Iowa 7-0 vs Wisconsin in sports (updated)

I lived in Omaha surrounded by Nebraska fans for 2 years.

I got used to it, and in the end didn't have a problem with the vast majority of the hard core fans.

Wore their emotions on their sleeve. It was a bad time cause Callahan (sp?), years. Best quote I ever heard, describing the frustration after a loss, "what else can you do but drink".

Some years later, I spent one hour in a waiting room in Madison, with a bunch of Wisconsin fans.

Just one hour. Compared to the 2 years with Nebraska fans.

I hate hate hate hate ****ing hate Wisconsin. At that moment it became clear.

Everything I heard is true. Wisconsin sucks and the mentality of the people in that room, that day. Wow. Their football team had 2 losses, hadn't really beat anyone, and they were absolutely certain they were entitled to be in the college football playoff. Just nauseating.

Sorry lol, just a really round about way of saying **** Wisconsin.
It’s called bulletin board material

I always got a kick out of this goes in the same file as "freezing the kicker". While sometimes teams will put extra focus into certain big games, the idea that anytime an opponent talks about you it gets you extra fired up is a bit silly.

"Well, I wasn't really going to put in the effort for this game. I was planning on mailing it in until I saw that they don't think we're good. Now, I'm really gonna give it my all."

I think this kind of thing is a bit overblown.
I always got a kick out of this goes in the same file as "freezing the kicker". While sometimes teams will put extra focus into certain big games, the idea that anytime an opponent talks about you it gets you extra fired up is a bit silly.

"Well, I wasn't really going to put in the effort for this game. I was planning on mailing it in until I saw that they don't think we're good. Now, I'm really gonna give it my all."

I think this kind of thing is a bit overblown.
If I disrespect you here, you don’t think will come back at me harder than if I disagree with you ?
If I disrespect you here, you don’t think will come back at me harder than if I disagree with you ?

LOL, not sure I follow but I'm sure you're kidding around.

The whole "disrespected me" thing could be thrown in with the above's become such a tired cliche' that more often than not is used in place of "I want more attention and praise"...rather than any real action of "disrespect" (like somebody openly saying "YOU SUCK").

It's also interesting how so many of those claiming "disrespect" often act in ways which don't engender or draw the respect of others.
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Man I wish. The athletic department has no interest in bringing it back unfortunately. A lot of good talent has come out of this state in recent years

You guys used to have a pretty good program too,.. title nine I suspect?