'm ignorant about this topic but I'll post this shit anyway!"
It would be more honest.