Increased (like way more than you're thinking) spending on education would be my first step.
Decriminalizing marijuana the second. (I'd go past this but I know that's not possible in today's political climate)
A step toward rehabilitation and away from retribution punishment for our criminal justice system the next.
Hopefully those things happen, and then with time, perceptions wear off and people stop assuming the worst about someone because of where they come from or their skin color.
I tutor some 3rd graders from the west side here. They're close enough to the city to not be in the really really sketchy parts, but certainly the majority of our class is black or hispanic, and poor. It's amazing how much these kids care, and how they're not any different than the kids I went to elementary school with. As they get older, the schools fail them, the gangs entice them, and a good number will make choices that you or I wouldn't make. It's sad and I don't know how to fix it, it's going to take a lot of people who are a lot smarter than I am, working together to have any shot at actually "fixing" this.
I also hope that with the rise of the internet, perhaps people's beliefs on things can be challenged. I used to think so differently before the internet and before I left Iowa. And when I lived in Iowa, I lived in the most diverse city (Waterloo) for most of my time, and then the most liberal city (Iowa City) for the rest of the time, and I still didn't understand the extent of how sheltered I was. I can't imagine how much worse it would be if you were from Sigourney, Manchester, Hampton, or Audubon and had never spent any significant time away.