What I would DO has nothing to do with it. Cmac is a member of the team. Do you not remember the blowback from the Zach McCabe mess? Please instruct us what possible good will come from Cmac poking shit at the fans who purchase tickets, buy gear and support the team. This is an absolute NO win for him and his Dad, and you'd think Fran would be smart enough to get a handle on this, but evidently not, and I'm not an anti Fran guy. I have no idea why you'd try to correlate posters on here poking at each other as anything at all similar to a current player getting into it with fans on social media. Frankly thats just stupid, and not well thought out, because players can't win picking fights with fans. What can he possibly accomplish?
As for Keegan, and "Kris", and how they act compared to Clark, that makes no sense. The Murrays are who they are, and need to be such. Clark is who she is, and always has been and she needs to play and act in a way that allows her to be most comfortable. There's no right or wrong way. Now I might prefer Keegans low key approach, but that deosn't make Clark wrong. Look at Joe W. who was very reserved, and rarely ever even smiled after a big play. then compare him to Luka. He'd flex, scream, make crazy faces, stomp around, whatever. I love them both. They were just being what they needed to be to be their best version of themselves. As long as they don't put down opponents or try to harm them, (like davison), then I dont see the issue.