Thirty-six hours after the Michigan State game and exciting finish everyone needs to stop clutching their pearls over Fran staring at referee Kelly Pfeifer. No more "fire Fran." No more "Fran's a national embarrassment." Fran did not threaten Pfeifer and did nothing overtly to get the second T.
Reading and seeing their comments in post-game interviews, it appears the players don't mind Fran getting T'd up. They like their coach having their backs and being passionate about it. There are various accounts that Fran staying out of the player huddle during the timeout gave (one story called him "always positive") Payton Sandfort the chance to fire up his teammates and keep them in the game. Bully for Payton! Apparently it worked.
Reading and seeing their comments in post-game interviews, it appears the players don't mind Fran getting T'd up. They like their coach having their backs and being passionate about it. There are various accounts that Fran staying out of the player huddle during the timeout gave (one story called him "always positive") Payton Sandfort the chance to fire up his teammates and keep them in the game. Bully for Payton! Apparently it worked.