In 4 years you won't have to vote again....

It's like he's trying to get Harris elected.

He knows that a lot of people either want that or are completely deluded that it couldn't happen here.

@NorthernHawkeye and @Scruddy want it like that.

@Whiskeydeltadeltatango is deluded into believing it can't happen here. Either that or a Trump dictatorship makes him uncomfortable but he is more scared of Kamala helping the poor improve their lives.
I love how he's willing Christians out to vote. The one guy who couldn't be further from Christ. Christians will still vote for him because they're delusional turds, but I found the POS pushing them to actually vote for him was funny.

As a Christian you have no idea how many times my wife and I have wondered if he's the anti Christ with the way he has deluded a large number of Christians into following him to the mark said people wear on their forehead.
As a Christian you have no idea how many times my wife and I have wondered if he's the anti Christ with the way he has deluded a large number of Christians into following him to the mark said people wear on their forehead.


Hoosier, we don't see eye to eye on most things. But I really appreciate you separating your faith from MAGA. Most "Christians" won't and just vote straight ticket. Those that don't see Trump for what he is, aren't really Christians except in name only.
Hoosier, we don't see eye to eye on most things. But I really appreciate you separating your faith from MAGA. Most "Christians" won't and just vote straight ticket. Those that don't see Trump for what he is, aren't really Christians except in name only.

This honestly feels like in the wilderness when Satan said to Jesus "Bow to me and I will give you power" except instead of saying "Be gone Satan" the Christians in this country have said "How much?"

I could back a Christian leader who believes in loving all people and a Moderately socially conservative agenda. I can't back someone who promises to destroy my perceived "enemies" if I would only agree to ignore his immorality.
Remember when Cons bitched about Obama and a teleprompter? Trump can't communicate without one. I'd love to test the "I'm a sexual assault convict?" Just to see if he read it
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As a Christian you have no idea how many times my wife and I have wondered if he's the anti Christ with the way he has deluded a large number of Christians into following him to the mark said people wear on their forehead.

I can understand why some Christians voted for him. He appointed tons of pro-life and pro-religious freedom judges.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade because of his appointees.

The Democratic party treats abortion as a sacrament. They're also all-in on the LGBT stuff. The Obama administration sued nuns to get them to provide birth control to their employees.

I won't vote for Trump ever but I can understand why some socially conservative people would. They view him as a bulwark against the liberals.
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I love how he's willing Christians out to vote. The one guy who couldn't be further from Christ. Christians will still vote for him because they're delusional turds, but I found the POS pushing them to actually vote for him was funny.

There's a ton of Christians that won't vote for him for exactly those reasons. Nothing he says or does is related to teachings in the Bible. Certainly a big divide in US Christianity. Ones doing what is being taught and being quiet. Others who don't care, push things out of context and are loud. Sucks to always get wrapped up as a big group.

@BrianNole777 summed up why some would well but it has nothing to do with Trump and more to do with keeping what they believe is morally right.
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Waiting on the both sides guys and gal, along with other MAGAs to tell us we’re crazy and should just ignore all of this. He is everything we libs have been saying since 2016. Wake up Trump supporters!!!! Same to you all who think Democrats are equally bad. Fun fact…they’re not.
No, you are 100% correct.

If this doesn’t wake up the Trump Dick Suckers crew, nothing will.

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