I present the most fitting teacher-student sex scandal name


HR Legend
Nov 13, 2007
A high school science teacher told a student with whom she was having an affair to "lie like you have NEVER lied before" while police were investigating, authorities claim.
Jessica Fuchs, 26, a teacher at Bainbridge High School in in Bainbridge Island, Wash., was arrested for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old student and trying to cover up the relationship, reports TV station KIRO.
The two allegedly filmed a sexually explicit video titled "For My Baby" which featured the teacher masturbating, according to the Bainbridge Island Review. The two also discussed having sex and other inappropriate contact, the newspaper reported, citing court documents.
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There are rules.
Sorry I was scouring the intertubes trying to find a better pic....still no luck. How are you 26 and have no social media presence?
Not only do you walk in on your wife cheating on you but she's doing it with a kid. Outstanding, I'm sure he won't be bitter about that for the next 20 years or so.
No, seriously how does the internet only have one pic (that crappy side one) of a 26 year old?
she is in danger of losing her career and maybe going to jail, while the kid is getting high fives from everyone in the community.

except for the hubbie im guessing.
she is in danger of losing her career and maybe going to jail, while the kid is getting high fives from everyone in the community.

except for the hubbie im guessing.

That would make for an interesting documentary. Interviews with the husbands the teachers in so many of these cases humiliate.
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Do these female teachers who do this crap not realize that 99.9% of single straight men will let you perform oral on them anytime? There is really no reason to go after a 16 year old, lady. Go to the local pub and ask complete strangers until you get a 'yes'. It should take you less than a minute to find a willing participant.