^ Sorry you got spit on ... but I am very glad that this is a mutually recognized rivalry that is getting some media attention again. I grew up hearing how Illinois/Iowa used to be an intense rivalry, but when I was first getting into college hoops (early and mid-2000s), Iowa was down and Illinois was dominant. Then, Illinois took a huge step back under Groce while Fran got Iowa good, so Iowa dominated the series. It was only in the 2019-20 season that things spiced up, and I love it. I'd imagine it's both schools' biggest hoops rivalry right now, and that is fun. Yeah, you guys have Iowa State and we have Missouri as huge non-conference rivalries, but I think this one feels more heated up than either right now. I hope if we can continue to improve in football, that can develop into a real rivalry, as well.
FWIW, I know there is a lot of hate between the fan bases, but I think Fran and Underwood really respect each other. I know Underwood said if he could have any player in the conference on his team, it would be Connor McCaffrey because of his toughness.