House Democratic leader declares Justice Alito 'an insurrectionist sympathizer' amid flag fracas


HR Heisman
Sep 16, 2010
Jeffries should immediately step down from his position as majority leader in the House after his comment on Justice Sam Alito. He said because a flag was allegedly hanging upside down on Alito's home, he is an insurrectionist. Jeffries has no idea why the flag was upside down, who put the flag upside down and he definitely doesn't know what is in Sam Alito's heart. Sam Alito is a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, a separate branch of our government and one of only 116 people to ever serve in that position in the history of our country and being in that position, deserves a degree of respect and honor. You may not agree with Alito's juditial decisions or his politics and you may not even like Sam Alito but you do not make a comment like toward a Supreme Court Justice when you hold a respected position in our government. That's is completely unacceptable and I bet you can't name one time a leader in the Republican Party ever called any Justice a disparaging name or questioned his patriotism like Jeffries just did.

Jeffries should immediately step down from his position as majority leader in the House after his comment on Justice Sam Alito. He said because a flag was allegedly hanging upside down on Alito's home, he is an insurrectionist. Jeffries has no idea why the flag was upside down, who put the flag upside down and he definitely doesn't know what is in Sam Alito's heart. Sam Alito is a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, a separate branch of our government and one of only 116 people to ever serve in that position in the history of our country and being in that position, deserves a degree of respect and honor. You may not agree with Alito's juditial decisions or his politics and you may not even like Sam Alito but you do not make a comment like toward a Supreme Court Justice when you hold a respected position in our government. That's is completely unacceptable and I bet you can't name one time a leader in the Republican Party ever called any Justice a disparaging name or questioned his patriotism like Jeffries just did.

What about trump disparaging the entire justice department daily, calling special prosecutors, "Monsters" and judges, "vicious" and making a mockery of the entire system of justice by calling it rigged?

Spare me the faux outrage.
Jeffries should immediately step down from his position as majority leader in the House after his comment on Justice Sam Alito. He said because a flag was allegedly hanging upside down on Alito's home, he is an insurrectionist. Jeffries has no idea why the flag was upside down, who put the flag upside down and he definitely doesn't know what is in Sam Alito's heart. Sam Alito is a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, a separate branch of our government and one of only 116 people to ever serve in that position in the history of our country and being in that position, deserves a degree of respect and honor. You may not agree with Alito's juditial decisions or his politics and you may not even like Sam Alito but you do not make a comment like toward a Supreme Court Justice when you hold a respected position in our government. That's is completely unacceptable and I bet you can't name one time a leader in the Republican Party ever called any Justice a disparaging name or questioned his patriotism like Jeffries just did.

Glad he said what i and many others was thinking.