How can anyone vote Democrat?

How’s the thread going? We all seeing eye-to-eye yet? Party at my house tomorrow night. Come one, come all! 🙂
A train wreck happend at debate which could have been avoided earlier by not putting a weak man (Biden) in office. Tell me that people didn’t know this would happen, heck we all saw his declining cognitive health in many appearances. IMO plan B was already in place and they allowed Biden to fail in front of the world to first validate the change and then activate. I actually want to feel sorry for him but not his administration for tanking the economy and government structure. If the Democratic leaders could have not swung so far left they would be on easy street in this election.
Now, it’s a vote of: “Who do you NOT want for president” by casting for the other candidate.

Haven't read the entire thread, but I'm voting AGAINST Trump, not FOR Biden.
The choices are horrible, but not voting for Biden is support for DJT.

In the end for me, it's still GOP policy vs Dem policy.
100s of 12 year old girls are raped by jo biden's ILLEGALS every day........
Cite your hundreds of cases....Morris and his clan were calling us teachers groomers, telling his constituents who to vote for on school board elections. My former school district's board of trustees is packed full of these MAGAS. Who is the groomer, Morris...
Voting Democrat - it's easy especially considering the alternative. Dems don't vote for convicted felons whether he/she is running for local dogcatcher or president of the US. Republicans unfortunately do. Again, an easy choice!
None of those are, unfortunately, true. You conveniently pass over being found a rapist/sexual abuser. And admitting to such. Financial felon X34 (and going up). Multiple time wife cheater. King of liars... he lies to YOU, Hans, literally every day. Hundreds of millions of $$ in debt. Tried to subverting democracy and the Constitution. Is a racist. Proved during his dumpster fire admin term #1 he has no clue how to hire people and run an administration. Has put forth zero policy positions with details on how he will make America better. Oh yeah, did I mention he is an ADMITTED sexual abuser? Great guy you support... and has a chance to end up in prison. Be loud and proud supporting all of that.
^^^^ Supported the below.

Be better Comrades