Gonna buy some guns/ammo this weekend?

I like your idea but think you are barking up the wrong tree.

How about if we make suicide socially acceptable and killing a bunch of people socially unacceptable.

It seems to me that the social misfits who participate in these mass killings are seeking attention. If they go out and commit suicide they get no attention. If they murder a bunch of people then commit suicide they get lots of attention.

Instead of using social shame over the citizens owning 300 million guns wouldn't it make much more sense to address and shame the much smaller pool of losers doing the killing?

My thoughts would be that whenever a person does kill themself they get their 15 minutes of fame in the media BUT if they kill others they get zero publicity about it.

IMO going after the guns will do little. There were plenty of guns just as capable as what is on the market today back 15, 25, 30 years ago but there were very few mass shootings. It's not the guns causing the mass killings...they are just a tool which can get replaced by something else.
Suicide makes me viscerally angry, so I'm not going to like this idea either. We'll need to keep searching. Maybe we could teach stoicism in schools and convince people fame is evil and its a virtue to not be very special.