How can anyone vote Democrat?

I loathe Trump and MAGAts as much as any American patriot should.

That said, I am livid at the Democrats for putting themselves in the position of running a Weekend at Bernie’s caricature for f——ing President of the United States, too.
Gotcha, and you will suck it up and do the right and vote for a very effective administration or throw a pity party and screw us 2016 style?
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The felon is Biden! Give me a break. I handled Classified Materoal for 25 years. Biden had Classified Material in five different locations. The laptop spells it all out to the big guy. Bin Laden has more integrity than any Biden! Fact! The Russian fake hoax should have been enough for impeachment of Biden. Hunter getting the kickback of 80,000 a month from the Ukraine Utility! Another legal fact! I can go on and on with legal facts! Unreal how stupid Dems are.
Lol there's no way you were a federal employee and if so it speaks volumes to a lot of our issues and whys.
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The 3 dui stumbling alcoholic returns
Constantly bringing up the Governor of Iowa as some type of attack is laughable. Keep being angry and trying to justify something so pitiful as MAGA. Thankful I'm on team 🇺🇸 and not this Fascist Criminal enterprise that wants a King, the dumbest most corrupt King possible as well. Absolutely pathetic.
I hate responding to seagull troll accounts, but....

Venezuela is a prime example of the path the Democratic Party is following. Thanks for confirming where we are heading with the current leadership!

Actually all experts attribute Venezuela's downfall to the following:
Being a petrostate, Biden's green energy policies are helping ensure this doesn't happen
Declining oil production, Biden's policy has the US producing record high production levels
Soaring debt - That was a trump policy that Biden has marginally resolved
Growing autocracy - the growth of autocracy by violating basic tenets of democracy was completely a trump trick
Chavez ending Pres term limits and taking control of the Supreme Court - which US President does this sound like? wrong, Trump
Corruption - trump self dealed for 4 years and violated the emoluments clause repeatedly

Thats generally the top reasons and they are all Cheeto's "leadership" policies. More reasons we need an alternate Dem or to just vote in Joe Vegetable. Anyone but the Felon.
I don’t want Biden as the D nominee. Even if he is, though, I will vote for whatever D is on the ballot. Doesn’t matter who it is, it will be a better option than the R candidate.
A train wreck happend at debate which could have been avoided earlier by not putting a weak man (Biden) in office. Tell me that people didn’t know this would happen, heck we all saw his declining cognitive health in many appearances. IMO plan B was already in place and they allowed Biden to fail in front of the world to first validate the change and then activate. I actually want to feel sorry for him but not his administration for tanking the economy and government structure. If the Democratic leaders could have not swung so far left they would be on easy street in this election.
Now, it’s a vote of: “Who do you NOT want for president” by casting for the other candidate.
I hear you, but this board is overwhelming liberal, so your commentary is going to draw their wrath. 😉
As opposed to a man judged a sexual abuser, multiple time felon, admitted womanizer and user of porno prostitutes, and is a half a billion dollars in debt because of his conviction fines. Which makes him an easy blackmale target. Plus he lies to the American people every time he opens his mouth. And all of America knows it. Great presidential material there.
You conveniently left out that the border was more secure, economy in better shape, and more stable foreign situation when Trump was president. 🥴
Easily. VERY easily.

You know, it would be another thing entirely if the rest of the Republican party was some sort of version of the Republican party I used to know. It used to be a party that had at least some self respect, and actually thought they were trying to do good for the country - they actually TRIED to govern and TRIED to compromise to find some common ground with Democrats.

They actually had some good people in it. But now, the whole damn party is absolutely bat shit crazy. Now you even got guys like Grassley that have gotten into lockstep with the walking talking abomination that is Donald Trump. THAT I never thought I'd see...but here we are.

So, yeah. I will vote Democrat, VERY easily - and not lose one damn second of sleep over it. They're not perfect - no political party ever is. But I have a helluva lot more faith that they're actually trying to help the country compared to the assembly of lackeys now currently working for the Republican party.
So, explain to me how an open/unsecure border, high gas/grocery prices, high mortgage rates, high crime, and weak foreign policy is “trying to help our country”? TDS has apparently clouded your brain.
I do not like Biden and the democratic party is not mine. I also do not have voters remorse, I'm glad I voted for him in 2020 solely because of who the other candidate was. The one that brags about sexually assaulting women. The one that is listed in the Epstein docs. The one that is now a convicted felon. I'm glad I voted for Biden in 2020, but that does not mean I like him.

Anyways, I'm not sure your entire post could be more incorrect, which is why I didn't waste my time on your original post. Glad to know my feelings about "train wreak" were correct. Have a good one, poon!
For reportedly not reading the entire OP, you sure seem to have a lot of thoughts on it. 🤔
I don't disagree that Biden should not be in office, but to characterize the economy as "tanked" is a tad disingenuous.

The Republicans could have had me back pretty much with anyone besides Trump. As it stands, as I have said numerous times, I'll be sitting this election out.
Good choice.
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You conveniently left out that the border was more secure, economy in better shape, and more stable foreign situation when Trump was president. 🥴
None of those are, unfortunately, true. You conveniently pass over being found a rapist/sexual abuser. And admitting to such. Financial felon X34 (and going up). Multiple time wife cheater. King of liars... he lies to YOU, Hans, literally every day. Hundreds of millions of $$ in debt. Tried to subverting democracy and the Constitution. Is a racist. Proved during his dumpster fire admin term #1 he has no clue how to hire people and run an administration. Has put forth zero policy positions with details on how he will make America better. Oh yeah, did I mention he is an ADMITTED sexual abuser? Great guy you support... and has a chance to end up in prison. Be loud and proud supporting all of that.
None of those are, unfortunately, true. You conveniently pass over being found a rapist/sexual abuser. And admitting to such. Financial felon X34 (and going up). Multiple time wife cheater. King of liars... he lies to YOU, Hans, literally every day. Hundreds of millions of $$ in debt. Tried to subverting democracy and the Constitution. Is a racist. Proved during his dumpster fire admin term #1 he has no clue how to hire people and run an administration. Has put forth zero policy positions with details on how he will make America better. Oh yeah, did I mention he is an ADMITTED sexual abuser? Great guy you support... and has a chance to end up in prison. Be loud and proud supporting all of that.
Hey bud, not sure what rock you were sleeping under during the Trump administration? However, everything I said in my initial post were indeed true.
Wow Hans... replying multiple times... you are obviously triggered.... hope you don't stroke out. Have a beer and go to bed.