I usually like your posts, but it's nothing like FB because Iowa won and went on to have a better season and higher ranking, while ISU was quite possibly the most disappointing team in all of college football. It's borderline amazing to hear an ISU fan say "subjective ranking", all while having sat on the preseason ranking throne for months previous to football last year.
As per bball, I'd take the higher ranking, and 26-10 vs 22-13 all day compared to an individual win. This is a bizarre argument. I would understand your argument if ISU went on to have the better bball season, but it doesn't appear that way. Personally, I don't remember much about the NCAA's and which teams made the sweet 16's, etc. This might possibly be because Iowa hasn't made it forever. Damn Richmond. I will however, remember that Big Ten Tourney run 10 years from now and every single moment along the way. The same way I still remember the 2001, 2002, and 2006 runs Iowa went on. I couldn't tell you how the 2001 or 2002 tournament games went at all without looking it up.