Illini Fans Are Stirring The Pot

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I remember Reggie Evans getting elbowed in the neck at a home game vs Illinois. He didn't even react which is crazy because it was a massive cheap shot. I've hated Illinois basketball for over 40 years and don't see that changing. I really enjoyed the krush doing some serious backpeddling in their pr statement. They obviously were talked to by someone in the university. Glad Iowa canceled those tickets and the little scumbags are on the hotseat. The whole taking the coats or shirts off is lame to me. I just don't get it but whatever. And the tickets are only discounted for select groups. Says so on the websight. And i lived in Phoenix so I know what a crappy city is. Just 1 of many. I've actually enjoyed Chicago but think tickets to the aquarium is ridiculously high.
^ Sorry you got spit on ... but I am very glad that this is a mutually recognized rivalry that is getting some media attention again. I grew up hearing how Illinois/Iowa used to be an intense rivalry, but when I was first getting into college hoops (early and mid-2000s), Iowa was down and Illinois was dominant. Then, Illinois took a huge step back under Groce while Fran got Iowa good, so Iowa dominated the series. It was only in the 2019-20 season that things spiced up, and I love it. I'd imagine it's both schools' biggest hoops rivalry right now, and that is fun. Yeah, you guys have Iowa State and we have Missouri as huge non-conference rivalries, but I think this one feels more heated up than either right now. I hope if we can continue to improve in football, that can develop into a real rivalry, as well.

FWIW, I know there is a lot of hate between the fan bases, but I think Fran and Underwood really respect each other. I know Underwood said if he could have any player in the conference on his team, it would be Connor McCaffrey because of his toughness.
Fighter, I was a little harsh on that. To be fair, I know quite a few Illini fans that are good people and you seem like one as well. To be clear, I respect the Illini programs. Your student section is one to be envious of with how they support the BB team. I wish our student would be able to match that. I also agree that this rivalry is getting more intense. I do wish Conner had not come out and said anything. The last thing we need is your boys having any bulletin board material.

Thanks for the response and lets hope for clean, good game.
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The Krush is a registered charitable organization. They always use a name of some other organization because athletic departments have rejected their orders in the past when using the Krush name. They didn’t get a discount that they wouldn’t have be eligible for. Yes they should have let the organization they were fronting as know. Still not a great look for Barta. Is he worried about 200 kids making any difference amongst the thousands of Hawks fans?
Nice try jackass……Orange Crush are a national joke while Barta looks great for donating the fraud’s tickets to a real B&G club 😂😂
You're a weird dude.
What’s weird is u still pretending you’re not the nut job dad of the Joens girls. I actually like Ashley’s game, but she needs to stop acting like she’s getting hammered every….single……time she drives to the hoop. It’s painful to watch.
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Nice try jackass……Orange Crush are a national joke while Barta looks great for donating the fraud’s tickets to a real B&G club 😂😂
Yep, Iowa comes away as the good guys in this situation with the whining Illini as the villains.
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What’s weird is u still pretending you’re not the nut job dad of the Joens girls. I actually like Ashley’s game, but she needs to stop acting like she’s getting hammered every….single……time she drives to the hoop. It’s painful to watch.
No idea who you're talking about. Who spells Jones that way anyway? 🤔
Fighter, I was a little harsh on that. To be fair, I know quite a few Illini fans that are good people and you seem like one as well. To be clear, I respect the Illini programs. Your stundent section is one to be jelouse of with how they support the BB team. I wish our student would be able to match that. I also agree that this rivalry is getting more intense. I do wish Conner had not come out and said anything. The last thing we need is your boys having any bulletin board material.

Thanks for the response and lets hope for clean, good game.
I actually thought his post was super reasonable … at the end of the day, the Krush (dumb college kids, we all were once) made a very stupid decision in picking their fake organization name and they called Iowa out and got schooled. At the same time, the Pearl clutching is so lame; it hurt absolutely nobody. The story is simply college kids tried to sneak into rival’s arena, got caught and now can’t go. Period. People on either side are reaching, and I completely agree with Fran’s take.

@Franisdaman Hugeeeeee surprise that two Hoosier sources jumped on this to shit on Illinois!!!!
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Yeah, they should have payed full price for the tickets instead of lying about who was purchasing them, I get that. If they came out and said the tickets were for the Orange Krush to begin with I'm sure Iowa would've had no problem selling them to them...but as an Iowa fan, I'm still jealous of the fact they support their basketball team at a higher level then Iowa students....
Eh, don't be too jealous. It seems these energetic basketball fanbases are a byproduct of their football teams being historically shit. Illinois, ISU, Purdue...
I actually thought his post was super reasonable … at the end of the day, the Krush (dumb college kids, we all were once) made a very stupid decision in picking their fake organization name and they called Iowa out and got schooled. At the same time, the Pearl clutching is so lame; it hurt absolutely nobody. The story is simply college kids tried to sneak into rival’s arena, got caught and now can’t go. Period. People on either side are reaching, and I completely agree with Fran’s take.

@Franisdaman Hugeeeeee surprise that two Hoosier sources jumped on this to shit on Illinois!!!!
You're missing the deceiving to get a discount.
Trying to blame Iowa.
Acting the victim.
Good ending for Hawk fans and the B&G club, you won this round. Not sure why Krush didn't claim to be the Human Fund instead of a B&G club, but it wasn't to get a special discount. Illini haters are jumping on that like it was some kind of fraud. Just poor judgment by the Krush.
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Also funny... there's a 19 page, and growing, thread on CF with Clone fans criticizing the Iowa AD about this and barely a peep after the Illinois group admitted lying to get the tix discount.
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Just watch. Iowa/Barta will get sued for not only the $6,000 but for hundreds of thousands for the emotional distress it has caused to the 200 people impacted.
because barta has a knack for losing slam dunk win lawsuits the taxpayers will have to fork it over too, then gary will get rewarded for it with a raise
My son was at the game today and he texted and said when they brought the kids out, it may have been the loudest he has heard CHA.

Thanks Krush!

It was a good moment but not even close to the loudest at Carver.
Good ending for Hawk fans and the B&G club, you won this round. Not sure why Krush didn't claim to be the Human Fund instead of a B&G club, but it wasn't to get a special discount. Illini haters are jumping on that like it was some kind of fraud. Just poor judgment by the Krush.
They're jumping on because its hilarious and embarrassing. Fraud or not.
That's funny you think its so bad here in Iowa. While some small town schools are struggling due to population loss, many others have newer HS's with amazing gyms & even concert halls. Some of the DM city schools aren't great, but the suburb schools are like freaken colleges. Urbandale's weight room, Johnston's gyms, & both Waukee schools (esp NW) are amazing. I actually see good use of my tax money with many newer & recently updated elementary/middle schools in the western burbs.

Imagine living in Chicago or NY where your taxes are even worse......yet the schools are so bad that most people pay a ridiculous amount to send their kids to private schools. I lived a block from a HS in Lakeview & few kids from the neighborhood went there......they were all bused in from out west & spent their breaks smoking dope in the alleys.
I haven't read any other replies but if you think the measure of a great school system is its athletic facilities then idk what else to say. The building and improvement funds were needed to update some areas but that needs to be shifted to actually pay teachers instead of expanding sports.
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Well, no wonder we pulled out an outstanding win today. Had those 200 scary, intimidating Owange Cwush butts been allowed in Carver, the outcome of the game would most certainly have been different. NOT! :D
Why? Because your athletic department wants to keep opposing fans out…..otherwise what difference did it make to them?
I know you probably won't comment because your team got beat by the Hawks.......but there were a LOT of Illinois fans at the game. I was surrounded by them.

Sort of shoots down your claim that the Iowa athletic department wants to keep opposing fans out.

The only fans the athletic department wants to keep out are the lying frauds who try to pass themselves off as a Boys/Girls club.