Has anyone improved their image working for Trump?

Huey Grey

HB King
Jan 15, 2013
We all know working for him has lead to countless people ruining their reputations, getting fired, being disbarred, and even criminal charges. But has anyone come out better?
Should have made this a survey. This answer is clearly no.

Could have been the first unanimous survey since Joes Place WOB on tripped up trucks.
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Stormy is the only one I know of, but it sounds like she only worked for him for a few seconds.
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I wouldn't say improved his image, and I could be way off on this, but Pence came to mind as someone that didn't really hurt his image anymore than it was. At least he didn't go along with the plan. I will always wonder if he made a big boy decision or if mother told him what he needed to do.
I wouldn't say improved his image, and I could be way off on this, but Pence came to mind as someone that didn't really hurt his image anymore than it was. At least he didn't go along with the plan. I will always wonder if he made a big boy decision or if mother told him what he needed to do.

I would disagree. Pence, in the end, did the right thing, but up until that point he was Trump's monkey. He praised him and defended him and everything else even after Trump had no problem with his mob wanting to kill him.

I disagreed with Pence as a politicians for his platform, but after 4 years under Trump I lost respect for him as a person, and I think he lost a lot of respect for himself and his values which Trump forced him to choose between.
I wouldn't say improved his image, and I could be way off on this, but Pence came to mind as someone that didn't really hurt his image anymore than it was. At least he didn't go along with the plan. I will always wonder if he made a big boy decision or if mother told him what he needed to do.

Pence was the governor of Indiana, than a VP. Now he couldn't get elected dog catcher.

Trump hates him for doing the right thing once so he wouldn't win the Republican nomination and the Dems would never back him because he spend 4 years kissing Trump's rear before finally at the most crucial moment doing the right thing.
not only the ruined reputations but the constant losing. you would think they'd wise up and figure out he's a loser. but hell no they keep doing the same thing and thinking, somehow, the results will change. pathetic.
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While I'm not sure if he improved his image, but I'd certainly say Desantis increased/improved his status through endorsing/working with trump. He quickly went from a Congressional Rep who nobody outside of his district knew, to the Gov of one of the nation's largest states.