Illini Fans Are Stirring The Pot

The Krush is a registered charitable organization. They always use a name of some other organization because athletic departments have rejected their orders in the past when using the Krush name. They didn’t get a discount that they wouldn’t have be eligible for. Yes they should have let the organization they were fronting as know. Still not a great look for Barta. Is he worried about 200 kids making any difference amongst the thousands of Hawks fans?
So, your position is that deception is a good thing. Got it. You won't mind then the next time your spouse or girlfriend goes out on a date and tells you she was with her sister.
The Orange Krush fraudulently purchased 200 tickets, they got caught, and are now out more than $6,000 because it's too late to cancel its charter buses & other travel arrangements?

the Krush look pretty bad IF the Iowa version of events is true.

BUT as people say about Obama and Biden….”Never underestimate Gary Barta’s ability to screw things up”

This seems right up the Barta screw-up alley…
the Krush look pretty bad IF the Iowa version of events is true.

BUT as people say about Obama and Biden….”Never underestimate Gary Barta’s ability to screw things up”

This seems right up the Barta screw-up alley…

Just watch. Iowa/Barta will get sued for not only the $6,000 but for hundreds of thousands for the emotional distress it has caused to the 200 people impacted.
The Orange Krush released a statement trying to claim that Iowa just cancelled 200 tickets they bought for Saturday. The Krush is alleging they are now out several thousand dollars due to non-refundable travel plans. They are also trying to take the moral high ground by insinuating Iowa is taking money from charity:

Orange Krush report Iowa won't allow Illinois students into Illini basketball game at Iowa

But as always, theres more to the story.....

Karma. It's a B!#$h. And no one is shedding tears for these kids. I guarantee the majority had mom and dad purchase their student tix for them and probably these as well.
I don’t know if it was the game years ago people are talking about but I was at a game that hundreds of Illinois fans were at and they came in wearing Iowa stuff and right after tip they took it all off to expose their Illinois stuff. Brilliant and a great troll but have hated them for it since.

So screw them. They have a history of being full of shit and coming in under false pretense.
That was during the last season of Lickliter. Went to one or 2 games and attendance was awful with behind the baskets almost completely empty most games, minus that one. I always said that is when Iowa B-ball hit rock bottom when all their students came in and chanting this is our house. But I agree F them.

This story makes me smile.

Glad Iowa did it.

Glad they are riled up.

They thought they were such foolers the last time they did it. All stood up together and took off their coats to reveal their orange juice shirts.

Can't wait to see grumpy coach sitting by himself at halftime.

I love rivalries!
If the Krush was acting legitimately here surely their student executive board and representatives would step forward so we could see their faces and read their names.

Yeah, I didn’t think so. That’s not a great bullet point on the old resume when you’re approaching graduation and interviewing for jobs. Bunch of limp wristed pencil necked dipshits.
The Krush is a registered charitable organization. They always use a name of some other organization because athletic departments have rejected their orders in the past when using the Krush name. They didn’t get a discount that they wouldn’t have be eligible for. Yes they should have let the organization they were fronting as know. Still not a great look for Barta. Is he worried about 200 kids making any difference amongst the thousands of Hawks fans?
Honestly this a great look for Barta in my eyes. F the Orange Krush for lying about these tickets going to a boys and girls club. Glad they are out their bus deposit too.
Latest email correspondence from the athletic department to the Orange Krush.

"We were saddened to hear that you have a charter and hotel rooms that are non-refundable for Saturday. We would still love to host you in our beautiful city. Carver is now sold out Saturday, but as a gesture of our empathy, here are 200 tickets to the 7th grade basketball tournament being held at Iowa City Southeast Junior High School this weekend. We hope you have a fantastic time!"
I’m shocked to find out that there’s gambling going on. It’s a line from Casablanca as a reference to the fact that kids do this all the time with impunity. The points I’m making: A. Iowa would sell at the bulk rate no matter who it was. B. They are deathly afraid that 200 20 year olds will somehow impact the game or embarrass them because they can’t sell out otherwise. C. Even though tickets were sent out to Crush. They knew they were going to rescind the tix, they waited until the last minute to financially damage kids/501c and ensure they could not fill the order otherwise. D. College sports is indeed a cesspool; but this is where you make your moral stand; what a ****ing joke!
Didn't one year, the Orange Krush disguised themselves as Iowa fans, and at the start of the game they removed their Hawkeye paraphernalia to reveal who they actually were. I got to admit that was pretty funny, on the other hand, they may do devious shenanigan's to get tickets to Illinois away games, but there is no doubt, that as an Iowa fan, I'd love for the Iowa student body to be that passionate about the Iowa basketball program.
To go to the games an see the south end of Carver half empty of students instead of it being full has to be a let down to the Iowa players even if they won't admit it.
I see nothing wrong with students from other University's buying tickets to watch their team play at Carver whether in large groups or as singles. What the athletic department did was not right in my opinion.
I’m shocked to find out that there’s gambling going on. It’s a line from Casablanca as a reference to the fact that kids do this all the time with impunity. The points I’m making: A. Iowa would sell at the bulk rate no matter who it was. B. They are deathly afraid that 200 20 year olds will somehow impact the game or embarrass them because they can’t sell out otherwise. C. Even though tickets were sent out to Crush. They knew they were going to rescind the tix, they waited until the last minute to financially damage kids/501c and ensure they could not fill the order otherwise. D. College sports is indeed a cesspool; but this is where you make your moral stand; what a ****ing joke!
Good to know where you stand with fraud - typical.
Interesting to see the morals of some in this thread defending these kids. They lied and used a real charity's name without that charity's knowing.

Anyone defending these actions shows me they are someone I never want to have any dealings with. It's sad the morals of some of you!!!
Didn't one year, the Orange Krush disguised themselves as Iowa fans, and at the start of the game they removed their Hawkeye paraphernalia to reveal who they actually were. I got to admit that was pretty funny, on the other hand, they may do devious shenanigan's to get tickets to Illinois away games, but there is no doubt, that as an Iowa fan, I'd love for the Iowa student body to be that passionate about the Iowa basketball program.
To go to the games an see the south end of Carver half empty of students instead of it being full has to be a let down to the Iowa players even if they won't admit it.
I see nothing wrong with students from other University's buying tickets to watch their team play at Carver whether in large groups or as singles. What the athletic department did was not right in my opinion.
Did you even read how they went about doing it? If they as a group simply bought a block of tickets - so be it. They used the name of another to disguise what they were doing. I'm sure it was to revise their stunt of a number of years ago. Which in fact was quite funny. But in this case it was fraud.
I’m shocked to find out that there’s gambling going on. It’s a line from Casablanca as a reference to the fact that kids do this all the time with impunity. The points I’m making: A. Iowa would sell at the bulk rate no matter who it was. B. They are deathly afraid that 200 20 year olds will somehow impact the game or embarrass them because they can’t sell out otherwise. C. Even though tickets were sent out to Crush. They knew they were going to rescind the tix, they waited until the last minute to financially damage kids/501c and ensure they could not fill the order otherwise. D. College sports is indeed a cesspool; but this is where you make your moral stand; what a ****ing joke!
I'm sure it's very financially damaging to majority of kids whose parents are paying for it. They say it's costing them $6000 lost for 150 student. That comes out to $40. Also for the fundraiser to go on the trip brought in 2649.41. So they avg $17.66 raised to go on it. These liars are not the victims you make them out to be.
I’m shocked to find out that there’s gambling going on. It’s a line from Casablanca as a reference to the fact that kids do this all the time with impunity. The points I’m making: A. Iowa would sell at the bulk rate no matter who it was. B. They are deathly afraid that 200 20 year olds will somehow impact the game or embarrass them because they can’t sell out otherwise. C. Even though tickets were sent out to Crush. They knew they were going to rescind the tix, they waited until the last minute to financially damage kids/501c and ensure they could not fill the order otherwise. D. College sports is indeed a cesspool; but this is where you make your moral stand; what a ****ing joke!
You surely are an Illinois alum, your moral flexibility is certainly consistent with your alma mater's history, so keep on twisting facts to excuse their really poor behavior. Also take your condescending, arrogant tone to your own board and Ill-Whine-I about it.

Perhaps teach your children not to defraud others under the guise of a charitable organization and then cry foul when it's discovered, like a bunch of little bitches. The Orange Krush doesn't appear to even be actively registered within the State of Illinois as a legitimate non-profit organization. That may interest the IRS if they catch wind of it. IMO they essentially committed interstate wire fraud, perhaps the student leaders of this organization would like to step forward, identify themselves and apologize for their essentially criminal actions. Maybe they'll be granted some leniency if it lands them in court.
Incorrect,.. The Krush deserved no discount on these tickets, and should have purchased them at the normal price,.. Too cheap, too dis-honest, too orange....
How do you know they deserved no discount? Are they not a 501c3 charitable organization as they claim?
I’m shocked to find out that there’s gambling going on. It’s a line from Casablanca as a reference to the fact that kids do this all the time with impunity. The points I’m making: A. Iowa would sell at the bulk rate no matter who it was. B. They are deathly afraid that 200 20 year olds will somehow impact the game or embarrass them because they can’t sell out otherwise. C. Even though tickets were sent out to Crush. They knew they were going to rescind the tix, they waited until the last minute to financially damage kids/501c and ensure they could not fill the order otherwise. D. College sports is indeed a cesspool; but this is where you make your moral stand; what a ****ing joke!

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No shit. If I understand the situation correctly the money that Illini fans paid for the tickets goes to the charitable organizations.
I'll happily make a nice donation to whatever charity was hoodwinked by the liars from U Illinois (on behalf of the University of Iowa). I bet we Hawks can easily cover and surpass the amount that was allegedly being donated.
No shit. If I understand the situation correctly the money that Illini fans paid for the tickets goes to the charitable organizations.
One half of all money raised from the pledge program, minus the cost of tickets for each member and any costs incurred in a roadtrip to another Big Ten school, is then donated to various charities in the Champaign-Urbana area. Straight from their wiki. So no none of the money for this trip goes to charity.