Iowa 1st district Dems- What say you?

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Reactions: Tom Paris
I'm wait and see. The decision cannot come from hyperventilating celebrities and drama driven MSNBC hosts. I think that Pelosi's nudge yesterday was impactful. Polls do not match the hysteria, but we'll see in a week or two. Donations will matter, too. It's not optimal, but may party is having a discussion versus bending the knee to a narcissistic sociopath who raped E. Jean Carroll and has been convicted of 34 felonies while riding his company down the drain after criminal and civil convictions for fraud.
Bohannon would be a much better representative than MMM, by the way. She had the balls to send me an email a few weeks ago proclaiming she backs the blue, and a whack job one about the Chi Coms starting Covid on purpose.
Christina has banged a geriatric man. She knows what she speaketh of.