Herschel Walker: The Perfect MAGAt

And, he's just now learning there is early voting for the runoff... dude...
It's self serving, but it's fun to see all the anonymous leaks coming out from people who worked for the Walker campaign team. He was unfocused. He didn't understand the issues. He didn't message effectively. His personal life was a mess, and should have made him a non starter as a candidate...
It's self serving, but it's fun to see all the anonymous leaks coming out from people who worked for the Walker campaign team. He was unfocused. He didn't understand the issues. He didn't message effectively. His personal life was a mess, and should have made him a non starter as a candidate...
But he's well known and black. The latter more important when running against Warnock. It was an attempt to split the black vote that voted as a block in the 2020 runoff. Can't wait to be called a racist.