Gunmen Open Fire at Texas Event Holding ‘Muhammad Cartoon Contest

I think whomever decided to hold this event has brain bubbles.

Anybody who thinks holding a Mohammed cartoon art thingie wasn't going to get a rise out of some wacko is wacko themselves. Free Speech...give me a break. They went looking for trouble, and this is why they held the event packing heat.

They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Utterly moronic.
Again, hold more of these, kill off the crazies. Don't you think cowering like a little bitch is unamerican?
I think whomever decided to hold this event has brain bubbles.

Anybody who thinks holding a Mohammed cartoon art thingie wasn't going to get a rise out of some wacko is wacko themselves. Free Speech...give me a break. They went looking for trouble, and this is why they held the event packing heat.

They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Utterly moronic.
Don't you think they did know and hoped for this reaction?
Don't you think they did know and hoped for this reaction?

Of course that's why they did this. To drum up bidness for their "cause".

That's how ridiculous some of the crazies are nowadays. And by crazies I mean the con crazies. There's crazies on both sides, I just wish what I would loosely call my side didn't wallow in the crazy as much as they did here.

Where the hell did my country was there just 20-odd years ago.
I do not think that is smart or decent to do. I DO agree that the police did the right thing by killing these maniacs.
Do you think I give a shit about the opinion of a sheep? Smart, yeah..let's get these bastards to come out from hiding into plain sight. Decent, killing these people is better than decent.
Of course that's why they did this. To drum up bidness for their "cause".

That's how ridiculous some of the crazies are nowadays. And by crazies I mean the con crazies. There's crazies on both sides, I just wish what I would loosely call my side didn't wallow in the crazy as much as they did here.

Where the hell did my country was there just 20-odd years ago.
I wouldn't lose heart, this country has always had a strain of crazy running through it.
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Of course that's why they did this. To drum up bidness for their "cause".

That's how ridiculous some of the crazies are nowadays. And by crazies I mean the con crazies. There's crazies on both sides, I just wish what I would loosely call my side didn't wallow in the crazy as much as they did here.

Where the hell did my country was there just 20-odd years ago.
So are the people who put a cross in a jar of piss Crazy? How about the people who wrote a play with a gay Jesus? Crazy? right?
Yes, crazy. Both sides.

I just don't see the point of combatting crazy with more crazy.
I'd prefer they not deserve it, but as long as "they" exist.....I'll want them dead.

We know. I'll probably stand on your side more on this situation because these two were out to hurt innocent people and got what they deserved. I just find it strange that most of the people that you disagree with you end up wanting them dead. Maybe it's just a figure of speech and you don't really wish murder on those that have different opinions/values than you.
We know. I'll probably stand on your side more on this situation because these two were out to hurt innocent people and got what they deserved. I just find it strange that most of the people that you disagree with you end up wanting them dead. Maybe it's just a figure of speech and you don't really wish murder on those that have different opinions/values than you.
I don't want people dead based on beliefs, but based on actions. I think Dick Cheney should have been offed long ago. People who do no good for society, either through work, artistic contribution, services, etc...and are full capable of doing good, but choose rather to do harm...meh..eff em.
So are the people who put a cross in a jar of piss Crazy? How about the people who wrote a play with a gay Jesus? Crazy? right?

No not crazy. Just attention whores.

The problem becomes that because of these two yahoos trying to kill someone over a cartoon people like yourself like to lump all Muslims into one category. Where is the praise for the Muslims that didn't shoot up the convention? I know Christians feel like they're still persecuted in this country but I don't remember anyone lumping every Christian into the same category that Eric Rudolph was in when he blew up multiple abortion clinics in Atlanta. Because that type of logic is just silly but yet it constantly happens to the Muslims. I'm not sure why.
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No not crazy. Just attention whores.

The problem becomes that because of these two yahoos trying to kill someone over a cartoon people like yourself like to lump all Muslims into one category. Where is the praise for the Muslims that didn't shoot up the convention? I know Christians feel like they're still persecuted in this country but I don't remember anyone lumping every Christian into the same category that Eric Rudolph was in when he blew up multiple abortion clinics in Atlanta. Because that type of logic is just silly but yet it constantly happens to the Muslims. I'm not sure why.
because of sheer numbers bro. Look at the numbers of Muslims who do things like this, for their prophet, versus christians doing it for Jesus. I hope we look at Europe and see the shitstorm they have on their hands due to letting Muslims in....not good policy. Look at Iran, banning hair cuts, over religion. People who think we should try and form utopian society where all exist in harmony, are nuts. Never a reality, and with Islam, it's impossible...they won't like you liberals at'll be fighting for their rights, they'll be taking yours.
I remember the muslims had an event right there, I think in the same community center, a few months ago. I do not recall a bunch of rednecks going over there and shooting up the place.

were the muslims trying to hold that event to provoke people?
I remember the muslims had an event right there, I think in the same community center, a few months ago. I do not recall a bunch of rednecks going over there and shooting up the place.

were the muslims trying to hold that even to provoke people?
Were they holding a sexy Jesus contest? Those are always fun.
No not crazy. Just attention whores.

The problem becomes that because of these two yahoos trying to kill someone over a cartoon people like yourself like to lump all Muslims into one category. Where is the praise for the Muslims that didn't shoot up the convention? I know Christians feel like they're still persecuted in this country but I don't remember anyone lumping every Christian into the same category that Eric Rudolph was in when he blew up multiple abortion clinics in Atlanta. Because that type of logic is just silly but yet it constantly happens to the Muslims. I'm not sure why.

you know why: it's because our government funds al q and isis, our government runs the narrative, and our government successfully blamed 9-11 on the muslims, when they had very little to do with it. but other than that, we have no problem in the usa with muslims. we have one as president.
I don't want people dead based on beliefs, but based on actions. I think Dick Cheney should have been offed long ago. People who do no good for society, either through work, artistic contribution, services, etc...and are full capable of doing good, but choose rather to do harm...meh..eff em.

So in reality you kind of agree with the Muslims in this situation? I mean the convention for drawing Mohammed as a cartoon does no real good for society through artistic contribution. So would you say you stand with the Muslims here because they were trying to kill an unproductive member of society?
Benghazi was gun running - to the muslim brotherhood in Syria through turkey, sanctioned by Hillary and Obama. so to have americans who think they need to get involved, it's not surprising, they look to Obama and Hillary for leadership.
So in reality you kind of agree with the Muslims in this situation? I mean the convention for drawing Mohammed as a cartoon does no real good for society through artistic contribution. So would you say you stand with the Muslims here because they were trying to kill an unproductive member of society?
I can think of many ways society might benifit from more Mohammed art. Not the least of which is society accepting Mohammed art.
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Benghazi was gun running - to the muslim brotherhood in Syria through turkey, sanctioned by Hillary and Obama. so to have americans who think they need to get involved, it's not surprising, they look to Obama and Hillary for leadership.
Is Hillery a Muslim too? That might explain some of her fashion choices of late.
I can think of many ways society might benifit from more Mohammed art. Not the least of which is society accepting Mohammed art.
I think Fred is reaching on my idea...anyone who would kill over art, a cartoon, kinda too crazy to share the planet with. I don't agree with Muslims who would kill over a cartoon. The cartoonist were serving the purpose of drawing out the batshit crazies.
it is 100% obvious that with Obama's silence on this and with the nadal Hassan deal, Obama has something against texas, so what? we have something against him as well
I have been to Dallas multiple times and it is a wonderful city not quite sure what you are insinuating so maybe enlighten me.And by all means tell us wher YOU are from?

hawkssox....Dallas has a LONG and noted reputation for being the home of rednecked right wing nuts. It has always been a political bastion of the extreme right. It may be a "wonderful city" in many respects....In fact, I am sure, in spite of Jerry Jones, it is....but politically Dallas has always been a wee bit right of the right wing.
The people here blaming the event for the the Islamic dudes trying to kill, are both ignorant and harmful to their own health.
I think whomever decided to hold this event has brain bubbles.

Anybody who thinks holding a Mohammed cartoon art thingie wasn't going to get a rise out of some wacko is wacko themselves. Free Speech...give me a break. They went looking for trouble, and this is why they held the event packing heat.

They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Utterly moronic.
bagdropper...You and I seldom agree on much politically, but here we are in 100% accord. No doubt these folks were within their "constitutional rights" to hold this meeting but to think something like this might not happen is pure stupidity upon the organizer's. As Ron White says..."You can't fix stupid." As many before have said...with rights come responsibilities.
The real pisser here to me is the fact that this group of folks chose to hold this "art" conflab at this particular location because a week or so earlier, there was an Islamic meeting there. Like their meeting was to remove the bad mojo left there by the Islams?
bagdropper...You and I seldom agree on much politically, but here we are in 100% accord. No doubt these folks were within their "constitutional rights" to hold this meeting but to think something like this might not happen is pure stupidity upon the organizer's. As Ron White says..."You can't fix stupid." As many before have said...with rights come responsibilities.
The real pisser here to me is the fact that this group of folks chose to hold this "art" conflab at this particular location because a week or so earlier, there was an Islamic meeting there. Like their meeting was to remove the bad mojo left there by the Islams?
I think maybe we should ban any art, cartoons, or satire of all religious nature....basically what you're saying.
bagdropper...You and I seldom agree on much politically, but here we are in 100% accord. No doubt these folks were within their "constitutional rights" to hold this meeting but to think something like this might not happen is pure stupidity upon the organizer's. As Ron White says..."You can't fix stupid." As many before have said...with rights come responsibilities.
The real pisser here to me is the fact that this group of folks chose to hold this "art" conflab at this particular location because a week or so earlier, there was an Islamic meeting there. Like their meeting was to remove the bad mojo left there by the Islams?
Islamic terrorism in Texas again these ragheads will soon learn you don't mess with Texas.
Obama admin working hard to find a way to say they were not isis or "isil"

Obama would know, that's for sure

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