Get out of your hammock and start flourishing, Iowa


HR King
May 29, 2001
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds unveiled a new state slogan and logo during a news conference Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at the capitol in Des Moines. The slogan, Freedom to Flourish, will appear on state websites and highway welcome signs. (State of Iowa) Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds unveiled a new state slogan and logo during a news conference Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at the capitol in Des Moines. The slogan, "Freedom to Flourish," will appear on state websites and highway welcome signs. (State of Iowa)
And just like that, our state slogan became “Iowa, Freedom to Flourish.”

But can a state where our Republican leaders have worked overtime to rescind Iowans’ freedoms truly flourish?

Gov. Kim Reynolds thinks so. She unveiled the new slogan and logo at a news conference this past week discussing her government reorganization effort, which has concentrated even more power in the governor’s office. So “Fields of Opportunity,” the slogan adopted by Gov. Tom Vilsack more than 20 years ago, is no more. Was never a big fan, anyway.

The new logo features a sunrise, or maybe a sunset, in the “O” of Iowa, with a road, cutting through green landscape. It looks suspiciously like Barack Obama’s campaign logo circa 2008.

At first, I thought the road looked like a river. But it’s neither brown nor impaired, so it could not be an Iowa waterway. Reynolds said the road represents “a journey to opportunity.”

The announcement was unexpected. Who knew the governor was contemplating a new logo and slogan? The “freedom” part was an obvious choice. Reynolds often is touting the freedom she’s created to yank books from school libraries, discriminate against transgender kids and loosen child labor laws.

But the “flourish” I didn’t see coming. I assume we’re talking about flourish the verb, “to grow luxuriantly,” or “to achieve success,” according to Merriam-Webster, and not flourish the verb, “to wield with dramatic gestures.” Does “Give ‘em the Bird” count?

“Iowa’s national profile is on the rise, our reputation is strong and Americans have taken notice," Reynolds said. She sees the new logo as a tool to promote Iowa as an employment destination that can attract talented workers and entice former Iowans to return.

The state spent $305,000 from pandemic relief funds on developing the logo. The Des Moines Register reports it will cost $375,000 to replace dozens of road signs. So already, some folks are flourishing.

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As a logo, it’s hardly awe inspiring. And “Freedom to Flourish” isn’t even original.

A popular Christian self-help book for women is titled “Freedom to Flourish.” There’s a biblical life coaching program called “Freedom to Flourish.” There’s a refugee support ministry in Australia bearing the same name. And the Isle of Man Post Office won the Freedom to Flourish award. Congrats.

It’s yet another attempt by Reynolds to create a split identity for Iowa.

We’re a deep red state that champions abortion bans, prohibits transgender kids from getting gender-affirming care and targets diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at state universities. But we’re also a great destination for young professionals, many of whom don’t support those policies.

Take the road to opportunity. But leave your views on reproductive rights, discrimination and woke ideas at the border. Now, get out of your hammocks and start flourishing.

Maybe, instead, we should just play it straight and honest.

If you face a deeply personal decision about abortion, you have the “Freedom to Anguish”

If you’re on a long waiting list for mental health care, you have the “Freedom to Languish.”

If you need food assistance and have too many assets, you have the “Freedom to Malnourish.”

If you don’t like some books in the school library, you have the “Freedom to Banish.”

If you’re as transgender student who doesn’t want to be outed by school officials, you have the “Freedom to Vanish.”

Tarnish Iowa’s proud history of leading on civil rights. Burnish your national profile at the expense of your fellow Iowans. Lavish your big donors with favors and watch them flourish.

The thing about roads is they go both directions. The “road to opportunity” also leads out of Iowa.

Speaking of Iowa’s sharp right turn, back in 2001, Bob Vander Plaats launched his first campaign for governor using the slogan “Feels different, doesn’t it.” Maybe that should be our slogan. “Iowa, Feels Different, Doesn’t It?”

It sure does.

But does a slogan really matter? This past week former Register reporter Bill Petroski tweeted a story he wrote back in 2016 when then-Gov. Terry Branstad was asked about state slogans.

“I don’t think a slogan is what makes the state. I think it is the work ethic of the people. It is the education system that we are talking about today, and what we are doing to grow a prosperous and growing economy. I don’t think we should worry about what the slogan should be," Branstad said.

I agree with Branstad. Feels different, doesn’t it?