Hunter Biden jury HAS reached a verdict

I am on the fence regarding the law that Hunter broke. The application form states: Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance? I am guessing that there are millions of gun applicants who have improperly answered no to this question, especially now that many states have legalized marijuana. While I am generally in favor of more restrictive gun laws (mainly dealing with the types of weapons that can be purchased), I think the drug restriction is very subjective. In Hunter's case, he was obviously a heavy addict when he applied for a gun and I think this should have kept him from getting one. On the other hand, there are many applicants/gun owners who are occasional to moderate drug users who are still responsible enough to own a gun. The other issue I have is alcohol use. If Hunter had been a raging alcoholic and not a drug user, he would have been able to legally purchase the gun.

How exhausting this must be for you.
Are you really that big of an asshole? I would hope you would hug your son as well. Your kids aren't always going to make you proud, but you should still provide them love.

I hope to God you don't have children.

I've already indicated that I would pardon him if it were my son.
This verdict isn't about Hunter. It's about Trump. They will put Hunter in jail even for a day so they can justify jailing a former president and say see it's not a political witch hunt at all. We jailed the current president's son so jailing Trump is okay.
So the jail time is coordinated to be able to jail Trump?
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So the jail time is coordinated to be able to jail Trump?
This was the crime least associated with Joe, it's also the least common to be charged... this is a front. It's a show verdict and will have a show sentencing giving the cover needed to say "look, we jailed the president's son, no one is above the law, including a former president."
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This was the crime least associated with Joe, it's also the least common to be charged... this is a front. It's a show verdict and will have a show sentencing giving the cover needed to say "look, we jailed the president's son, no one is above the law, including a former president."


So the Judge that rejected the original plea and the Trump-appointed prosecutor are in cahoots with the democrats to produce a show trial, verdict and sentencing so that the democrats have cover when Trump is sentenced to jail time?

You really need to think that theory through a bit more.
He is a raging crack addict! He answered "no" to a question that obviously he should have answered "yes" and probably should have wrote on the margins of the application that he was a "raging meth addict".
So Rico, is THIS the crime your offended with? Who is the victim? Who is damaged…how and how much?

Unlike Trump who committed a crime to commit another crime.

So the Judge that rejected the original plea and the Trump-appointed prosecutor are in cahoots with the democrats to produce a show trial, verdict and sentencing so that the democrats have cover when Trump is sentenced to jail time?

You really need to think that theory through a bit more.
you don't get it

it's all the presidents who were never indicted, charged or convicted for criminal conduct or actions...those are the real criminals

and the president's son being found guilty and facing real jail time...that's just further proof that the president is controlling the legal system

(these are statements that actually make sense to some people...its incredible)
Who is behind all this? The judge? the jury? Who?
As you should be ridiculed. There's no proof of corruption among the Biden family. Maybe Hunter individually but not the family. Then again I'll bet you think Trump was a politically motivated prosecution.
My hope is that it will all come out because of HBs laptop and his taxes.
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As you should be ridiculed. There's no proof of corruption among the Biden family. Maybe Hunter individually but not the family. Then again I'll bet you think Trump was a politically motivated prosecution.
Also, FBI confirmed the laptop is real and unaltered. Entire Biden family will be joining JB in shitting his pants. I hope they all have brown pants.
As opposed to a narcissistic asshole who doesn't "give a f**k" anyone or anything but himself. Sure.

No one believes you...except others like you...and they believe Trump would make a good president, so they'll believe all kinds of stupid shit. Like "I'm going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it".

Take a hike. And work on your insults, "child". They make you look stupid.
I would MUCH rather have a “narcissistic asshole” than Joe Biden. I just don’t care about the asshole, tough-guy persona. It does not bother me.

If we want to continue to be a top nation, we need to have a hard-nosed approach. We don’t need a leader that jumps on board with every trend that pops up (celebrating George Floyd, White people guilt etc etc etc…).
I would MUCH rather have a “narcissistic asshole” than Joe Biden. I just don’t care about the asshole, tough-guy persona. It does not bother me.

If we want to continue to be a top nation, we need to have a hard-nosed approach. We don’t need a leader that jumps on board with every trend that pops up (celebrating George Floyd, White people guilt etc etc etc…).
With Trump, it's not just that he's a bad guy. He's also very stupid. And he surrounds himself with bad, stupid people.

Biden at least seems to have competent people around him.

Reason #475 to go with Biden over Trump.
With Trump, it's not just that he's a bad guy. He's also very stupid. And he surrounds himself with bad, stupid people.

Biden at least seems to have competent people around him.

Reason #475 to go with Biden over Trump.
Lol, can't tell if you are serious coach, lol.
I think he’s serious. These Joe Biden supporters are something else.

How you can watch JB for the last 3+ years and STILL want him to be the “leader” of this country is beyond me…..
I'm not so much a JB supporter. But he's miles ahead of Trump. How you can see Trump lose his teleprompter and go off about sharks and batteries and not realize how utterly stupid he is?

Then there's the whole fraudster/rapist/convict thing you have to deal with on Trump. Give me a president who isn't any of those.
I'm not so much a JB supporter. But he's miles ahead of Trump. How you can see Trump lose his teleprompter and go off about sharks and batteries and not realize how utterly stupid he is?

Then there's the whole fraudster/rapist/convict thing you have to deal with on Trump. Give me a president who isn't any of those.
You can't be serious man, for reals. Biden forgets where he's at almost daily. Those stem cell shots will only keep him upright for so long.
I think he’s serious. These Joe Biden supporters are something else.

How you can watch JB for the last 3+ years and STILL want him to be the “leader” of this country is beyond me…..
i don't want the guy who is convicted of crimes and indicted for more crimes and is currently arguing that as president he should be able to do any crimes he wants (including assassination of political opponents - not an exaggeration)
I'm not so much a JB supporter. But he's miles ahead of Trump. How you can see Trump lose his teleprompter and go off about sharks and batteries and not realize how utterly stupid he is?

Then there's the whole fraudster/rapist/convict thing you have to deal with on Trump. Give me a president who isn't any of those.
This doesn’t affect me at all. Trump does not hurt my feelings or upset me due to him lying about f**king a porn star or having classified docs at Mar-a-Lago.

The kind of shit that catches my attention is people celebrating the life of a dude like George Floyd….

…People supporting the idea that White folks should inherently feel a sense of guilt for simply being White.

…People not taking a firm stand against transgender males competing with females…

…Not addressing the border so you can get more votes (from mainly illegals) and appease the groups screaming for equality and opportunity…

Those are a few notable topics/circumstances that have turned me against Joe.
This doesn’t affect me at all. Trump does not hurt my feelings or upset me due to him lying about f**king a porn star or having classified docs at Mar-a-Lago.

The kind of shit that catches my attention is people celebrating the life of a dude like George Floyd….

…People supporting the idea that White folks should inherently feel a sense of guilt for simply being White.

…People not taking a firm stand against transgender males competing with females…

Those are a few notable topics/circumstances that have turned me against Joe.
you should have thrown a "we can't even say Merry Christmas anymore!"

you'd have hit the conservative media dumb culture wars Pick 4
This doesn’t affect me at all. Trump does not hurt my feelings or upset me due to him lying about f**king a porn star or having classified docs at Mar-a-Lago.

The kind of shit that catches my attention is people celebrating the life of a dude like George Floyd….

…People supporting the idea that White folks should inherently feel a sense of guilt for simply being White.

…People not taking a firm stand against transgender males competing with females…

Those are a few notable topics/circumstances that have turned me against Joe.
Trump can have the bigot vote. Luckily they are in the minority.

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