HostelAlfalfaWilcoxKeto’s Abortion Thoughts Thread

Republicans PANICKING As Majority Of Americans Reject Conservative SCOTUS Overturning Roe

I’m pro life but would agree to abortion being allowed the first 12 weeks, nothing after that. I see 12 weeks as more than enough time to determine you are pregnant and make that decision.

What about the women who miscarry past 12 weeks, where there's still a "heartbeat", but the fetus has no chance of living.

In these cases, Standard Of Care is to perform a D&E or D&C to remove the fetus and prevent complications.

In your world, women have to carry the dead/dying fetus for months, with many having to wait until they are in critical condition.

Abortions need to be fully legal up to 24 weeks, and remain legal past that in cases where medical science indicates an abortion is necessary. Not base on some silly, poorly written law.

Based upon medicine and science.
The abortions that happen around or after 30 weeks are not for funsies.


And there is zero reason to require any hospital or provider to "second guess" their decision based on poorly written laws banning medically necessary procedures.

3rd trimster abortions need to be legal when medical needs require them. And BEFORE the life of the mother is in critical condition. When the life of the mother can reasonably BECOME critical based on medical assessments, without legislators second-guessing it.


I’m pro life but would agree to abortion being allowed the first 12 weeks, nothing after that. I see 12 weeks as more than enough time to determine you are pregnant and make that decision.
Why 12 weeks? Why not make it like it used to be where women could get them up until quickening.

I just shake my head at dudes deciding when it’s ok for a woman to get an abortion.
30 weeks is way to long for me. We’ll have to figure out the rare cases along the way. I’d rather have that then unnecessary abortions at 20, 25, 30 weeks.
Why is it way to long for you? Your just mansplaining.
Eating chickens okay , eating humans, frowned upon.

Or crack open a chicken egg and see the golden/yellow yoke. What do you do? You eat it.

Crack open a chicken egg and see blood and a small chicken fetus. You don’t eat it, do you.

My point? Your analogy was stupid.
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