Illini Fans Are Stirring The Pot

Latest email correspondence from the athletic department to the Orange Krush.

"We were saddened to hear that you have a charter and hotel rooms that are non-refundable for Saturday. We would still love to host you in our beautiful city. Carver is now sold out Saturday, but as a gesture of our empathy, here are 200 tickets to the 7th grade basketball tournament being held at Iowa City Southeast Junior High School this weekend. We hope you have a fantastic time!"
I honestly think it's pretty darn creative how they invade opposing arenas. The bit at Carver when they wore Iowa gear then took it off is genious. Heck, even if they disguised themselves as some other no name organization, all the more creative. Using the boys and girls club as a cover without evening telling them is waaayyy over the line, though. So I hope the group goes bankrupt and never exists again.
Good to know where you stand with fraud - typical.
A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury. Damages are a necessary element to proving fraud: how was Iowa measurably damaged?
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Latest email correspondence from the athletic department to the Orange Krush.

"We were saddened to hear that you have a charter and hotel rooms that are non-refundable for Saturday. We would still love to host you in our beautiful city. Carver is now sold out Saturday, but as a gesture of our empathy, here are 200 tickets to the 7th grade basketball tournament being held at Iowa City Southeast Junior High School this weekend. We hope you have a fantastic time!"
Well done sir. I'm still chuckling over this...
A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury. Damages are a necessary element to proving fraud: how was Iowa measurably damaged?
Reduced ticket price. The delta from the full price is pretty obvious direct damage.
Well at least Illinois has passionate student basketball fans and supporters. If they would have been successful they probably would have outnumbered the Iowa student section.
A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury. Damages are a necessary element to proving fraud: how was Iowa measurably damaged?

honest price of the tickets


amount the orange crush fraudulently paid for the tickets


amount that Iowa was measurably damaged
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A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury. Damages are a necessary element to proving fraud: how was Iowa measurably damaged?
OK - good to know where you stand with lying and misrepresentation - typical.
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OK - good to know where you stand with lying and misrepresentation - typical.
It's where I stand as someone who is steeped in the law. Bulk ticket prices and the fact that Krush would have qualified as a 501c negates the issue of damages. It's a college prank and you folks are acting like you're morally outraged. Were any of you ever young? Has any other school reneged on an agreement to sell 200 tickets to a student group within days of the event? Herbie the Hawkeye must sit on a "very high horse."
It's where I stand as someone who is steeped in the law. Bulk ticket prices and the fact that Krush would have qualified as a 501c negates the issue of damages. It's a college prank and you folks are acting like you're morally outraged. Were any of you ever young? Has any other school reneged on an agreement to sell 200 tickets to a student group within days of the event? Herbie the Hawkeye must sit on a "very high horse."
lol, we got a guy "steeped in the law" here, everyone look out!
Go Hawks.
It's where I stand as someone who is steeped in the law. Bulk ticket prices and the fact that Krush would have qualified as a 501c negates the issue of damages. It's a college prank and you folks are acting like you're morally outraged. Were any of you ever young? Has any other school reneged on an agreement to sell 200 tickets to a student group within days of the event? Herbie the Hawkeye must sit on a "very high horse."
A college prank that was based on a lie. As you should know, you can be a 501(c)(3) and not be a "charitable" organization. So let's stop the legalize and start to hold a group accountable for misrepresentation and another's right to recognize that it was and dealt with it. There is absolutely no reason the University of Iowa should lift a finger to help a group associated with the University of Illinois. Maybe you should take this one on - pro bono? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - don't do it.
It's where I stand as someone who is steeped in the law. Bulk ticket prices and the fact that Krush would have qualified as a 501c negates the issue of damages. It's a college prank and you folks are acting like you're morally outraged. Were any of you ever young? Has any other school reneged on an agreement to sell 200 tickets to a student group within days of the event? Herbie the Hawkeye must sit on a "very high horse."
Except I can't find anything online about them actually being a 501 other than their own site claiming charitable organization. I do charity work but I'm not legally a 501. Big difference.
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It's where I stand as someone who is steeped in the law. Bulk ticket prices and the fact that Krush would have qualified as a 501c negates the issue of damages. It's a college prank and you folks are acting like you're morally outraged. Were any of you ever young? Has any other school reneged on an agreement to sell 200 tickets to a student group within days of the event? Herbie the Hawkeye must sit on a "very high horse."
"Steeped in the law"
"Herbie the Hawkeye"

Yeah that was enough for me.
I’m shocked to find out that there’s gambling going on. It’s a line from Casablanca as a reference to the fact that kids do this all the time with impunity. The points I’m making: A. Iowa would sell at the bulk rate no matter who it was. B. They are deathly afraid that 200 20 year olds will somehow impact the game or embarrass them because they can’t sell out otherwise. C. Even though tickets were sent out to Crush. They knew they were going to rescind the tix, they waited until the last minute to financially damage kids/501c and ensure they could not fill the order otherwise. D. College sports is indeed a cesspool; but this is where you make your moral stand; what a ****ing joke!
I'm good with that.
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No. And it appears some of your buddies committed fraud.
1) Yes, they did. Once they figured out it was the Orange Krush they literally cancelled the order ... what about that makes you think they would have sold them to them if they said who they were to begin with?

2) Good LORD, dude - fraud?! I think it was in bad taste for the Orange Krush to pick a charity that was SO close to an actual charity that is big in Eastern Iowa - that was either incredibly stupid or, more likely, a really short-sighted move by a dumb college kid. However, get off the high horse, good God. They got absolutely no discount because of that, they did it simply to get the tickets. If they were smarter, they would have picked like "Foosballers International," but to act like they pretend to be a charity (which they wouldn't have to do because they ARE a registered 501(c)3...) to get a discounted "non-profit rate" (which does NOT EXIST at Iowa ... they got the standard group rate!) is just dumb.

The Iowa AD looked kind of petty and certainly like a bunch of pansies cancelling an order JUST because they figured out it was going to be Illini fans, and the Orange Krush now looks in bad taste and dumb picking a "fake" charity that has a name so close to a real (and very important) one in Eastern Iowa. The Orange Krush ALWAYS has to pick a fake name to get that many tickets together when they have a road trip (e.g., being a junior high group from Detroit when they invaded Michigan ... big fvckin' deal, lol).

In the end, neither the Iowa Athletic Director deciding to cancel the tickets nor the Orange Krush using a fake organization to buy tickets (which they do every time) is ANYWHERE near as big of a deal as the homers on both sides have made it up to this point. Thankfully, for most people that will be the end of it and the focus will be on how big the game is for both teams come Saturday.
I can’t believe some of you are sticking up for these idiots. Is this worthy of a tar and feathering?, no, and claiming fraud and going after them morally is over the top……but when you engage in shenanigans there is risk involved. Sometimes you get away with it, sometimes you get caught.

They got caught. Frickin deal with it and quit your crying. Half of these punk asses might actually be learning that actions have consequences for the first time in their lives. Maybe it will help them down the road.

And that little statement they made was a joke. All I could picture when I was reading it was my 3 year old lying on the ground pounding her fists because we can’t watch more Paw Patrol right before dinner. And losing 20% of their annual budget because of this? So if they get to go to the game does the bus company give them their money back? How about donate that money to all these “various charities” in the first place and chip in $40 of your parents money for the ride to Iowa City.

Maybe someone running that crybaby organization should get off their ass and use those busses to take the kids from the Boys and Girls club they falsely used on a field trip this weekend.
Correct. They do not have to sell tickets to groups they don't want to.
Agreed ... but it's perfectly reasonable to call that lame that they wouldn't sell to visiting fans when your own fans hadn't bought them yet. I would call Illinois Football SUPER lame for refusing to sell tickets to Iowa fans when we hadn't sold out the game ourselves. It is like the cringy tactics NFL teams do to keep 49ers fans out and stuff.
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My bet is that Iowa called the Boys and Girls Club in order to somehow recognize the group during the game, point them out to the broadcasters, etc. Trying to do a good thing for a charitable group only to find out it was all a lie and that is how/why they cancelled the tickets, not because they saw a block of tickets with a Chambana address.
1) Yes, they did. Once they figured out it was the Orange Krush they literally cancelled the order ... what about that makes you think they would have sold them to them if they said who they were to begin with?

2) Good LORD, dude - fraud?! I think it was in bad taste for the Orange Krush to pick a charity that was SO close to an actual charity that is big in Eastern Iowa - that was either incredibly stupid or, more likely, a really short-sighted move by a dumb college kid. However, get off the high horse, good God. They got absolutely no discount because of that, they did it simply to get the tickets. If they were smarter, they would have picked like "Foosballers International," but to act like they pretend to be a charity (which they wouldn't have to do because they ARE a registered 501(c)3...) to get a discounted "non-profit rate" (which does NOT EXIST at Iowa ... they got the standard group rate!) is just dumb.

The Iowa AD looked kind of petty and certainly like a bunch of pansies cancelling an order JUST because they figured out it was going to be Illini fans, and the Orange Krush now looks in bad taste and dumb picking a "fake" charity that has a name so close to a real (and very important) one in Eastern Iowa. The Orange Krush ALWAYS has to pick a fake name to get that many tickets together when they have a road trip (e.g., being a junior high group from Detroit when they invaded Michigan ... big fvckin' deal, lol).

In the end, neither the Iowa Athletic Director deciding to cancel the tickets nor the Orange Krush using a fake organization to buy tickets (which they do every time) is ANYWHERE near as big of a deal as the homers on both sides have made it up to this point. Thankfully, for most people that will be the end of it and the focus will be on how big the game is for both teams come Saturday.
That's a lot of words to say this would have been a non-issue if the Krush wouldn't have written their ridiculous letter and publicized this whole dumbass decision by them.
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CHAMPAIGN — Nineteen times, the Orange Krush has snuck into an opposing arena wearing the colors of the opposing team, only to pull off their outer layer to reveal their true identities just before tipoff.

This year, the Illinois basketball student section planned its biggest trip yet, ordering 200 tickets to Saturday’s game at Iowa, four times the amount they usually bring.

The trip won’t be happening.
The Krush took this approach for two reasons,.. First, to get cheap tickets and second, to try to get their group into Carver under the radar,... Phuck em.
This makes no sense, though. The Orange Krush is a non-profit itself and even if it weren't, they could get the ONLY AVAILABLE DISCOUNTED RATE at Iowa, which is a discounted general group rate. They wouldn't need to lie at all to get cheaper tickets. I will agree they lied to get in to begin with, as Iowa has clearly proven they wouldn't sell them tickets under their real name.

That's a lot of words to say this would have been a non-issue if the Krush wouldn't have written their ridiculous letter and publicized this whole dumbass decision by them.
You will not get any disagreement from me ... a group of college kids took on a professional PR team knowing they made a really dumb decision in picking the fake organization? Pretty damn stupid.
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This makes no sense, though. The Orange Krush is a non-profit itself and even if it weren't, they could get the ONLY AVAILABLE DISCOUNTED RATE at Iowa, which is a discounted general group rate. They wouldn't need to lie at all to get cheaper tickets. I will agree they lied to get in to begin with, as Iowa has clearly proven they wouldn't sell them tickets under their real name.

You will not get any disagreement from me ... a group of college kids took on a professional PR team knowing they made a really dumb decision in picking the fake organization? Pretty damn stupid.
What you're also failing to realize is the university is likely limiting the amount of group orders they do for a game like this--it's only the second Saturday home conference game Iowa's had since 2020 that fans could attend. They likely only agreed to sell 200 tickets together since it was for a kid's charity.
I got 4 tickets to this game the morning that tickets became available and they were already starting to become low on tickets. Iowa isn't dumb--they knew this game was going to sell out regardless so they were likely selective about what type of groups they were allowing to purchase the group ticket rates.
Got nothing to do with it. They bought the tickets. Let them go to the game. Weak sauce.
They got the tickets at a reduced price because of the charity… Why should we let them go ahead… On the back of your ticket it has stipulations they can cancel your ticket at any time
It's where I stand as someone who is steeped in the law. Bulk ticket prices and the fact that Krush would have qualified as a 501c negates the issue of damages. It's a college prank and you folks are acting like you're morally outraged. Were any of you ever young? Has any other school reneged on an agreement to sell 200 tickets to a student group within days of the event? Herbie the Hawkeye must sit on a "very high horse."
I mean if your take is that it is a harmless prank that is fine, but if you are a good prankster don't sit there and whine about how you've been wronged after you get busted like the Krush is doing.
This makes no sense, though. The Orange Krush is a non-profit itself and even if it weren't, they could get the ONLY AVAILABLE DISCOUNTED RATE at Iowa, which is a discounted general group rate. They wouldn't need to lie at all to get cheaper tickets. I will agree they lied to get in to begin with, as Iowa has clearly proven they wouldn't sell them tickets under their real name.

You will not get any disagreement from me ... a group of college kids took on a professional PR team knowing they made a really dumb decision in picking the fake organization? Pretty damn stupid.

You obviously aren't familiar with our athletic department PR team. For your students to "lose" to them shows that the students had likely rented a number of short busses for the trip.
Didn't one year, the Orange Krush disguised themselves as Iowa fans, and at the start of the game they removed their Hawkeye paraphernalia to reveal who they actually were. I got to admit that was pretty funny, on the other hand, they may do devious shenanigan's to get tickets to Illinois away games, but there is no doubt, that as an Iowa fan, I'd love for the Iowa student body to be that passionate about the Iowa basketball program.
To go to the games an see the south end of Carver half empty of students instead of it being full has to be a let down to the Iowa players even if they won't admit it.
I see nothing wrong with students from other University's buying tickets to watch their team play at Carver whether in large groups or as singles. What the athletic department did was not right in my opinion.
If they had not falsely indicated that the tickets were for the Boys and Girls Club to obtain a discount, I might agree with you. When your team has been built on dishonesty for decades, I guess Illannoy fans believe dishonesty is a good thing.
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They got the tickets at a reduced price because of the charity… Why should we let them go ahead… On the back of your ticket it has stipulations they can cancel your ticket at any titime
2 things.

1) Yes, they misled the ticket office as to their identity. You argue it was to garner discounts on tickets. I saw no mention of discounts from either party so far, but let's say they did get a discount that is offered to valid charitable organizations. They would probably argue that they are in fact a charitable organization that has donated millions to local charities over the years, and that the reason they did it was because they felt the Iowa ticket office would deny the request because of who they are, which they ended up doing.

2) So, purely for the sake of argument, because neither one of us knows any more than what what was provided, let's say that they are a legit charitable organization as they claim and the only way to get the block of tickets from the athletic department was to misrepresent their identity. Was it completely honest? No. Was it out and out fraud resulting in financial harm to anyone like some on here are claiming and expressing faux outrage over? No. Much to do about nothing IMO and someone probably felt duped at the ticket office by an opposing fan group so they lashed out by canceling the tickets.
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2 things.

1) Yes, they misled the ticket office as to their identity. You argue it was to garner discounts on tickets. I saw no mention of discounts from either party so far, but let's say they did get a discount that is offered to valid charitable organizations. They would probably argue that they are in fact a charitable organization that has donated millions to local charities over the years, and that the reason they did it was because they felt the Iowa ticket office would deny the request because of who they are, which they ended up doing.

2) So, purely for the sake of argument, because neither one of us knows any more than what what was provided, let's say that they are a legit charitable organization as they claim and the only way to get the block of tickets from the athletic department was to misrepresent their identity. Was it completely honest? No. Was it out and out fraud resulting in financial harm to anyone like some on here are claiming and expressing faux outrage over? No. Much to do about nothing IMO and someone probably felt duped at the ticket office by an opposing fan group so they lashed out by canceling the tickets.
One thing. IDGAF. If Krush had just taken their lumps from this mistake and kept it quiet, no one would be the wiser. Instead they doubled down on their own stupidity in an attempt to make Iowa out as the villain and now they're getting dunked on by the entire CBB community, and rightly so.
Was anyone at the Lickliter/orange crush game? How was their behavior?
They've always been a**holes when they travel in bulk to Carver.

It's just varied over the years as they were down for a solid decade.

There were plenty of threads on here back in the 2000s about Illinois fan behavior at Carver and them "invading" our arena.

I am personally fine with how this has played out. ;)