In 4 years you won't have to vote again....

We have 4 years of experience with Trump at the helm, if he was going to declare dictatorial powers, he would have done so during a crisis like covid... instead he left the decisions up to the states. It was Joey who tried to force everyone to be experimented on
Or why not just install himself as Dictator on Jan 5th?
Pretty insane in same deranged rant he openly brags about all we have to do is elect him and game over, he and MAGA will be a permanent dictatorship and then openly thanks the horrid Supreme Court members that will have his back and will help this happen. They are no longer even hiding it because this type of an event appeals to their cult like base.
They're probably the ones writing his speeches/talking points.
If you don't realize there's a direct connection between the Heritage Foundation saying the 2nd American Revolution they're planning will only be bloodless if the Democrats allow it to be, and Trump admitting that the plan includes canceling future elections, you are a dam fool.
They will always ignore this question for obvious reasons. Their fear porn is necessary to justify their existence in the hivemind.
Trump knows what he can and can not do as President...he also knows how to make waves and trigger people. He thinks he's trolling the flakes on the left but all he's really accomplishing is making his supporters look bad.

On the other hand, the otherside will look you right in the eye, lie straight to your face and then say trust me, I'm an expert.
It's weird that he hasn't gotten more threats than he has.

Couple ideas...

1. We're a bunch of pussies that live online and talk a tough game but do nothing. Politics is just entertainment and not conviction. If this was 1955 he'd have been taken out by now.

2. An overwhelming majority of the people that would take him out are politically aligned with him.
That may very well be true.

I fully expected someone would attempt an assassination, but never thought the first time would be by a fellow Republican.
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That may very well be true.

I fully expected someone would attempt an assassination, but never thought the first time would be by a fellow Republican.
You know they found the dudes social media and it's all pro biden, right? Just like his political donations were 100% left. You're coping bc a violent leftist was violent (again)
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Trump knows what he can and can not do as President...he also knows how to make waves and trigger people. He thinks he's trolling the flakes on the left but all he's really accomplishing is making his supporters look bad.

On the other hand, the otherside will look you right in the eye, lie straight to your face and then say trust me, I'm an expert.
I disagree with the first. In fact I would suggest Trump is the least knowledgeable President in terms of how government works. He isn't sophisticated in how to legislate and is entirely dependent on his team to design or achieve anything. Trump is not as capable as an Orban for example who understands what levers he can pull to consolidate power. So he isn't a threat in himself but he could become a threat depending on who he works with. For me Trump became completely unelectable in his refusal to honor the results of the election. I am surprised that more people didn't find this behavior disqualifying. The defense that he doesn't really mean the things he said, or that checks and balances will prevent him from achieving his worst desires seems like a weak argument.
100% of $16, three years ago!!!!

Registered Republican.

Be better

Bro was determined to vote for Nikki in The primaries over trump. Leftists and their love of pure democracy and all that. His social media was entirely pro biden. 100% of his donations were for democrats. He shot the republican nominee. He was a violent leftist. Be better, troll.
We have checks and balances for a reason. Trump can spout all the crazy BS he wants but he doesn't have royal decree powers.
You literally are paying no attention at all. He and Project 2025 don’t care about checks and balances. He has the SC in his pocket. You’re the type we’re talking about. You care more about a woman’s laugh than a group who wants to end what our military fought and died for. I 99% believe you’re hoping for what Trump is saying he will do. 1% you’re just a troll. Either way it’s disgusting.
Does he even need to say it? Dude broke so many rules of the fictional word of the Bible. As long as trans can't swim with biological women, we'll turn the other way

The man doesn't seem like a devout Christian, but I've never heard him explicitly say that he is not one, especially not in front of a group of Christians. I was surprised by the admission, not that he does not identify as Christian.
We have 4 years of experience with Trump at the helm, if he was going to declare dictatorial powers, he would have done so during a crisis like covid... instead he left the decisions up to the states. It was Joey who tried to force everyone to be experimented on
This has also been explained to you multiple times. This term will not be like the first. They learned. He isn’t going to have any decent people around him trying to slow down his crazy. It’s amazing how you just dismiss all the people who quit his first administration telling us how batshit he is. You dismiss everything…because cult.
The man doesn't seem like a devout Christian, but I've never heard him explicitly say that he is not one, especially not in front of a group of Christians. I was surprised by the admission, not that he does not identify as Christian.
While I agree with you on his actions, am I the only one who doesn't hear Trump say that? There is no "a" after the supposed "not". He just mumbled "I'm Christian".
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Why does it matter? I really don't care
Really? How does it not matter? You can’t laugh emoji your way out of it and scoff when it’s clear this guy and his movement want a theocracy run by a dictator and supported by a minority of citizens with same ideals who never give up that power again but stripping away democracy. And key to all of it is the Supreme Court who just gave him immunity to do anything and who he is bragging about being basically his bitches as he campaigns.
Reminds me of one of those Handymen who put's "Christian Owned" under the magnetic sign on his if being a Christian makes you better able to turn a wrench. I think I despise Trump for hijacking and using my faith to manipulate people more than anything else.
I agree, but the “Christians” he is manipulating were fully ready for this. In particular the evangelicals were already there- Trump just stepped into the leadership role they were lacking.
While I agree with you on his actions, am I the only one who doesn't hear Trump say that? There is no "a" after the supposed "not". He just mumbled "I'm Christian".
Yeah, I hate Trump as much as anyone here, but I think he said "I'm Christian." The rest of his words are enough to disqualify him from the Presidency.
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