Go Woke, Go Broke: THE UPDATE

It has been trending downward for 7 years, losing half of its value. The craft beer industry probably has a big hand in this. Sales will probably go down and the stock will have ups and downs for the rest of its lifecycle.

Pre-merger with InBev AB was creeping very close to 50% market share across all brands. Miller had about 17% and Coors about 12%. U.S. only. Everybody else fought over the last ~20%.
Over the last 15 years the U.S. beer market has become much more fragmented, with all the macros losing share to the craft brewing industry.
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LOL that this thread is still going strong. Some of you are more obsessed with AB's recent financials than their exec are. WGAF about sales, market share, stock price, etc. over a 1-month period for a gigantic multi-billion dollar corp? Don't y'all get tired of the pointless political p*ssing contests you always seen to be involved in?
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LOL that this thread is still going strong. Some of you are more obsessed with AB's recent financials than their exec are. WGAF about sales, market share, stock price, etc. over a 1-month period for a gigantic multi-billion dollar corp? Don't y'all get tired of the pointless political p*ssing contests you always seen to be involved in?
I don’t really care about the reasoning behind the boycott, but I do find it a very interesting case study in marketing. I also used to work for AB so I sort of have a personal connection to the story.
Correct. The only data available right now is the weekly sales data. Right now MolsonCoors is sitting back and basically enjoying the ride. I honestly don’t think ABInbev has a clue what to do.
Except ride that nice stock-bump today.
Yes, and the dipshit doesn't think you can evaluate market share quarterly "few months".

Every now and then I have to remind myself this is the guy who argued inflation was good for the working class.
Still can't come up with the data to back up your market share claim so, try to deflect.

That you believe 0 inflation or even deflation would be good for the economy is another demonstration of your abject ignorance. It's evident in a wide array of subjects.
Of course stock prices ebb and flow for a variety of reasons. And it’s entirely possible that A-B stock will rebound in the near future.

But that doesn’t change the fact that the stock price fell every day for two weeks after Mulvaney posted her video. If you want to pretend that’s entirely coincidental and that it had absolutely nothing to do with investors being skittish about the boycott then go right ahead. I won’t try to stop you from being blissfully ignorant.
Your silence is deafening.
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LOL that this thread is still going strong. Some of you are more obsessed with AB's recent financials than their exec are. WGAF about sales, market share, stock price, etc. over a 1-month period for a gigantic multi-billion dollar corp? Don't y'all get tired of the pointless political p*ssing contests you always seen to be involved in?
There isn't a person on this board that cares more about anbevs Financials than their execs fwiw.
Fun fact: If you tell me what I’m supposed to be responding to, there’s a good chance I’ll respond. But I can’t read your mind, so if you insist on playing coy then we’re not going to get anywhere.
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If either of you two dumbasses ever decide to reveal what I’m supposed be responding to, just @ me and I’ll be happy to respond, Until then just keep fellating each other.
Like clockwork. If nothing else, TJ is predictable.
Cancun Cruz and Home Economics teacher turned senator Marsha Blackburn are pushing for an investigation of AB, and their ties to Mulvaney. I'm sure the woke cancel crowd that populates GIAOT will stand up and cheer this attack on business.
Cruz and Blackburn are barking up the wrong tree. Dylan Mulvaney is 26 years old.

If they’re truly concerned about beer companies marketing to young people then their time would be better spent looking into NIL collectives partnering with beer companies to help sponsor student-athletes.

Iowa’s SWARM NIL is partnering with Exile Brewing. Here in Cincinnati, Rhinegeist Brewery is partnering with UC athletics to create a special beer to raise money for their NIL program. And I’m sure there will be many more examples across the country.

Beer companies have been sponsoring college athletics for as long as I can remember, and much of that audience is underage. But this is the first time that beer companies will be giving money directly (or at least almost directly) to student-athletes, many of whom are still under 21.
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