He aint lyin

He's terrified. You can see it in his scrotal orange face.
👆 This.

I saw someone who has followed him for years say that basically this press conference is a desperate move by Trump because he feels that his surrogates and campaign spokespeople have done such a poor job and that Harris/Walz is getting all the attention that he felt that he was the only one that could change the narrative, so he called a presser.

Some other observations:
  1. He keeps coming back to crowd size. He may have large crowd sizes but what does that mean? Does it translate to winning an election or soothing a childish ego? How'd his record crowd sizes work out for him in 2020?
  2. He's also saying he is up in all the polls and he isn't, he's just going on the same old idea that whatever he says becomes reality.
  3. He's making all these doomsday predictions if Harris wins, but he also said the economy would crash if he lost in 2020, but I think the stock market had other ideas.
  4. His spin on abortion that he just wanted to give the power back to the states was so weak.
I think Harris needs to answer to the media as well, but for the moment it seems that letting Trump dig himself a hole by ranting on TV is probably a wise move. It's safe to assume the political fact-checkers all just sighed and called their spouses and told them they'd be working overtime tonight.
I just get tired of absolutely EVERYTHING he talks about regarding him always the best in the history of the world, the best ever president. Absolutely every metric, he was the best in the history for he country. Everything will be perfect if he’s elected.

Everything regarding his opponent, no matter who it is…EVERYTHING is the absolutely worst in the history of the country, the worst the world has ever seen, etc. everything will be the worst the country and world will ever see if Kamala is elected. Truly ridiculous.

In regard to polling, no one ever had the results he has. He’s leading big in every swing state as of today. He has a huge lead in GA and PA right now. Bigger than anyone’s ever seen.

It just gets so tiring when all independent polls say the exact opposite of what he spews. I can’t imagine the xountry, after listening to him recite his grievances again and again, with no plans to improve anything, would want anything other than for him to go away forever.
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I just get tired of absolutely EVERYTHING he talks about regarding him was always the best in the history of the world, the best ever president. Absolutely every metric, he was the best in the history for he country. Everything will be perfect if he’s elected.

Everything regarding his opponent, no matter who it is…EVERYTHING is the absolutely worst in the history of the country, the worst the world has ever seen, etc. everything will be the worst the country and world will ever see if Kamala is elected. Truly ridiculous.

In regard to polling, no one ever had the results he has. He’s leading big in every swing state as of today. He has a huge lead in GA and PA right now. Bigger than anyone’s ever seen.

It just gets so tiring when all independent polls say the exact opposite of what he spews. I can’t imagine the xountry, after listening to him recite his grievances again and again, with no plans to improve anything, would want anything other than for him to go away forever.
His base/supporters consist largely of people who take him 100% at his word, and wouldn't dare fact-check anything he says. When these are your followers, you can say whatever you want.

The fact that CNN or Wash Post or NY Times or anyone else fact checks him and points out all the provable lies doesn't matter at all to him, because he's got his supporters convinced that everything they say is "fake news" and part of the conspiracy against him.
The fact that CNN or Wash Post or NY Times or anyone else fact checks him and points out all the provable lies doesn't matter at all to him, because he's got his supporters convinced that everything they say is "fake news" and part of the conspiracy against him.

The msm has done this to themselves. The one sided nature of their coverage has severely eroded public confidence.

Further, there have been cited instances where the fact checkers were proven to be completely wrong.

Americans' trust in media plummets to historic low: poll​

Republicans keep claiming that Kamala Harris is stupid but what is the evidence for that? Howard University is well respected. In the 80s/90s UC Hastings was ranked in the top 30 or so law schools. Law School Rankings 1987-1999. They have Iowa ranked slightly higher so it is clearly very legitimate. She is well spoken, she has been successful in the jobs she's had. I'm not claiming she is a genius but it seems obvious to me that she is intelligent.
Republicans keep claiming that Kamala Harris is stupid but what is the evidence for that? Howard University is well respected. In the 80s/90s UC Hastings was ranked in the top 30 or so law schools. Law School Rankings 1987-1999. They have Iowa ranked slightly higher so it is clearly very legitimate. She is well spoken, she has been successful in the jobs she's had. I'm not claiming she is a genius but it seems obvious to me that she is intelligent.
and keep in mind...

the people saying this think trump is very smart
Republicans keep claiming that Kamala Harris is stupid but what is the evidence for that? Howard University is well respected. In the 80s/90s UC Hastings was ranked in the top 30 or so law schools. Law School Rankings 1987-1999. They have Iowa ranked slightly higher so it is clearly very legitimate. She is well spoken, she has been successful in the jobs she's had. I'm not claiming she is a genius but it seems obvious to me that she is intelligent.

She's well spoken?
👆 This.

I saw someone who has followed him for years say that basically this press conference is a desperate move by Trump because he feels that his surrogates and campaign spokespeople have done such a poor job and that Harris/Walz is getting all the attention that he felt that he was the only one that could change the narrative, so he called a presser.

Some other observations:
  1. He keeps coming back to crowd size. He may have large crowd sizes but what does that mean? Does it translate to winning an election or soothing a childish ego? How'd his record crowd sizes work out for him in 2020?
  2. He's also saying he is up in all the polls and he isn't, he's just going on the same old idea that whatever he says becomes reality.
  3. He's making all these doomsday predictions if Harris wins, but he also said the economy would crash if he lost in 2020, but I think the stock market had other ideas.
  4. His spin on abortion that he just wanted to give the power back to the states was so weak.
I think Harris needs to answer to the media as well, but for the moment it seems that letting Trump dig himself a hole by ranting on TV is probably a wise move. It's safe to assume the political fact-checkers all just sighed and called their spouses and told them they'd be working overtime tonight.
All of the points you say are new because he's, are the same ones he's been talking about for a year. It's like the first time you've seen him speak.
Republicans keep claiming that Kamala Harris is stupid but what is the evidence for that? Howard University is well respected. In the 80s/90s UC Hastings was ranked in the top 30 or so law schools. Law School Rankings 1987-1999. They have Iowa ranked slightly higher so it is clearly very legitimate. She is well spoken, she has been successful in the jobs she's had. I'm not claiming she is a genius but it seems obvious to me that she is intelligent.
Judge Brown says she slept around to get what she wanted.
Republicans keep claiming that Kamala Harris is stupid but what is the evidence for that? Howard University is well respected. In the 80s/90s UC Hastings was ranked in the top 30 or so law schools. Law School Rankings 1987-1999. They have Iowa ranked slightly higher so it is clearly very legitimate. She is well spoken, she has been successful in the jobs she's had. I'm not claiming she is a genius but it seems obvious to me that she is intelligent.
They are grasping at straws and doing what they're best at - projecting. There's few (if any) republicans left of any intelligence in the party, Trump saw to that.
I just get tired of absolutely EVERYTHING he talks about regarding him was always the best in the history of the world, the best ever president. Absolutely every metric, he was the best in the history for he country. Everything will be perfect if he’s elected.

Everything regarding his opponent, no matter who it is…EVERYTHING is the absolutely worst in the history of the country, the worst the world has ever seen, etc. everything will be the worst the country and world will ever see if Kamala is elected. Truly ridiculous.

In regard to polling, no one ever had the results he has. He’s leading big in every swing state as of today. He has a huge lead in GA and PA right now. Bigger than anyone’s ever seen.

It just gets so tiring when all independent polls say the exact opposite of what he spews. I can’t imagine the xountry, after listening to him recite his grievances again and again, with no plans to improve anything, would want anything other than for him to go away forever.
Poor babies....
All of the points you say are new because he's, are the same ones he's been talking about for a year. It's like the first time you've seen him speak.
And those points are just as disingenuous today as they have been for the past year.
You don't know if he's wrong eh?
i'd say he's wrong based on the fact that she probably didn't get a lot of votes in a statewide election (which she's multiple of) because of a guy she dated in her early 20s

i also know that's an allegation that get's thrown at a lot of women, typically by men who are bitter over their own careers (like, say if you ended up as a tv judge and not a state AG, senator, and VP)
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Holy pot / kettle moment.

What do you think is broken in your brain to WANT Trump?

I don't WANT Kamala - but I'm forced in a corner to pick undesirable over dangerous.

Too bad the repubbers can't clean their house.
It's not lost on me that you guys are attempting to sell this as the most exciting thing since 2008 while you all admit Kamala is a hold your nose type candidate.
i'd say he's wrong based on the fact that she probably didn't get a lot of votes in a statewide election (which she's multiple of) because of a guy she dated in her early 20s

i also know that's an allegation that get's thrown at a lot of women, typically by men who are bitter over their own careers (like, say if you ended up as a tv judge and not a state AG, senator, and VP)
Yeah maybe, maybe not
It's not lost on me that you guys are attempting to sell this as the most exciting thing since 2008 while you all admit Kamala is a gold your nose type candidate.

You've grouped me in with what you view as the dem masses. You will not find one post of me celebrating having to vote for Kamala (edit to add: or Biden for that matter). You will find me saying or generally alluding to a phuck-no-never-trump-anything-but-that-dumbass way of thinking though.

That said, I don't mind being incorrectly lumped in. All you HORT repubbers are shit stain Trumpanzee MAGAs to me and I don't delineate. So yeah, feel free to do the same with me.