1) Yes, they did. Once they figured out it was the Orange Krush they literally cancelled the order ... what about that makes you think they would have sold them to them if they said who they were to begin with?
2) Good LORD, dude - fraud?! I think it was in bad taste for the Orange Krush to pick a charity that was SO close to an actual charity that is big in Eastern Iowa - that was either incredibly stupid or, more likely, a really short-sighted move by a dumb college kid. However, get off the high horse, good God. They got absolutely no discount because of that, they did it simply to get the tickets. If they were smarter, they would have picked like "Foosballers International," but to act like they pretend to be a charity (which they wouldn't have to do because they ARE a registered 501(c)3...) to get a discounted "non-profit rate" (which does NOT EXIST at Iowa ... they got the standard group rate!) is just dumb.
The Iowa AD looked kind of petty and certainly like a bunch of pansies cancelling an order JUST because they figured out it was going to be Illini fans, and the Orange Krush now looks in bad taste and dumb picking a "fake" charity that has a name so close to a real (and very important) one in Eastern Iowa. The Orange Krush ALWAYS has to pick a fake name to get that many tickets together when they have a road trip (e.g., being a junior high group from Detroit when they invaded Michigan ... big fvckin' deal, lol).
In the end, neither the Iowa Athletic Director deciding to cancel the tickets nor the Orange Krush using a fake organization to buy tickets (which they do every time) is ANYWHERE near as big of a deal as the homers on both sides have made it up to this point. Thankfully, for most people that will be the end of it and the focus will be on how big the game is for both teams c