Hunter Biden jury HAS reached a verdict

Disagree with the verdict. Americans shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to purchase a gun.

Hunter seems like human scum but should be able to buy any gun he wants. 🤷‍♂️
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I was being sarcastic. Was that lost on you?

Actually I'm very much ok with the verdict. That's the difference between republicans and democrats. If someone breaks the law and found guilty by a jury then they should be sentenced accordingly.

We're not in a cult where we say everything is rigged just because we're uncomfortable with the outcome.
Ok good for you. We’re not in a cult either. In fact we bitch about both presidential candidates and don’t obsess over Trump.
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Disagree with the verdict. Americans shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to purchase a gun.

Hunter seems like human scum but should be able to buy any gun he wants. 🤷‍♂️

Have to applaud you for having a consistent ideology that applies evenly to everyone.

I disagree. . . we don't need drug addicts carrying around firearms. No matter if it's the president's son or some redneck meth addict with 3 teeth.
Now we get to debate how much prison time he should get. Im sure some will say he should get the max and the Secret Service aspect is not as important as "getting him".

Personally, toss him in prison for a stint. 6 months per count. Time off for good behavior. Maybe he and trump can share a wing in prison to make it easier for the Secret Service.

From what I've read, it is quite unusual for someone to be charged as he was without an associated crime (i.e. burglary, armed robbery, drug trafficking, homicide). Thus, there may not be very many, if any, "comparable" situations for the trial judge to take into consideration.

Trey Gowdy - who is about the furthest thing from a liberal apologist - recently stated that he couldn't remember anyone being charged for this particular crime as a "stand alone" while he was a federal prosecutor.

I suspect that jail time, if any, will be very short. Your suggestion of 6 months is probably not a bad guess. I suspect he'll also be hit with a fine but it will not be anywhere close to $750,000.

Final caveat - I don't practice criminal law and I am not well-versed (not even close) with federal sentencing guidelines so - full disclosure - I'm shooting a bit from the hip here. Just basing my opinion on some things I've read from those who appear to have a decent grasp on the issues and who aren't motivated by political agendas.
Sure the guy's a scumbag, and just as technically guilty as trump. But it's a sad statement that the rough and tumble game of political lawfare now includes involuntary civilians as players/victims. I give it ten years before the historical taboo on going after a president's minor children is no more, assuming we eventually break the cycle of geriatric presidents at some point in the near future.
I give it ten years before the historical taboo on going after a president's minor children is no more,

Did you miss it when Rush Limbaugh - drug addict and right wing hero (“that’s different” when Limbaugh is paying his maid to score downers for him illegally, I’m sure) - called 13 year old Chelsea Clinton a dog?

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Ok good for you. We’re not in a cult either. In fact we bitch about both presidential candidates and don’t obsess over Trump.
Nevada Republican Party Chair Michael McDonald thanked God for the chance to "worship and bring back" Trump, just this past weekend in Las Vegas. MTG (and many others) have compared trump to Jesus Christ, saying both were convicted felons.

trump is the republican party, and yes, it most definitely has become a cult.
I'm sure the NRA will chime in any moment, speaking out about the violation of Hunter's 2nd amendment rights.
NRA are a bunch of backstabbing grifters (or should I say backshooting grifters).

People who actually believe in gun rights have nothing to do with them.
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Bullshit. If he was the D candidate, you would vote for him.
Democrats just aren’t dumbasses like Republicans. Republicans are the party of uneducated, low IQ trash. Just accept it,
Well us non trumper republicans get it as well. You hate Trump.
You know what non obsessed trumpers don’t have to do? Talk about him multiple times every day.
Gee, if only dumbass Republicans didn’t overwhelmingly nominate the POS for President.
I should have you on ignore. You meet every criteria of someone who eats his own shit. But alas, I do not. And you’re saying I’m trying too hard by not having you on ignore?

I wish you could see how unfunny and unclever you are.
Please, just do it now. I'm about free speech but you might want to sit this one out, queef.
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Now we get to debate how much prison time he should get. Im sure some will say he should get the max and the Secret Service aspect is not as important as "getting him".

Personally, toss him in prison for a stint. 6 months per count. Time off for good behavior. Maybe he and trump can share a wing in prison to make it easier for the Secret Service.

This seems fair but I say go one step more... let's put them in the same cell. Then get the cameras rolling and you got a new MTV reality show. I smell a bromance blossoming (or romance, it is pride month).
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I was being sarcastic. Was that lost on you?

Actually I'm very much ok with the verdict. That's the difference between republicans and democrats. If someone breaks the law and found guilty by a jury then they should be sentenced accordingly.

We're not in a cult where we say everything is rigged just because we're uncomfortable with the outcome.
I'm not sure if you know this or not, but you're responding to a totally straight man. So ****ing straight.
Nevada Republican Party Chair Michael McDonald thanked God for the chance to "worship and bring back" Trump, just this past weekend in Las Vegas. MTG (and many others) have compared trump to Jesus Christ, saying both were convicted felons.

trump is the republican party, and yes, it most definitely has become a cult.
Cool story bro! The republicans have some MAGA’s in it so you automatically assume they are all cult members. Thus you are applying I am a cult member yet you’re completely clueless that I was celebrating Trump being convicted. Nice try homo. And before you get your panties in a bunch, I also made the claim that anyone that claims I am a maga will be called a homo.
Cool story bro! The republicans have some MAGA’s in it so you automatically assume they are all cult members. This you are applying I am a cult member yet you’re completely clueless that I was celebrating Trump being convicted. Nice try homo. And before you get your panties in a bunch, I also made the claim that anyone that claims I am a maga will be called a homo.
You're ****ing weird, dude.
Cool story bro! The republicans have some MAGA’s in it so you automatically assume they are all cult members. This you are applying I am a cult member yet you’re completely clueless that I was celebrating Trump being convicted. Nice try homo.
Resorting to name calling now? How christian like.

I don't see a difference between maga trumpers and the republican party. It use to be a great party with worthwhile policy options. That party doesn't exist anymore.
Please, just do it now. I'm about free speech but you might want to sit this one out, queef.
Because you tried really hard and said “please,” before you got frustrated and called me a name, I will put you on ignore. You won’t have to worry about me making fun of you for the unfunny and unclever shit you say here anymore.

One last thing though - when I said you eat your own shit, “you never said no.”
I'm not sure if you know this or not, but you're responding to a totally straight man. So ****ing straight.
Glad to see your excitement about me being straight. Who knew changing my avatar would make so many people so triggered. Hahaha
I don’t begrudge anyone their defenses to criminal proceedings, but I gotta say it’ll be mildly amusing to see hunter assert the 2a on appeal - and even more so if abbe lowell handles it.
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You are correct in acknowledging that he is guilty. Something lots of MAGAs did not do. But you aren’t exactly taking the high road either. You have to make sure you get your but trump remark in as well. The trump obsession you all have.
A more appropriate response would be they are both pos people and mostly most of their family members are pos corrupt people as well.
I genuinely don’t get this claim about us being obsessed with Trump. The man is the leader of your Republican Party, and has a 50/50 chance to be president in 5 months. It’s not like we pluck him from obscurity, to inject him into every story.

There’s a very straight and simple comp here. Trump gets convicted of a crime, all he, the GOP and conservative media do is decry the weaponization of the DOJ by Biden…even tho he was convicted in a state court.

Meanwhile, THE VERY NEXT WEEK, the US DOJ begins a criminal trial vs the presidents own son…you know, the same president who supposedly has weaponized the DOJ against Trump and the GOP, resulting in a conviction. The hypocrisy is mind blowing…but you call liberals obsessed with Trump?
I genuinely don’t get this claim about us being obsessed with Trump. The man is the leader of your Republican Party, and has a 50/50 chance to be president in 5 months. It’s not like we pluck him from obscurity, to inject him into every story.

There’s a very straight and simple comp here. Trump gets convicted of a crime, all he, the GOP and conservative media do is decry the weaponization of the DOJ by Biden…even tho he was convicted in a state court.

Meanwhile, THE VERY NEXT WEEK, the US DOJ begins a criminal trial vs the presidents own son…you know, the same president who supposedly has weaponized the DOJ against Trump and the GOP, resulting in a conviction. The hypocrisy is mind blowing…but you call liberals obsessed with Trump?
This is too many words for him. You're gonna have to simplify it a bit in order to get a response that has nothing to do with what you said.
I genuinely don’t get this claim about us being obsessed with Trump. The man is the leader of your Republican Party, and has a 50/50 chance to be president in 5 months. It’s not like we pluck him from obscurity, to inject him into every story.

There’s a very straight and simple comp here. Trump gets convicted of a crime, all he, the GOP and conservative media do is decry the weaponization of the DOJ by Biden…even tho he was convicted in a state court.

Meanwhile, THE VERY NEXT WEEK, the US DOJ begins a criminal trial vs the presidents own son…you know, the same president who supposedly has weaponized the DOJ against Trump and the GOP, resulting in a conviction. The hypocrisy is mind blowing…but you call liberals obsessed with Trump?
Apparently if you mention something a few times you’re wanting to be whatever you are talking about.
I ask why we need to celebrate gays for a month and the next thing you know, I supposedly am gay.
You are correct in acknowledging that he is guilty. Something lots of MAGAs did not do. But you aren’t exactly taking the high road either. You have to make sure you get your but trump remark in as well. The trump obsession you all have.
A more appropriate response would be they are both pos people and mostly most of their family members are pos corrupt people as well.
Only one of the individuals is auditioning to lead the free world - so as usual your analogy is asinine.

My god you are a dunderhead.
I don’t begrudge anyone their defenses to criminal proceedings, but I gotta say it’ll be mildly amusing to see hunter assert the 2a on appeal - and even more so if abbe lowell handles it.

Just waiting for Justice Thomas’ ruling reversing the gun convictions because there was no law prohibiting addicts from owning a gun in 1787.

You keep grinding out the rent money. It’s noble work you’re doing here Sparky.

Good grief.
I thought no one could be more simple-minded and dull-normal on this board than PepsiCock - but iafb2021 is a damn close second and because he posts much more, really displays his stunning ignorance more strongly.

I nominate him as official GIAOT Village Idiot (a category that should be added to end-of-year voting)
Try and make that argument to the border patrol.
Explain it to me, person who supports a serial sexual assaulter and, as of now, a 34 count felon. Remember to discuss the part that one of the most conservative members of the Senate created a bill that Trump, a guy who is NOT in our government, said they couldn't vote on. I have no hope that you will ever see logic. TRUMP, the felon, said the border bill could not be voted on. That's on your guy. Stop pretending to give a shit.