Why Would SCOTUS Justice Alito Lie?

why? I take you at your word that what you post is what you believe. Are you saying you’re playing a character on here?
I post what I believe - yes. You don’t?
You and the ultra lefty types cling to your desperate actions because your veggie in chief is an embarrassment to our country.
You put that dolt ahead of this country.
I like you goldie, but if anyone blindly defends an ideology, it's you, not Rocky. He repeatedly calls a spade a spade.
Neither one of you would know the difference
I post what I believe - yes. You don’t?
You and the ultra lefty types cling to your desperate actions because your veggie in chief is an embarrassment to our country.
You put that dolt ahead of this country.

Neither one of you would know the difference
100% I post what I believe. Because you do as well I am perfectly comfortable judging your ethics and principles based on your posts.

You’re going to vote Trump again, aren’t you?
The article confirms that it was Mrs. Alito and not the Judge involved
And yet, the excuse about the slur and wife putting up the flag is clearly a lie, since that happened weeks later.

You seem to enjoy omitting those facts here.
The man provoked a violent attack on the Capitol and has excused it ever since. He's promised to free people who attacked police officers. That YOU find this "defensible" and still think he's "qualified" is more clear evidence that you're an idiot.
Alison did all that? That is quite the claim. Do you have any evidence?
The article confirms that it was Mrs. Alito and not the Judge involved yet there are simpletons (bots, trolls, DNC volunteers) who are still trying to blame him.
Good job guys.
And Bill Clinton said he never inhaled, mom. Sorry, I don’t quite believe the judge on this one. Hellsbells, my house…I come home and I go to the door, remove the flag…and if the wife says anything, I would tell her….”Fly it when Im not here…..I dont care.”

That’s the way I run things at my house, any way….just how my bride tells me to.
What would the reaction from Republicans be if SCOTUS was set to hear a case involving the George Floyd riots and news came out that one of the liberal justices was flying a Black Lives Matter flag at their home shortly after the riots?

Rhetorical question, obviously, because we all know the answer.
Do people really believe getting into a spat with their neighbors was the reason the flag was flown upside down, I mean seriously believe it? I mean who the hell gets in an argument and thinks “I’ll show those assholes, I’ll fly my flag upside down”

People worry about Alito being biased, Hell he should resign for his judgement in coming up with such a lame ass excuse. The guy s making decisions that will forever affect our Country and he comes up with “My dog ate my homework”. Incredible.
Alison did all that? That is quite the claim. Do you have any evidence?
Hey the question I responded to.

Or you are insane to think he should be disqualified because democrats are desperate to create a narrative that serves their interests
YOU posted it, idiot.

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Hey the question I responded to.

YOU posted it, idiot.

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Jesus you maroon. You idiots are trying to push Supreme Court justices off the court or expand the court because you know you are cooked. You are Marxist assholes and people are done with your bulkshit.

Alito isn't going to resign or recuse hinself and there is literally nothing you can do about it
Jesus you maroon. You idiots are trying to push Supreme Court justices off the court or expand the court because you know you are cooked. You are Marxist assholes and people are done with your bulkshit.

Alito isn't going to resign or recuse hinself and there is literally nothing you can do about it
lol…just admit that your moronic “Alison” response was a result of you not remembering your own posts.
And Bill Clinton said he never inhaled, mom. Sorry, I don’t quite believe the judge on this one. Hellsbells, my house…I come home and I go to the door, remove the flag…and if the wife says anything, I would tell her….”Fly it when Im not here…..I dont care.”

That’s the way I run things at my house, any way….just how my bride tells me to. Because I'm a misogynist and proud of it dammit!
why? I take you at your word that what you post is what you believe. Are you saying you’re playing a character on here?

goldie, unknowingly(?) has been sucked into ultra-right positions. Maybe it's arguments on this board that has radicalized her opinions. She is, however, still one of the few rational conservative voices on this board.

Why defend a person purposely using the flag of the U.S. in a such a manner, particularly if that person is the wife of a SCOTUS justice and should know her station. Alito is radical, controversial and already under scrutiny. By defending his wiife, goldie stepped into the ring of ultra-right controversy. Why?

This is my observation.

My attitudes may have hardened but not my positions.
And Bill Clinton said he never inhaled, mom. Sorry, I don’t quite believe the judge on this one. Hellsbells, my house…I come home and I go to the door, remove the flag…and if the wife says anything, I would tell her….”Fly it when Im not here…..I dont care.”

That’s the way I run things at my house, any way….just how my bride tells me to.
I’m sure your bride is running things far more than you realize. And I’m sure she’s the adult in the house with more marbles left too. 🙄
goldie, unknowingly(?) has been sucked into ultra-right positions. Maybe it's arguments on this board that has radicalized her opinions. She is, however, still one of the few rational conservative voices on this board.

Why defend a person purposely using the flag of the U.S. in a such a manner, particularly if that person is the wife of a SCOTUS justice and should know her station. Alito is radical, controversial and already under scrutiny. By defending his wiife, goldie stepped into the ring of ultra-right controversy. Why?

This is my observation.

My attitudes may have hardened but not my positions.
Goldie hasn’t been sucked into anything.
At my age the only thing left about me that sucks is my knees. They have to be talked into working every morning.
Let the jokes begin. 🤪
Jesus you maroon. You idiots are trying to push Supreme Court justices off the court or expand the court because you know you are cooked. You are Marxist assholes and people are done with your bulkshit.

Alito isn't going to resign or recuse hinself and there is literally nothing you can do about it
You're correct, but i can still show my displeasure with my voice against a secret society and the rulings of a crooked SCOTUS member. There is nothing to hold these members accountable for any any decisions they make, no matter right or wrong.