Ignore List

zero poster on ignore

this is 40 man GIF
This is the way.
As far as ignore list… I have seen too much in life to be seriously offended by people on the internet typing unless they go all in on offensive natured typing. Stating opinions will rarely affect me.
It’s how I’ve remained mostly a lurker here over the years.
I might occasionally type back some stuff but even then it’s just a difference of opinion.
No need for crazy shit talking or personal attacks/accusations.
I’m in the camp of people that thinks this only helps Trump win. I don’t like Trump as a person but I don’t like many people hahaha. That doesn’t mean I want them offed.
I also am in the camp that voted for Biden last go around. First President I ever voted for because I didn’t want Trump back.
I don’t think Biden will live through a 2nd term (natural causes) so I am reluctant to vote for him although I do trust Biden’s staff more than Trump’s when he was President.
Overall I think Trump will win so I guess that’s just the nature of human society and politics.
I just hope Trump calms down (wishful thinking, I know, I know, and I know, both sides) with the divisive rhetoric to get votes.
I guess we just need to face the fact that unless the country doesn’t feel the same way as I do about Biden’s longevity and effectiveness as President in his 2nd term, we are going to have to deal with Trump.
Why the higher ups in the Democratic Party didn’t have a plan for someone to replace Biden I have no idea…
I think the dems really thought Newsome was the up and coming guy, but when he got embarrassed by Ron DeSantis during their debate they had to scrap that plan. It went so poorly for him, that his wife said he was done when they were going to keep going.
I think the dems really thought Newsome was the up and coming guy, but when he got embarrassed by Ron DeSantis during their debate they had to scrap that plan. It went so poorly for him, that his wife said he was done when they were going to keep going.
And then there was the whole literally rolling put a red carpet for China thing.....

And the billions for homeless that can't be found.....

It’s honestly so disgusting that I really question why I’m on here arguing with these wack jobs. Eye opening.

And folks that I have had huge issues with like Riley are actually the adults in the room calling out the wack jobs
You got a little taste what it’s like to argue with MAGA. Your side and leader has been promoting hate and violence for years now. Now, when one of your Republicans tries to shoot your king, you expect sympathy from the left. You’re delusional.
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You got a little taste what it’s like to argue with MAGA. Your side and leader has been promoting hate and violence for years now. Now, when one of your Republicans tries to shoot your king, you expect sympathy from your left. You’re delusional.
What? I'm trying hard to make sense of this, but I'm failing.
I noticed little bitch boy @Hawk_82 is shying away from answering this.
Shying away? Really? I have never shyed away from anyone on here. It was a stupid question because art knew I was right and he didn't have a better response.

I dont have any allegiance to anyone. I didn't listen to rush or hannity. I don't follow fox news.

If you have an actual question you want my opinion on, I am happy to give it.
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That's going to be a pretty big number of people on ignore.

I learn things from the wackos. They can be really creative sometimes. They make me understand that people are wired differently. There are two types of crazy people - those who know they are crazy, and those who are delusional. The latter is the majority here.
You’re commiserating with a guy who thinks Obama is evil.
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You’re commiserating with a guy who thinks Obama is evil.
Obama has been behind the scenes for the entire biden administration. You act like Obama is a saint, but he is far from it. He has been a major contributor to all the lies and propaganda the dems have been pushing.

I may be using some hyperbole by calling him evil, but that's only because the verdict is still out.
Obama has been behind the scenes for the entire biden administration. You act like Obama is a saint, but he is far from it. He has been a major contributor to all the lies and propaganda the dems have been pushing.

I may be using some hyperbole by calling him evil, but that's only because the verdict is still out.
Does your sphincter hurt from talking out of your ass so often. Where do you get all these conspiracy theories?
How can you be so naive to what is happening?
What is happening? The majority of the country doesn’t want a sexual predator con man who tried overturning the election? Obama must be behind it. Ffs get a grip.
What is happening? The majority of the country doesn’t want a sexual predator con man who tried overturning the election? Obama must be behind it. Ffs get a grip.
The same majority doesn't want an 81 year old dementia patient in possession of the nuclear codes either. They both have about the same approval rating.
What is happening? The majority of the country doesn’t want a sexual predator con man who tried overturning the election? Obama must be behind it. Ffs get a grip.
I am more concerned about the consequences of bidens Ukraine war and the way he is handling, or not handling China, Russia, and the middle east. Trump is not a dangerous sexual predator. But ww3 is a real concern under biden/Obama leadership
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I am more concerned about the consequences of bidens Ukraine war and the way he is handling, or not handling China, Russia, and the middle east. Trump is not a dangerous sexual predator. But ww3 is a real concern under biden/Obama leadership
That is because you are in a cult and you support pedo's and felons. You love crime and Putin.
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That is because you are in a cult and you support pedo's and felons. You love crime and Putin.
This sentiment is so last Friday. We have moved beyond this pettiness. Carry on if you like but you're outing yourself at this point as an unreasonable characture of old think. The adults are taking over the room, why don't you join us?
This sentiment is so last Friday. We have moved beyond this pettiness. Carry on if you like but you're outing yourself at this point as an unreasonable characture of old think. The adults are taking over the room, why don't you join us?
Lol. You’re such an adult. So adult-like when you’re praying to your sky fairy. That’s so adult.